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Microparticle-associated vascular adhesion molecule-1 and tissue factor follow a circadian rhythm in healthy human subjects (2008)
Journal Article
Madden, L. A., Vince, R. V., Sandström, M. E., Taylor, L., McNaughton, L., & Laden, G. (2008). Microparticle-associated vascular adhesion molecule-1 and tissue factor follow a circadian rhythm in healthy human subjects. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 99(5), 909 - 915.

An increased risk of death or severe injury due to late-morning thrombotic events is well established. Tissue factor (TF) is the initiator of the coagulation cascade, and endothelial stresses, coupled with production of pro-coagulant microparticles (... Read More about Microparticle-associated vascular adhesion molecule-1 and tissue factor follow a circadian rhythm in healthy human subjects.

Distinguishing Properties of Cells From the Myocardial Sleeves of the Pulmonary Veins: A Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Pacemakers (2008)
Journal Article
Jones, S. A., Yamamoto, M., Tellez, J. O., Billeter, R., Boyett, M. R., Honjo, H., & Lancaster, M. K. (2008). Distinguishing Properties of Cells From the Myocardial Sleeves of the Pulmonary Veins: A Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Pacemakers. Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology, 1(1), 39-48.

BACKGROUND: A common source of arrhythmogenic spontaneous activity instigating atrial fibrillation is the myocardial tissue, or sleeves, at the base of the pulmonary veins. This study compared the properties of cells from the myocardial sleeves of th... Read More about Distinguishing Properties of Cells From the Myocardial Sleeves of the Pulmonary Veins: A Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Pacemakers.

Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability (2008)
Journal Article
Rivero, F., Xiong, H., Rivero-Crespo, F., Euteneuer, U., Mondal, S., Mana-Capelli, S., Larochelle, D., Vogel, A., Gassen, B., & Noegel, A. A. (2008). Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability. Traffic, 9(5), 708-724.

The centrosome-nucleus attachment is a prerequisite for faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis. We addressed the function of the nuclear envelope (NE) protein Sun-1 in centrosome-nucleus connection and the maintenance of genome stability in D... Read More about Dictyostelium Sun-1 connects the centrosome to chromatin and ensures genome stability.

Investigation of the mechanisms of tissue factor-mediated evasion of tumour cells from cellular cytotoxicity (2008)
Journal Article
Li, C., Collier, M. E. W., Frentzou, G. A., Greenman, J., & Ettelaie, C. (2008). Investigation of the mechanisms of tissue factor-mediated evasion of tumour cells from cellular cytotoxicity. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 57(9), 1347-1355.

Aims We previously reported that overexpression of tissue factor (TF) protected HT29 tumour cells from cellular cytotoxicity through a mechanism requiring the presence of the cytoplasmic domain of TF. In this investigation the mechanism of TF-mediate... Read More about Investigation of the mechanisms of tissue factor-mediated evasion of tumour cells from cellular cytotoxicity.

Fluvastatin reduces oxidative damage in human vascular endothelial cells by upregulating Bcl-2 (2008)
Journal Article
Xu, S. Z., Zhong, W., Watson, N. M., Dickerson, E., Wake, J. D., Lindow, S. W., Newton, C. J., & Atkin, S. L. (2008). Fluvastatin reduces oxidative damage in human vascular endothelial cells by upregulating Bcl-2. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 6(4), 692-700.

Background: 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) have been widely used in clinical practise and their efficacy in reducing cardiovascular risk has been well described. Objectives: To investigate the effect of low doses... Read More about Fluvastatin reduces oxidative damage in human vascular endothelial cells by upregulating Bcl-2.

Regulatory T cells: what role do they play in antitumor immunity in patients with head and neck cancer? (2008)
Journal Article
Alhamarneh, O., Amarnath, S. M. P., Stafford, N. D., & Greenman, J. (2008). Regulatory T cells: what role do they play in antitumor immunity in patients with head and neck cancer?. Head & neck, 30(2), 251-261.

Advances in the treatment modalities for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) over the last 20 years involving surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy are not fully reflected in increases in the 5-year survival rates, mainly d... Read More about Regulatory T cells: what role do they play in antitumor immunity in patients with head and neck cancer?.

TRPC channel activation by extracellular thioredoxin (2008)
Journal Article
Xu, S.-Z., Sukumar, P., Zeng, F., Li, J., Jairaman, A., English, A., Naylor, J., Ciurtin, C., Majeed, Y., Milligan, C. J., Bahnasi, Y. M., Al-Shawaf, E., Porter, K. E., Jiang, L.-H., Emery, P., Sivaprasadarao, A., & Beech, D. J. (2008). TRPC channel activation by extracellular thioredoxin. Nature, 451(7174), 69-72.

