Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?
Journal Article
Thomas, P. O. R., Croft, D. P., Morrell, L., Davis, A., Faria, J. J., Dyer, J. R. G., Piyapong, C., Ramnarine, I., Ruxton, G. D., & Krause, J. (2008). Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?. Animal behaviour, 75(1), 43-53.
Reciprocal altruism has been proposed as a possible mechanism for the evolution of cooperative behaviour. However, very few investigations have tested predictions of reciprocity in wild animal populations. In the current investigation we simulated de... Read More about Does defection during predator inspection affect social structure in wild shoals of guppies?.