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All Outputs (4)

Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus (2008)
Journal Article
van der Meeren, G. I., Chandrapavan, A., & Breithaupt, T. (2008). Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus. Aquatic Biology, 2(2), 191-200.

The introduction of non-native populations can have dramatic effects on the native fauna as a result of interbreeding and aggressive interference between closely related species. This study investigates if female European lobsters Homarus gammarus wo... Read More about Sexual and aggressive interactions in a mixed species group of lobsters Homarus gammarus and H. americanus.

Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Berry, F. C., & Breithaupt, T. Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus

Many aquatic organisms use chemical signals to coordinate courtship. However, relatively few water-borne pheromones have been identified. A key obstacle hindering progress in the purification of crustacean pheromones has been the development of relia... Read More about Development of behavioural and physiological assays to assess discrimination of male and female odours in crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus.

Fighting behaviour and the role of urinary signals in dominance assessment of Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Breithaupt, T., Johnson, M., & Katoh, E. Fighting behaviour and the role of urinary signals in dominance assessment of Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus

Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus, live on the bottom of the continental shelf where they construct and defend burrows. Little is known about their agonistic behaviour and potential mechanisms of dominance. This paper investigates fighting behavio... Read More about Fighting behaviour and the role of urinary signals in dominance assessment of Norway lobsters, Nephrops norvegicus.

Finding females: pheromone-guided reproductive tracking behavior by male Nereis succinea in the marine environment (2008)
Journal Article
Ram, J. L., Fei, X., Danaher, S. M., Lu, S., Breithaupt, T., & Hardege, J. D. (2008). Finding females: pheromone-guided reproductive tracking behavior by male Nereis succinea in the marine environment. The journal of experimental biology, 211(5), 757-765.

Pheromones trigger reproductive responses of many marine organisms, but little is known about how pheromones mediate mate-finding behavior in the marine environment. This paper investigates whether the tetrapeptide nereithione (cysteine-glutathione d... Read More about Finding females: pheromone-guided reproductive tracking behavior by male Nereis succinea in the marine environment.