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Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom (2010)
Journal Article
Holland, K., Roxburgh, M., Johnson, M., Topping, K., Watson, R., Lauder, W., & Porter, M. (2010). Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom. Journal of clinical nursing, 19(3-4), 461-469.

Aim. The aim of this paper is to report findings from a major study that evaluated the Fitness for Practice nursing and midwifery curriculum in Scotland, UK. Background. The competence of student nurses and midwives at the point of registration has b... Read More about Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom.

Using spaced retrieval and Montessori-based activities in improving eating ability for residents with dementia (2010)
Journal Article
Lin, L.-C., Huang, Y.-J., Su, S.-G., Watson, R., Tsai, B. W.-J., & Wu, S.-C. (2010). Using spaced retrieval and Montessori-based activities in improving eating ability for residents with dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 25(10), 953-959.

Objectives To construct a training protocol for spaced retrieval (SR) and to investigate the effectiveness of SR and Montessori-based activities in decreasing eating difficulty in older residents with dementia. Methods A single evaluator, blind, and... Read More about Using spaced retrieval and Montessori-based activities in improving eating ability for residents with dementia.

A revised activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living instrument increases interpretive power: theoretical application for functional tasks exercise (2009)
Journal Article
Fieo, R., Watson, R., Deary, I. J., & Starr, J. M. (2010). A revised activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living instrument increases interpretive power: theoretical application for functional tasks exercise. Gerontology, 56(5), 483-490.

Background: As the number of adults in older age groups expands, difficulty performing usual activities of daily life is a rising health concern. A common exercise regimen employed to attenuate functional decline and disability has been resistance st... Read More about A revised activities of daily living/instrumental activities of daily living instrument increases interpretive power: theoretical application for functional tasks exercise.

Design and validation of an instrument to measure nursing research culture: the Nursing Research Questionnaire (NRQ) (2009)
Journal Article
Corchon, S., Watson, R., Arantzamendi, M., & Saracíbar, M. (2010). Design and validation of an instrument to measure nursing research culture: the Nursing Research Questionnaire (NRQ). Journal of clinical nursing, 19(1-2), 217-226.

Aim. To describe the development of a self-administered questionnaire to study the nursing research culture in a Spanish hospital. Background. There is urgent need to promote nursing research in Spain. To do this, it is imperative to understand the S... Read More about Design and validation of an instrument to measure nursing research culture: the Nursing Research Questionnaire (NRQ).

Nurses' perception of the use of computerised information systems in practice: Questionnaire development (2009)
Journal Article
Oroviogoicoechea, C., Watson, R., Beortegui, E., & Remirez, S. (2010). Nurses' perception of the use of computerised information systems in practice: Questionnaire development. Journal of clinical nursing, 19(1-2), 240-248.

Aim. To develop and validate a questionnaire to explore the perceptions of nurses about the implementation of a computerised information system in clinical practice. Background. A growing interest in understanding nurses' experience of developing and... Read More about Nurses' perception of the use of computerised information systems in practice: Questionnaire development.

What is associated with low food intake in older people with dementia? (2009)
Journal Article
Lin, L.-C., Watson, R., & Wu, S.-C. (2010). What is associated with low food intake in older people with dementia?. Journal of clinical nursing, 19(1-2), 53-59.

Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors of institutionalised older people for developing low food intake. Background. Eating difficulties among patients with dementia have been identified in western society and typically progr... Read More about What is associated with low food intake in older people with dementia?.

Reliability and validity in a nutshell (2009)
Journal Article
Bannigan, K., & Watson, R. (2009). Reliability and validity in a nutshell. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(23), 3237-3243.

Aims. To explore and explain the different concepts of reliability and validity as they are related to measurement instruments in social science and health care. Background. There are different concepts contained in the terms reliability and validity... Read More about Reliability and validity in a nutshell.

From dysphonia to dysphoria: Mokken scaling shows a strong, reliable hierarchy of voice symptoms in the Voice Symptom Scale questionnaire (2009)
Journal Article
Deary, I. J., Wilson, J. A., Carding, P. N., MacKenzie, K., & Watson, R. (2010). From dysphonia to dysphoria: Mokken scaling shows a strong, reliable hierarchy of voice symptoms in the Voice Symptom Scale questionnaire. Journal of psychosomatic research, 68(1), 67-71.

Symptoms of hoarseness (dysphonia) are common and often associated with psychological distress. The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) is a 30-item self-completed questionnaire concerning voice and throat symptoms. Psychometric and clinical studies on the V... Read More about From dysphonia to dysphoria: Mokken scaling shows a strong, reliable hierarchy of voice symptoms in the Voice Symptom Scale questionnaire.

