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Development of a Core Outcome Set for the research and assessment of malignant bowel obstruction (2023)
Journal Article
Bravington, A., Obita, G., Baddeley, E., Johnson, M., Murtagh, F., Currow, D., Boland, E., Nelson, A., Seddon, K., Oliver, A., Noble, S., & Boland, J. (2023). Development of a Core Outcome Set for the research and assessment of malignant bowel obstruction. PLoS ONE, 18(8), Article e0289501.

Background: Malignant bowel obstruction is experienced by 15% of people with advanced cancer, preventing them from eating and drinking and causing pain, nausea and vomiting. Surgery is not always appropriate. Management options include tube or stent... Read More about Development of a Core Outcome Set for the research and assessment of malignant bowel obstruction.

Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial) (2023)
Journal Article
Sousa, M. S., Martin, P., Johnson, M. J., Lind, M., Maddocks, M., Bullock, A., Agar, M., Chang, S., Kochovska, S., Kinchin, I., Morgan, D., Fazekas, B., Razmovski-Naumovski, V., Lee, J. T., Itchins, M., Bray, V., & Currow, D. C. (2023). Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial). PLoS ONE, 18(5 May), Article e0285850.

Anorexia is experienced by most people with lung cancer during the course of their disease and treatment. Anorexia reduces response to chemotherapy and the ability of patients to cope with, and complete their treatment leading to greater morbidity, p... Read More about Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial).

Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings (2022)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Allgar, V., Cohen, J., Currow, D. C., Griffin, S., Hart, S., Hird, K., Hodge, A., Mason, S., Northgraves, M., Reeve, J., Swan, F., & Johnson, M. J. (2022). Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings. ERJ Open Research, 8(4), Article 00257-2022.

Introduction: One-fifth of emergency department presentations by ambulance are due to acute-on-chronic breathlessness. We explored the feasibility of an evaluation-phase, cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of the effectiveness and cost-effect... Read More about Mixed-methods feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): study findings.

A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol (2021)
Journal Article
Northgraves, M., Cohen, J., Allgar, V., Currow, D., Hart, S., Hird, K., Hodge, A., Johnson, M., Mason, S., Swan, F., & Hutchinson, A. (2021). A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol. ERJ Open Research, 7(1), Article 00955-2020.

Introduction: Chronic breathlessness, persistent and disabling despite optimal treatment of underlying causes, is a prevalent and frightening symptom and is associated with many emergency presentations and admission to hospital. Breathlessness manage... Read More about A feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial of a paramedic-administered breathlessness management intervention for acute-on-chronic breathlessness (BREATHE): Study protocol.

Randomised, double-blind, multicentre, mixed-methods, dose-escalation feasibility trial of mirtazapine for better treatment of severe breathlessness in advanced lung disease (BETTER-B feasibility) (2020)
Journal Article
Higginson, I., Wilcock, A., Johnson, M. J., Bajwah, S., Lovell, N., Yi, D., Hart, S., Crosby, V., Poad, H., Currow, D., Best, E., & Brown, S. (2020). Randomised, double-blind, multicentre, mixed-methods, dose-escalation feasibility trial of mirtazapine for better treatment of severe breathlessness in advanced lung disease (BETTER-B feasibility). Thorax, 75(2), 176-179.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. New treatments are required for severe breathlessness in advanced disease. We conducted a randomised feasibility trial of mirtazapine over 28 days in adults with... Read More about Randomised, double-blind, multicentre, mixed-methods, dose-escalation feasibility trial of mirtazapine for better treatment of severe breathlessness in advanced lung disease (BETTER-B feasibility).

Battery operated fan and chronic breathlessness: Does it help? (2019)
Journal Article
Barnes-Harris, M., Swan, F., Allgar, V., Booth, S., Currow, D., Hart, S., Phillips, J., & Johnson, M. J. (in press). Battery operated fan and chronic breathlessness: Does it help?. BMJ supportive & palliative care,

Objectives: To examine whether use of a hand-held fan (â € fan') improves breathlessness and increases physical activity. Methods: A secondary exploratory analysis using pooled data from the fan arms of two feasibility randomised controlled trials in... Read More about Battery operated fan and chronic breathlessness: Does it help?.

Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease (2017)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Jamali, A., Ross, J., Fairhurst, C., Boland, J., Reigada, C., Hart, S. P., Grande, G., Currow, D. C., Wells, A. U., Papadopoulos, T., Bajwah, S., Bland, J. M., & Yorke, J. (2018). Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease. Thorax, 73(9), 880-883.

© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted. The inter-rater/test-retest reliability and construct validity... Read More about Psychometric validation of the needs assessment tool: Progressive disease in interstitial lung disease.

The adaptation, face, and content validation of a needs assessment tool: progressive disease for people with interstitial lung disease (2016)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Reigada, C., Yorke, J., Hart, S. P., Bajwah, S., Ross, J., Wells, A., Papadopoulos, A., Currow, D. C., Grande, G., Macleod, U., & Johnson, M. J. (2016). The adaptation, face, and content validation of a needs assessment tool: progressive disease for people with interstitial lung disease. Journal of palliative medicine, 19(5), 549-555.

Background: Irrreversible interstitial lung disease (ILD) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Palliative care needs of patients and caregivers are not routinely assessed; there is no tool to identify needs and triage support in clinical... Read More about The adaptation, face, and content validation of a needs assessment tool: progressive disease for people with interstitial lung disease.

Magnetoencephalography to investigate central perception of exercise-induced breathlessness in people with chronic lung disease: A feasibility pilot (2015)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Simpson, M. I., Currow, D. C., Millman, R. E., Hart, S. P., & Green, G. (2015). Magnetoencephalography to investigate central perception of exercise-induced breathlessness in people with chronic lung disease: A feasibility pilot. BMJ open, 5(6), Article ARTN e007535.

Objectives: Neuroimaging in chronic breathlessness is challenging. The study objective was to test the feasibility of magnetoencephalography (MEG) for functional neuroimaging of people with chronic breathlessness. Design: Feasibility pilot study. Set... Read More about Magnetoencephalography to investigate central perception of exercise-induced breathlessness in people with chronic lung disease: A feasibility pilot.