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All Outputs (2)

The effectiveness of current teachers' continuous professional development : perceptions by supervisors, senior teachers and teachers in Muscat, Oman (2020)
Al-Shammakhi, K. N. The effectiveness of current teachers' continuous professional development : perceptions by supervisors, senior teachers and teachers in Muscat, Oman. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Researchers in Oman have criticised the teachers’ professional development system, blaming the Ministry of education (MOE) for the mismatch between what has been provided as continuous professional development (CPD) training courses and what are teac... Read More about The effectiveness of current teachers' continuous professional development : perceptions by supervisors, senior teachers and teachers in Muscat, Oman.

To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions (2016)
Lowes, T. D. To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) holds a government remit to inspect all schools in England under the 2005 Education Act. Ofsted is required to inspect schools on a regular cycle, with the aim of providing information to parents as well... Read More about To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions.