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All Outputs (48)

Developing a theoretical framework of consumer logistics from a comprehensive literature review
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, D., & Philipp, B. Developing a theoretical framework of consumer logistics from a comprehensive literature review

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: Logistics as a business discipline entered academic consciousness in the mid-1960s when work by marketing academics discuss... Read More about Developing a theoretical framework of consumer logistics from a comprehensive literature review.

Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, D., Shaw, S., Chaisurayakarn, S., & Shenin, N. Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: Supply chain performance measures and reporting tools must evolve as new societal challenges are met, and the natural envir... Read More about Using environmental reporting tools in the supply chain : perspectives from UK, Finland and Thailand.

Reducing the impact of demand fluctuations through supply chain collaboration in the Finnish retail grocery sector
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, D., & Rantanen, J. Reducing the impact of demand fluctuations through supply chain collaboration in the Finnish retail grocery sector

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to explore how a collaborative approach to supply chain management can be used to enhance suppl... Read More about Reducing the impact of demand fluctuations through supply chain collaboration in the Finnish retail grocery sector.

The effect of green logistics service quality on Thai logistics service provider performance
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grant, D., & Chaisurayakarn, S. The effect of green logistics service quality on Thai logistics service provider performance

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: The emergence of environmental or green issues in global supply chains has made it an essential practice to measure the per... Read More about The effect of green logistics service quality on Thai logistics service provider performance.

Sustainable and resilient supply chain management : scale development
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Colicchia, C., Grant, D., & Joradon, W. Sustainable and resilient supply chain management : scale development

Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: This paper reports on the status of an ongoing empirical study to enhance our understanding of factors contributing to bett... Read More about Sustainable and resilient supply chain management : scale development.

Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhattarai, K. Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal

Nepal made significant progress in removing monarchy and terrors of Maoists in the last decade. It however lacks a stable solution of speedier economic growth and development as the major political parties were not able to promulgate a constitution b... Read More about Constitution, institutions and models for economic growth in Nepal.

Economic growth and public debt
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bhattarai, K. Economic growth and public debt

Abstract There is a controversy in the literature about the economic contribution of public deficit. Keynesian economists generally argue that by spending more on goods and services and infrastructure possible budget deficit is helpful to create more... Read More about Economic growth and public debt.