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All Outputs (5)

Racial and Religious Hate Crime: The UK From 1945 to Brexit (2019)
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Racial and Religious Hate Crime: The UK From 1945 to Brexit. Palgrave Macmillan.

Offers an in-depth discussion of racial and religious hate crime in the UK and also beyond.
Focusses on 1945 until present with some additional attention to the 1930s when anti-Semitism was especially prominent in the UK.
Devotes particular attenti... Read More about Racial and Religious Hate Crime: The UK From 1945 to Brexit.

Policing hate crime: Past, present and future challenges (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Policing hate crime: Past, present and future challenges. Policing Insight,

Professor Peter Joyce and Dr Wendy Laverick explore how hate crime has evolved since the Second World War, the impact of the more recent rise of far right extremism and the challenges facing policing in the current political climate.

The menopause and the female police workforce (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., Joyce, P., Calvey, D., & Cain, L. (2019). The menopause and the female police workforce. British journal of community justice : BJCJ, 15(2), 59-81

© 2019 Manchester Metropolitan University. Drawing upon previously unpublished findings from a wider study that addressed the impact of austerity and force change programmes upon the older female police workforce, this paper presents secondary analys... Read More about The menopause and the female police workforce.

Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed? (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed?. Policing Insight,

Ten years ago, London was the scene of the G20 Summit protests. This week climate change activists caused major disruption in the city. Protests are part and parcel of a liberal democracy, but how do we ensure they are ethically policed? Professor Pe... Read More about Good conduct: How can protests be ethically policed?.

Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism (2019)
Journal Article
Laverick, W., & Joyce, P. (2019). Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism. Policing Insight,

It is twenty years since Sir William Macpherson's report into the MPS' investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence described the force as institutionally racist. Visiting Professor in Criminology Peter Joyce and Senior Lecturer in Criminology D... Read More about Macpherson report: How the police service responded to the charge of institutional racism.