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All Outputs (54)

Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events (2025)
Papachristofi, V. (2025). Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

The modern environment in which we live is replete with chemicals that have accumulated to levels that have been proposed to impact various aspects of physiology. The impact of a selection of these environmental contaminants on the physiology of earl... Read More about Investigating the impact of environmental contaminants on periconceptual environment and early reproductive events.

Determinants of thermal homeostasis in the preimplantation embryo: a role for the embryo’s central heating system? (2024)
Journal Article
Leese, H. J., & Sturmey, R. G. (2024). Determinants of thermal homeostasis in the preimplantation embryo: a role for the embryo’s central heating system?. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,

A number of factors may impinge on thermal homeostasis in the early embryo. The most obvious is the ambient temperature in which development occurs. Physiologically, the temperature in the lumen of the female tract is typically lower than the core bo... Read More about Determinants of thermal homeostasis in the preimplantation embryo: a role for the embryo’s central heating system?.

Do T2DM and Hyperglycaemia Affect the Expression Levels of the Regulating Enzymes of Cellular O-GlcNAcylation in Human Saphenous Vein Smooth Muscle Cells? (2024)
Journal Article
Bolanle, I. O., Durham, G., Hobkirk, J. P., Loubani, M., Sturmey, R. G., & Palmer, T. M. (2024). Do T2DM and Hyperglycaemia Affect the Expression Levels of the Regulating Enzymes of Cellular O-GlcNAcylation in Human Saphenous Vein Smooth Muscle Cells?. Diabetology, 5(2), 162-177.

Protein O-GlcNAcylation, a dynamic and reversible glucose-dependent post-translational modification of serine and threonine residues on target proteins, has been proposed to promote vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration events impli... Read More about Do T2DM and Hyperglycaemia Affect the Expression Levels of the Regulating Enzymes of Cellular O-GlcNAcylation in Human Saphenous Vein Smooth Muscle Cells?.

Identification of Novel Glucose-Dependent Alterations Responsible for Vascular Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) I (2023)
Bolanle, O. I. Identification of Novel Glucose-Dependent Alterations Responsible for Vascular Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) I. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Despite the plethora of drugs currently available for managing coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), yet CAD frequently progresses, necessitating a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure using... Read More about Identification of Novel Glucose-Dependent Alterations Responsible for Vascular Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) I.

In preprints: opportunities to unravel the earliest stages of human development using stem cell-based embryo models (2023)
Journal Article
Moris, N., & Sturmey, R. (2023). In preprints: opportunities to unravel the earliest stages of human development using stem cell-based embryo models. Development, 150(17), Article dev202295.

Several exciting advances have enabled the derivation of stem cell-based embryo-like models (SCBEMs). Such models allow us to interrogate previously intractable questions in developmental biology and ask hypothesis-driven fundamental questions such a... Read More about In preprints: opportunities to unravel the earliest stages of human development using stem cell-based embryo models.

The effect of platelet releasate on oocytes has a detrimental impact on early mammalian embryos (2023)
Martin, F. The effect of platelet releasate on oocytes has a detrimental impact on early mammalian embryos. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Background: Blood-derived products are a growing area of therapeutic treatments for a diverse range of conditions, including hair loss, scarring, muscle injury, wounds, arthritis, and symptoms related to the menopause. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is o... Read More about The effect of platelet releasate on oocytes has a detrimental impact on early mammalian embryos.

Practical considerations of dissolved oxygen levels for platelet function under hypoxia (2021)
Journal Article
Kusanto, B., Gordon, A., Naylor-Adamson, L., Atkinson, L., Coupland, C., Booth, Z., Ahmed, Y., Pires, I. M., Stasiuk, G. J., Sturmey, R., Calaminus, S. D., & Arman, M. (2021). Practical considerations of dissolved oxygen levels for platelet function under hypoxia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(24), Article 13223.

Investigating human platelet function in low-oxygen environments is important in multiple settings, including hypobaric hypoxia (e.g., high altitude), sea level hypoxia-related disease, and thrombus stability. These studies often involve drawing bloo... Read More about Practical considerations of dissolved oxygen levels for platelet function under hypoxia.

Amino acids and the early mammalian embryo: Origin, fate, function and life‐long legacy (2021)
Journal Article
Leese, H. J., McKeegan, P., & Sturmey, R. G. (2021). Amino acids and the early mammalian embryo: Origin, fate, function and life‐long legacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), Article 9874.

Amino acids are now recognised as having multiple cellular functions in addition to their traditional role as constituents of proteins. This is well-illustrated in the early mammalian embryo where amino acids are now known to be involved in intermedi... Read More about Amino acids and the early mammalian embryo: Origin, fate, function and life‐long legacy.

Intraovarian injection of platelet-rich plasma in assisted reproduction: too much too soon? (2021)
Journal Article
Atkinson, L., Martin, F., & Sturmey, R. G. (2021). Intraovarian injection of platelet-rich plasma in assisted reproduction: too much too soon?. Human Reproduction, 36(7), 1737-1750.

The prospect of ovarian rejuvenation offers the tantalising prospect of treating age-related declines in fertility or in pathological conditions such as premature ovarian failure. The concept of ovarian rejuvenation was invigorated by the indication... Read More about Intraovarian injection of platelet-rich plasma in assisted reproduction: too much too soon?.

