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All Outputs (42)

Molecular phylogeny and geographic variation of Malagasy iguanas (Oplurus and Chalarodon) (2008)
Journal Article
Münchenberg, T., Wollenberg, K. C., Glaw, F., & Vences, M. (2008). Molecular phylogeny and geographic variation of Malagasy iguanas (Oplurus and Chalarodon). Amphibia-Reptilia, 29(3), 319-327.

The iguanid subfamily Oplurinae consists of seven species of small to medium-sized, arboreal, sand-dwelling or rock-dwelling lizards endemic to Madagascar and the Comoros, belonging to the genera Oplurus and Chalarodon. We here present the first comp... Read More about Molecular phylogeny and geographic variation of Malagasy iguanas (Oplurus and Chalarodon).

Towards a structured approach to building qualitative reasoning models and simulations (2008)
Journal Article
Bredeweg, B., Salles, P., Bouwer, A., Liem, J., Nuttle, T., Cioaca, E., Nakova, E., Noble, R., Caldas, A. L. R., Uzunov, Y., Varadinova, E., & Zitek, A. (2008). Towards a structured approach to building qualitative reasoning models and simulations. Ecological informatics, 3(1), 1-12.

Successful transfer and uptake of qualitative reasoning technology for modelling and simulation in a variety of domains has been hampered by the lack of a structured methodology to support formalisation of ideas. We present a framework that structure... Read More about Towards a structured approach to building qualitative reasoning models and simulations.