In-store logistics processes in Austrian retail companies
Book Chapter
Grant, D. (2011). In-store logistics processes in Austrian retail companies. In European Retail Research (63 - 84). Gabler Verlag
All Outputs (5)
Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia (2011)
Book Chapter
Bhattarai, K. (2011). Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia. In R. Jha (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics (258-276). Routledge. trade promotes growth and how growth helps to reduce poverty has achieved some attention in the literature. Export-oriented growth strategy has transformed several East Asian countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong within... Read More about Trade, growth and poverty in South Asia.
The effect of historical events on the speed of price evolution indexed by an operational time for China’s futures market (2011)
Book Chapter
Zhang, R., Li, Y., & McKillop, D. (2011). The effect of historical events on the speed of price evolution indexed by an operational time for China’s futures market. In L. Wang (Ed.), Rising China in the Changing World Economy (357-395). Routledge.
Lean manufacturing at Loyds Industri AS (2011)
Book Chapter
Grant, D. (2011). Lean manufacturing at Loyds Industri AS. In Nordic case reader in logistics and supply chain management (91 - 102). University Press of Southern Denmark
Retailing (2011)
Book Chapter
Grant, D. (2011). Retailing. In The alphaBEM of the sustainable supply chain : A-Z (99 - 102). Bordeaux Ecole de Management