Embryo Metabolism and What Does the Embryo Need? (2021)
Book Chapter
Vergaro, P., & Sturmey, R. G. (2021). Embryo Metabolism and What Does the Embryo Need?. In K. Lundin, & A. Ahlström (Eds.), Manual of Embryo Culture in Human Assisted Reproduction (30-41). Cambridge University Press.

The embryo is a dynamic structure that can be affected by the interaction with the surrounding environment. During its journey through the female reproductive tract from fertilization to implantation, the embryo undergoes numerous biochemical and phy... Read More about Embryo Metabolism and What Does the Embryo Need?.

Culture Media and Embryo Culture (2021)
Book Chapter
Sunde, A., & Sturmey, R. G. (2021). Culture Media and Embryo Culture. In K. Lundin, & A. Ahlström (Eds.), Manual of Embryo Culture in Human Assisted Reproduction (42-52). Cambridge University Press.

Before considering the basis of embryo culture medium, it is worthwhile reflecting on its function. A detailed overview of embryo metabolism is given in Chapter 4; however, in brief, the embryo must satisfy changing demands for energy by consumption... Read More about Culture Media and Embryo Culture.

Measurement of Glutathione as a Tool for Oxidative Stress Studies by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (2020)
Journal Article
Nuhu, F., Gordon, A., Sturmey, R., Seymour, A. M., & Bhandari, S. (2020). Measurement of Glutathione as a Tool for Oxidative Stress Studies by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Molecules, 25(18), Article 4196.

Background: Maintenance of the ratio of glutathione in the reduced (GSH) and oxidised (GSSG) state in cells is important in redox control, signal transduction and gene regulation, factors that are altered in many diseases. The accurate and reliable d... Read More about Measurement of Glutathione as a Tool for Oxidative Stress Studies by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.

Glucose concentration during equine in vitro maturation alters mitochondrial function (2020)
Journal Article
Lewis, N., Hinrichs, K., Leese, H. J., McGregor Argo, C., Brison, D. R., & Sturmey, R. G. (2020). Glucose concentration during equine in vitro maturation alters mitochondrial function. Reproduction, 160(2), 227-237.

The use of in vitro embryo production in the horse is increasing in clinical and research settings, however, protocols are yet to be optimised. Notably, the two most commonly used base media for in vitro maturation (IVM) supply glucose at markedly di... Read More about Glucose concentration during equine in vitro maturation alters mitochondrial function.

Metabolic profile of in vitro derived human embryos is not affected by the mode of fertilization (2020)
Journal Article
Sturmey, R. G., & Leary, C. (2020). Metabolic profile of in vitro derived human embryos is not affected by the mode of fertilization. Molecular Human Reproduction, 26(4), 277-287.

The pattern of metabolism by early embryos in vitro has been linked to a range of phenotypes, including viability. However, the extent to which metabolic function of embryos is modified by specific methods used during ART has yet to be fully describ... Read More about Metabolic profile of in vitro derived human embryos is not affected by the mode of fertilization.

Spatial and pregnancy-related changes in the protein, amino acid, and carbohydrate composition of bovine oviduct fluid (2020)
Journal Article
Rodríguez-Alonso, B., Maillo, V., Acuña, O. S., López-Úbeda, R., Torrecillas, A., Simintiras, C. A., Sturmey, R., Avilés, M., Lonergan, P., & Rizos, D. (2020). Spatial and pregnancy-related changes in the protein, amino acid, and carbohydrate composition of bovine oviduct fluid. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(5), Article 1681.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Knowledge of how the biochemical composition of the bovine oviduct is altered due to the oviduct anatomy or the presence of an embryo is lacking. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the... Read More about Spatial and pregnancy-related changes in the protein, amino acid, and carbohydrate composition of bovine oviduct fluid.

Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology (2020)
Journal Article
Apter, S., Ebner, T., Freour, T., Guns, Y., Kovacic, B., Le Clef, N., Marques, M., Meseguer, M., Montjean, D., Sfontouris, I., Sturmey, R., Coticchio, G., & ESHRE Working group on Time-lapse technology. (2020). Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology. Human Reproduction Open, 2020(2), Article hoaa008.

STUDY QUESTION: What recommendations can be provided on the approach to and use of time-lapse technology (TLT) in an IVF laboratory?
SUMMARY ANSWER: The present ESHRE document provides 11 recommendations on how to introduce TLT in the IVF laboratory... Read More about Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology.

Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos (2019)
Journal Article
Muller, B., Lewis, N., Adeniyi, T., Leese, H. J., Brison, D. R., & Sturmey, R. G. (2019). Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos. Scientific reports, 9(1), Article 16778.

Mitochondria provide the major source of ATP for mammalian oocyte maturation and early embryo development. Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) is an established measure of mitochondrial function. OCR by mammalian oocytes and embryos has generally been rest... Read More about Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos.

Investigating the impact of hyperglycaemia on early embryo environment and development (2019)
Roussi, K. Investigating the impact of hyperglycaemia on early embryo environment and development. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

The development of metabolic conditions has been associated with suboptimal nutrient provision to the embryo during pregnancy. Metabolic disorders have also been linked to subfertility; obese women produce fewer and smaller oocytes that are metabolic... Read More about Investigating the impact of hyperglycaemia on early embryo environment and development.

Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos (2019)
Preprint / Working Paper
Muller, B., Lewis, N., Adeniyi, T., Leese, H. J., Brison, D., & Sturmey, R. G. Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos

Background Mitochondria provide the major source of ATP for mammalian oocyte maturation and early embryo development. Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) is an established measure of mitochondrial function. OCR by mammalian oocytes and embryos has generall... Read More about Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos.