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All Outputs (3)

Banking stability and efficiency in the MENA region : disentangling the impact of distress, competition and regulation (2023)
Karapappas, A. Banking stability and efficiency in the MENA region : disentangling the impact of distress, competition and regulation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The core research subject of the thesis is banking stability. I explore banking stability and efficiency for the Middle East, North Africa (MENA) region and empirically disentangle the role of bank distress, competition and regulation using empirical... Read More about Banking stability and efficiency in the MENA region : disentangling the impact of distress, competition and regulation.

Transformational Leadership And Leader-Member Exchange Organisational Learning And Behaviour In Nigerian Road Transport (2023)
Ani, U. E. Transformational Leadership And Leader-Member Exchange Organisational Learning And Behaviour In Nigerian Road Transport. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study suggests that transformational leadership (TFL) and leader-member exchange (LMX) play a mediation role in the relationship between organisational learning (OL) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB). At the same time, it suggests t... Read More about Transformational Leadership And Leader-Member Exchange Organisational Learning And Behaviour In Nigerian Road Transport.

An empirical examination of the effect of national identity on willingness to pay for local origin products : a focus on Egyptian consumers (2023)
Kinawy, R. N. Z. An empirical examination of the effect of national identity on willingness to pay for local origin products : a focus on Egyptian consumers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Building on social identity theory, this study develops and investigates a conceptual model that assesses the effect national identity has on the willingness to pay for local origin products. A systematic literature review highlighted the the... Read More about An empirical examination of the effect of national identity on willingness to pay for local origin products : a focus on Egyptian consumers.