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Setting "survivorship" in context : the role of everyday resources in adjusting to life after cancer treatment with curative intent (2018)
Bravington, A. Setting "survivorship" in context : the role of everyday resources in adjusting to life after cancer treatment with curative intent. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Background: The number of people living beyond cancer in the UK is rapidly increasing, and their supportive care needs are a pressing issue. Patients treated with curative intent move on to a self management pathway, which uses checklists to measure... Read More about Setting "survivorship" in context : the role of everyday resources in adjusting to life after cancer treatment with curative intent.

A palliative care approach for people with advanced heart failure : recognition of need, transitions in care and impact on patients, family carers and clinicians (2013)
Gadoud, A. C. A palliative care approach for people with advanced heart failure : recognition of need, transitions in care and impact on patients, family carers and clinicians. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Background: Despite international and national consensus guidelines, patients with advanced heart failure (HF) have significant unmet palliative care needs. UK policy recommends identification of those requiring palliative care based on prognosis (la... Read More about A palliative care approach for people with advanced heart failure : recognition of need, transitions in care and impact on patients, family carers and clinicians.