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IL-7 is superior to IL-2 for ex vivo expansion of tumourspecific CD4 + T cells (2009)
Journal Article
Caserta, S., Alessi, P., Basso, V., & Mondino, A. (2010). IL-7 is superior to IL-2 for ex vivo expansion of tumourspecific CD4 + T cells. European journal of immunology, 40(2), 470-479.

It is well established that tumours hinder both natural and vaccine-induced tumourspecific CD4 + T-cell responses. Adoptive T-cell therapy has the potential to circumvent functional tolerance and enhance anti-tumour protective responses. While proto... Read More about IL-7 is superior to IL-2 for ex vivo expansion of tumourspecific CD4 + T cells.

T-cell receptor proximal signaling via the Src-family kinases, Lck and Fyn, influences T-cell activation, differentiation, and tolerance (2009)
Journal Article
Salmond, R. J., Filby, A., Qureshi, I., Caserta, S., & Zamoyska, R. (2009). T-cell receptor proximal signaling via the Src-family kinases, Lck and Fyn, influences T-cell activation, differentiation, and tolerance. Immunological reviews, 228(1), 9-22.

T-cell development in the thymus and activation of mature T cells in secondary lymphoid organs requires the ability of cells to respond appropriately to environmental signals at multiple stages of their development. The process of thymocyte selection... Read More about T-cell receptor proximal signaling via the Src-family kinases, Lck and Fyn, influences T-cell activation, differentiation, and tolerance.