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All Outputs (4)

Repurposing lignin rich biorefinery waste streams into the next generation of sustainable solid fuels (2024)
Journal Article
Taylor, M. J., Hornsby, K., Cheah, K. W., Hurst, P., Walker, S., & Skoulou, V. (2024). Repurposing lignin rich biorefinery waste streams into the next generation of sustainable solid fuels. Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, 7, Article 100123.

Value added lignin rich waste sludges from biorefinery processes are, as yet untapped valuable feedstocks that can be reformed into clean, high quality solid fuels. By water washing sludges produced from base hydrolyzed waste, a material stripped of... Read More about Repurposing lignin rich biorefinery waste streams into the next generation of sustainable solid fuels.

Synthesis of graphene-encapsulated Fe3C/Fe catalyst supported on Sporopollenin exine capsules, and its use for the reverse water gas shift reaction (2023)
Journal Article
Malik, W., Tafoya, J. . P. V., Doszczeczko, S., Jorge Sobrido, A. B., Skoulou, V., Boa, A. N., Zhang, Q., Ramirez Reina, T., & Volpe, R. (in press). Synthesis of graphene-encapsulated Fe3C/Fe catalyst supported on Sporopollenin exine capsules, and its use for the reverse water gas shift reaction. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering,

Bioderived materials have emerged as sustainable catalyst supports for several heterogeneous reactions owing to their naturally occurring hierarchal pore size distribution, high surface area, and thermal and chemical stability. We utilize sporopollen... Read More about Synthesis of graphene-encapsulated Fe3C/Fe catalyst supported on Sporopollenin exine capsules, and its use for the reverse water gas shift reaction.

Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics (2021)
Journal Article
Cheah, K. W., Yusup, S., Loy, A. C. M., How, B. S., Skoulou, V., & Taylor, M. J. (2021). Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics. Molecular Catalysis, Article 111469.

With the inevitable human innate aspirations for better urban mobility and sustainable economic development, bio-based transportation fuels are projected to play an essential role in the foreseeable automotive transportation sector. Agricultural-base... Read More about Recent advances in the catalytic deoxygenation of plant oils and prototypical fatty acid models compounds: Catalysis, process, and kinetics.

Kinetic modelling of hydrogen transfer deoxygenation of a prototypical fatty acid over a bimetallic Pd60Cu40 catalyst: an investigation of the surface reaction mechanism and rate limiting step (2020)
Journal Article
Cheah, K. W., Yusup, S., Taylor, M. J., How, B. S., Osatiashtiani, A., Nowakowski, D. J., Bridgwater, A. V., Skoulou, V., Kyriakou, G., & Uemura, Y. (2020). Kinetic modelling of hydrogen transfer deoxygenation of a prototypical fatty acid over a bimetallic Pd60Cu40 catalyst: an investigation of the surface reaction mechanism and rate limiting step. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering, 5(9), 1682-1693.

Herein, for the first time, we demonstrate a novel continuous flow process involving the application of tetralin as a hydrogen
donor solvent for the catalytic conversion of oleic acid to diesel-like hydrocarbons, using an efficient and stable carbon... Read More about Kinetic modelling of hydrogen transfer deoxygenation of a prototypical fatty acid over a bimetallic Pd60Cu40 catalyst: an investigation of the surface reaction mechanism and rate limiting step.