Othello’s Sympathies: Emotion, Agency And Identification
Book Chapter
Meek, R. (2022). Othello’s Sympathies: Emotion, Agency And Identification. In Shakespeare survey 75 (194-207). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009245845.014
All Outputs (7)
‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion (2019)
Book Chapter
Meek, R. (2019). ‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion. In P. Megna, B. Phillips, & R. White (Eds.), Hamlet and emotions (81-108). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03795-6_5This chapter explores the ways in which Hamlet is part of a larger textual network of mimetic models, and how the play recalls other texts that are concerned with representing emotion. It examines various works from the period that use pictorial meta... Read More about ‘For by the Image of My Cause, I See / The Portraiture of His’: Hamlet and the Imitation of Emotion.
Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’ (2018)
Book Chapter
Thomas, J. (2018). Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’. In D. Kennedy, & R. Meek (Eds.), Ekphrastic Encounters (165-180). Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.7765/9781526125804.00016This chapter applies the idea of a non-hierarchical, creative exchange of meaning to Hamo Thornycroft’s 1884 sculpture of The Mower, and its accompanying epigraph from Matthew Arnold’s 1866 elegy for the poet Arthur Hugh Clough: ‘Thyrsis’. The chapte... Read More about Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’.
(S)wept From Power: two versions of tyrannicide in Richard III (2015)
Book Chapter
Kaegi, A. (2015). (S)wept From Power: two versions of tyrannicide in Richard III. In R. Meek, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), The Renaissance of Emotion: understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries (200-220). Manchester University Press
'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy (2015)
Book Chapter
Meek, R. (2015). 'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy. In R. Meek, & E. Sullivan (Eds.), The Renaissance of emotion: Understanding affect in Shakespeare and his contemporaries (130-152). Manchester University Press. https://doi.org/10.7228/manchester/9780719090783.003.0007This chapter examines the various instances of sympathetic engagement and emotional correspondence in Shakespeare’s Richard II. It explores the various figured audiences and emotionally engaged onlookers that the play depicts, and the ways in which t... Read More about 'Rue e'en for ruth': Richard II and the imitation of sympathy.
‘O, what a sympathy of woe is this' : passionate sympathy in Titus Andronicus
Book Chapter
Meek, R. ‘O, what a sympathy of woe is this' : passionate sympathy in Titus Andronicus. In Shakespeare surveyVarious critics have considered Titus Andronicus in relation to questions of language, grief, and violence. In this paper I want to explore a more specific aspect of the play's interest in the passions: its preoccupation with the concept of sympathy.... Read More about ‘O, what a sympathy of woe is this' : passionate sympathy in Titus Andronicus.
"Lips that Shakespeare taught to speak": Wilde, Shakespeare, and the question of influence
Book Chapter
Meek, R. "Lips that Shakespeare taught to speak": Wilde, Shakespeare, and the question of influence. In Shakespeare and the Irish Writer. The University of Hull