Mammalian homologues of Drosophila melanogaster transient receptor potential (TRP) are a large family of multimeric cation channels that act, or putatively act, as sensors of one or more chemical factor. Major research objectives are the identificati... Read More about TRPC channel activation by extracellular thioredoxin.

Development of a microfluidic device for the maintenance and interrogation of viable tissue biopsies (2008)
Journal Article
Dyer, C. E., Greenman, J., Haswell, S. J., & Hattersley, S. M. (2008). Development of a microfluidic device for the maintenance and interrogation of viable tissue biopsies. Lab on a chip, 8(11), 1842-1846.

A microfluidic based experimental methodology has been developed that offers a biomimetic microenvironment in which pseudo in vivo tissue studies can be carried out under in vitro conditions. Using this innovative technique, which utilizes the inhere... Read More about Development of a microfluidic device for the maintenance and interrogation of viable tissue biopsies.

The collagen receptor Endo180 (CD280) is expressed on basal-like breast tumor cells and promotes tumor growth in vivo (2007)
Journal Article
Wienke, D., Davies, G. C., Johnson, D. A., Sturge, J., Lambros, M. B., Savage, K., Elsheikh, S. E., Green, A. R., Ellis, I. O., Robertson, D., Reis-Filho, J. S., & Isacke, C. M. (2007). The collagen receptor Endo180 (CD280) is expressed on basal-like breast tumor cells and promotes tumor growth in vivo. Cancer Research, 67(21), 10230-10240.

Tumor cell invasion into the surrounding stroma requires increased cell motility and extensive remodeling of the extracellular matrix. Endo180 (CD280, MRC2, urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor-associated protein) is a recycling endocytic re... Read More about The collagen receptor Endo180 (CD280) is expressed on basal-like breast tumor cells and promotes tumor growth in vivo.

The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions (2007)
Journal Article
Cockriel, D. L., McClain, J. M., Patel, K. C., Ullom, R., Hasley, T. R., Archibald, S. J., & Hubin, T. J. (2008). The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 11(1), 1-4.

The pyrazine-containing ligands 1 (pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid (pyridine-2-ylmethyl)-amide) and 2 (pyrazine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid bis[(pyridine-2-yimethyl)-amide]) have been synthesized and characterized in order to probe their ability to form polynuc... Read More about The design and synthesis of pyrazine amide ligands suitable for the "tiles" approach to molecular weaving with octahedral metal ions.

The influence of exogenous tissue factor on the regulators of proliferation and apoptosis in endothelial cells (2007)
Journal Article
Pradier, A., & Ettelaie, C. (2007). The influence of exogenous tissue factor on the regulators of proliferation and apoptosis in endothelial cells. Journal of vascular research, 45(1), 19-32.

Background: The exposure of tissue factor (TF) at the site of injury or trauma is a rapid process that leads to the initiation of blood coagulation as well as homeostatic processes giving rise to vascular repair. Aims and Methods: By exposing human e... Read More about The influence of exogenous tissue factor on the regulators of proliferation and apoptosis in endothelial cells.

Tumors hamper the immunogenic competence of CD4+T cell-directed dendritic cell vaccination (2007)
Journal Article
Zimmermann, V. S., Casati, A., Schiering, C., Caserta, S., Hess Michelini, R., Basso, V., & Mondino, A. (2007). Tumors hamper the immunogenic competence of CD4+T cell-directed dendritic cell vaccination. Journal of Immunology, 179(5), 2899-2909.

Dendritic cells loaded with tumor-derived peptides induce protective CTL responses and are under evaluation in clinical trails. We report in this study that prophylactic administration of dendritic cells loaded with a MHC class II-restricted peptide... Read More about Tumors hamper the immunogenic competence of CD4+T cell-directed dendritic cell vaccination.

Mannose receptor regulation of macrophage cell migration (2007)
Journal Article
Sturge, J., Todd, S. K., Kogianni, G., McCarthy, A., & Isacke, C. M. (2007). Mannose receptor regulation of macrophage cell migration. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 82(3), 585-593.

The migration of macrophages through peripheral tissues is an essential step in the host response to infection, inflammation, and ischemia as well as in tumor progression and tissue repair. The mannose receptor (MR; CD206, previously known as the mac... Read More about Mannose receptor regulation of macrophage cell migration.