A quantitative analysis of the impact of a computerised information system on nurses' clinical practice using a realistic evaluation framework (2009)
Journal Article
Oroviogoicoechea, C., & Watson, R. (2009). A quantitative analysis of the impact of a computerised information system on nurses' clinical practice using a realistic evaluation framework. International journal of medical informatics, 78(12), 839-849.

Objective: To explore nurses' perceptions of the impact on clinical practice of the use of a computerised hospital information system. Design: A realistic evaluation design based on Pawson and Tilley's work has been used across all the phases of the... Read More about A quantitative analysis of the impact of a computerised information system on nurses' clinical practice using a realistic evaluation framework.

Evaluation of the psychometric properties and the clinical feasibility of a Chinese version of the Doloplus-2 scale among cognitively impaired older people with communication difficulty (2009)
Journal Article
Chen, Y.-H., Lin, L.-C., & Watson, R. (2010). Evaluation of the psychometric properties and the clinical feasibility of a Chinese version of the Doloplus-2 scale among cognitively impaired older people with communication difficulty. International journal of nursing studies, 47(1), 78-88.

Background: Several behaviourally observed tools have been developed to assess pain among cognitively impaired older people with communication difficulty. However, no adequate pain observation instrument is available for this group in Taiwan. Objecti... Read More about Evaluation of the psychometric properties and the clinical feasibility of a Chinese version of the Doloplus-2 scale among cognitively impaired older people with communication difficulty.

What is the relationship between nurses' attitude to evidence based practice and the selection of wound care procedures? (2009)
Journal Article
Dugdall, H., & Watson, R. (2009). What is the relationship between nurses' attitude to evidence based practice and the selection of wound care procedures?. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(10), 1442-1450.

Aim. To investigate qualified nurses' attitudes to evidence-based practice and whether this influenced their selection of wound care products. Background. The literature shows that previous studies on attitudes to evidence-based practice tended to be... Read More about What is the relationship between nurses' attitude to evidence based practice and the selection of wound care procedures?.

Book review: Flexible higher education (2009)
Journal Article
Watson, R. (2009). Book review: Flexible higher education. Review of higher education, 32(3), 437 - 439

To a significant extent, flexible learning is quite inflexible in the sense that mistakes incorporated into learning resources cannot easily be corrected; the teacher cannot simply tell students at the next lecture or tutorial or easily issue correct... Read More about Book review: Flexible higher education.

Cruel Britannia: a personal critique of nursing in the United Kingdom (2009)
Journal Article
Watson, R., & Shields, L. (2009). Cruel Britannia: a personal critique of nursing in the United Kingdom. Contemporary nurse, 32(1-2), 42-54.

The United Kingdom (UK) once led the world in nursing but because of the exigencies of the funding mechanisms of the National Health Service (NHS), it has fallen a long way behind other countries. We aim to raise awareness inside and outside the UK a... Read More about Cruel Britannia: a personal critique of nursing in the United Kingdom.

A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students (2008)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Gardiner, E., Hogston, R., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., Wrate, R., & Deary, I. (2009). A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(2), 270-278.

Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate how differences in life events and stress contribute to psychological distress in nurses and nursing students. Background. Stress is an issue for nursing students and qualified nurses leading to psycholog... Read More about A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students.

Single ability among activities of daily living as a predictor of agitation (2008)
Journal Article
Lin, L.-C., Wu, S.-C., Kao, C.-C., Tzeng, Y.-L., Watson, R., & Tang, S.-H. (2009). Single ability among activities of daily living as a predictor of agitation. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(1), 117-123.

Aims. The aims of this study were to investigate whether the interaction effect between restraint and functional ability, and single ability during activities of daily living can predict agitation among residents with dementia. Background. Agitated b... Read More about Single ability among activities of daily living as a predictor of agitation.

Where have all the nurses gone? (2008)
Journal Article
Shields, L., & Watson, R. (2008). Where have all the nurses gone?. The Australian journal of advanced nursing : a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation, 26(1), 95-101

Objective: The aim of this article is to highlight a crisis that has developed in UK nursing. Setting: The nursing workforce worldwide is diminishing and the UK nursing workforce is no exception. Subjects: Registered Nurses. Primary argument: While s... Read More about Where have all the nurses gone?.

A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: a questionnaire survey (2008)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Deary, I., Thompson, D., & Li, G. (2008). A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: a questionnaire survey. International journal of nursing studies, 45(10), 1534-1542.

Background: Stress in nursing students may be related to attrition from nursing programmes and lead to a shortage of nurses entering clinical careers. In addition, stress leads to psychological morbidity which may have profound adverse consequences f... Read More about A study of stress and burnout in nursing students in Hong Kong: a questionnaire survey.