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The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity (2024)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Igwe, C., Nazir, S., Prosser, J., Harwood, A., Lathan, R., Harwood, A. E., Carradice, D., Smith, G. E., Chetter, I. C., & Pymer, S. (online). The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity. Annals of vascular surgery,

Introduction: The combination of intermittent claudication (IC), cardiometabolic multimorbidity (CMM), and sarcopenia is associated with worse outcomes than IC alone. This study aimed to identify whether the completion of supervised exercise therapy... Read More about The association between completion of supervised exercise therapy and long-term outcomes in patients with intermittent claudication, concomitant sarcopenia and cardiometabolic multimorbidity.

The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study (2024)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G., Ingle, L., Harwood, A., & Chetter, I. (online). The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland,

Background: This study aims to explore the prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition tools for determining postoperative outcomes at 30 days and 1 year in patients with CLTI undergoing major surgery.
Methods: This was a single-centre retr... Read More about The prognostic value of simple frailty and malnutrition screening tools for determining surgical risk in patients with chronic limb threatening ischaemia undergoing major vascular surgery: A retrospective cross-sectional study.

Home-based high intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication: a systematic review protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Prosser, J., Staniland, T., Harwood, A., Ravindhran, B., McGregor, G., Huang, C., Twiddy, M., Nicholls, A., Ingle, L., Long, J., Chetter, I., & Pymer, S. (2024). Home-based high intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication: a systematic review protocol. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 3(3), 155-159.

Introduction: The aim of this systematic review is to consider the evidence base for home-based high intensity interval training (HIIT) in patients with intermittent claudication (IC). Prior knowledge of the evidence base suggests that there may be l... Read More about Home-based high intensity interval training in patients with intermittent claudication: a systematic review protocol.

High INtensity Interval Training in pATiEnts with Intermittent Claudication: A Qualitative Acceptability Study (2024)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Harwood, A., Ibeggazene, S., McGregor, G., Huang, C., Nicholls, A., Ingle, L., Long, J., Rooms, M., Chetter, I. C., & Twiddy, M. (2024). High INtensity Interval Training in pATiEnts with Intermittent Claudication: A Qualitative Acceptability Study. Annals of vascular surgery, 102, 17-24.

Background: A novel high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program has demonstrated feasibility for patients with intermittent claudication (IC). The aim of this study was to explore patient perspectives of the HIIT program to inform refinement and... Read More about High INtensity Interval Training in pATiEnts with Intermittent Claudication: A Qualitative Acceptability Study.