Plasma tissue factor is a predictor for restenosis after femoropopliteal angioplasty (2007)
Journal Article
Ray, B., Chetter, I. C., Lee, H. L. D., Ettelaie, C., & McCollum, P. T. (2007). Plasma tissue factor is a predictor for restenosis after femoropopliteal angioplasty. British journal of surgery, 94(9), 1092-1095.

Background:In vitro studies suggest an association between raised levels of tissue factor and restenosis after coronary percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). This prospective, controlled study examined the association between plasma tissue fac... Read More about Plasma tissue factor is a predictor for restenosis after femoropopliteal angioplasty.

Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded interleukin-6 and G-protein-coupled receptor regulate angiopoietin-2 expression in lymphatic endothelial cells (2007)
Journal Article
Vart, R. J., Nikitenko, L. L., Lagos, D., Trotter, M. W., Cannon, M., Bourboulia, D., Gratrix, F., Takeuchi, Y., & Boshoff, C. (2007). Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded interleukin-6 and G-protein-coupled receptor regulate angiopoietin-2 expression in lymphatic endothelial cells. Cancer Research, 67(9), 4042-4051.

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is caused by Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and consists of proliferating spindle cells, which are related to lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC). Angiopoietin-2 (Ang2) is a secreted proangiogenic and lymphangiogen... Read More about Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded interleukin-6 and G-protein-coupled receptor regulate angiopoietin-2 expression in lymphatic endothelial cells.

Memories are made of this: synergy of T cell receptor and cytokine signals in CD4+ central memory cell survival (2007)
Journal Article
Caserta, S., & Zamoyska, R. (2007). Memories are made of this: synergy of T cell receptor and cytokine signals in CD4+ central memory cell survival. Trends in immunology, 28(6), 245-248.

The ability of the immune system to 'remember' a previous encounter with antigen is the hallmark of the adaptive immune response. The signals required for CD4 + memory T cell survival are not well understood, and a recent paper lends new biochemical... Read More about Memories are made of this: synergy of T cell receptor and cytokine signals in CD4+ central memory cell survival.

Inflammatory mediators modulate thrombin and cathepsin-G signaling in human bronchial fibroblasts by inducing expression of proteinase-activated receptor-4 (2007)
Journal Article
Ramachandran, R., Sadofsky, L., Xiao, Y., Botham, A., Cowen, M., Morice, A., & Compton, S. J. (2007). Inflammatory mediators modulate thrombin and cathepsin-G signaling in human bronchial fibroblasts by inducing expression of proteinase-activated receptor-4. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 292(3), L788-L798.

Human lung fibroblasts express proteinase-activated receptor-1 (PAR 1 ), PAR 2 and PAR 3 , but not PAR 4 . Because PAR 2 has inflammatory effects on human primary bronchial fibroblasts (HPBF), we asked 1) whether the inflammatory mediators TNF-α and... Read More about Inflammatory mediators modulate thrombin and cathepsin-G signaling in human bronchial fibroblasts by inducing expression of proteinase-activated receptor-4.

Endothelial cells and cancer (2006)
Book Chapter
Nikitenko, L., & Boshoff, C. (2006). Endothelial cells and cancer. In S. Moncada, & A. Higgs (Eds.), The Vascular Endothelium II (307-334). Springer Verlag.

Endothelial cells play a key role in the development and function of blood and lymph vessels. Excessive proliferation and transformation of endothelial cells lead to pathological angiogenesis/ lymphangiogenesis or vascular malfunctions which are hall... Read More about Endothelial cells and cancer.

Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways (2006)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Li, C., Collier, M. E. W., Pradier, A., Frentzou, G. A., Wood, C. G., Chetter, I. C., McCollum, P. T., Bruckdorfer, K. R., & James, N. J. (2007). Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways. Atherosclerosis, 194(1), 88-101.

In this study we examined the ability of tissue factor (TF) alone, or in conjunction with factor VIIa, factor Xa and TFPI in activating a number of key signalling pathways associated with cellular growth, stress and differentiation responses in human... Read More about Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways.

Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components (2006)
Journal Article
Croxton, R. S., Baron, M. G., Butler, D., Kent, T., & Sears, V. G. (2006). Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51(6), 1329-1333.

Latent fingerprint residue is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. A full understanding of the composition of this mixture and how it changes after deposition is lacking. Three solvent systems were compared for the simultaneous extrac... Read More about Development of a GC-MS Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Latent Fingerprint Components.