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Investigation of the filamin A-Dependent mechanisms of tissue factor incorporation into microvesicles (2017)
Journal Article
Collier, M. E. W., Ettelaie, C., Goult, B. T., Maraveyas, A., & Goodall, A. H. (2017). Investigation of the filamin A-Dependent mechanisms of tissue factor incorporation into microvesicles. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 117(11), 2034-2044.

We have previously shown that phosphorylation of tissue factor (TF) at Ser253 increases the incorporation of TF into microvesicles (MVs) following protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) activation through a process involving filamin-A, whereas Ser258 p... Read More about Investigation of the filamin A-Dependent mechanisms of tissue factor incorporation into microvesicles.

Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1) preserves the phosphorylation state of tissue factor and prolongs its release within microvesicles (2017)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M., Featherby, S., Greenman, J., & Maraveyas, A. (2018). Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1) preserves the phosphorylation state of tissue factor and prolongs its release within microvesicles. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1865(1), 12-24.

© 2017 Elsevier B.V. The exposure and release of TF is regulated by post-translational modifications of its cytoplasmic domain. Here, the potential of Pin1 to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of TF, and the outcome on TF function was examined. MD... Read More about Peptidyl-prolyl isomerase 1 (Pin1) preserves the phosphorylation state of tissue factor and prolongs its release within microvesicles.

Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release (2016)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M. E., Featherby, S., Greenman, J., & Maraveyas, A. (2016). Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release. BBA - Molecular Cell Research, 1863(11), 2846-2857.

Restriction of tissue factor (TF) activity at the cell surface and TF release are critical for prevention of excessive coagulation. This study examined the regulation of TF dephosphorylation and its release through ubiquitination. A plasmid containin... Read More about Oligoubiquitination of tissue factor on Lys255 promotes Ser253-dephosphorylation and terminates TF release.

Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression (2016)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M. E. W., Featherby, S., Benelhaj, N. E., Greenman, J., & Maraveyas, A. (2016). Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression. Thrombosis journal, 14(2), Article ARTN 2.

Despite the association of cancer-derived circulating tissue factor (TF)-containing microvesicles and hypercoagulable state, correlations with the incidence of thrombosis remain unclear.

In this study the upregulation of TF re... Read More about Analysis of the potential of cancer cell lines to release tissue factor-containing microvesicles: correlation with tissue factor and PAR2 expression.

Accumulation of tissue factor in endothelial cells induces cell apoptosis, mediated through p38 and p53 activation (2015)
Journal Article
ElKeeb, A. M., Collier, M. E. W., Maraveyas, A., & Ettelaie, C. (2015). Accumulation of tissue factor in endothelial cells induces cell apoptosis, mediated through p38 and p53 activation. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 114(2), 364-378.

We previously reported that high levels of tissue factor (TF) can induce cellular apoptosis in endothelial. In this study, TF-mediated mechanisms of induction of apoptosis were explored. Endothelial cells were transfected to express wild-type TF. Add... Read More about Accumulation of tissue factor in endothelial cells induces cell apoptosis, mediated through p38 and p53 activation.

Characterization of physical properties of tissue factor-containing microvesicles and a comparison of ultracentrifuge-based recovery procedures (2014)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M., Maraveyas, A., & Ettelaie, R. (2014). Characterization of physical properties of tissue factor-containing microvesicles and a comparison of ultracentrifuge-based recovery procedures. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 3(1), 1-14.

© 2014 Camille Ettelaie et al. Microvesicles were isolated from the conditioned media of 3 cell lines (MDA-MB-231, AsPC-1 and A375) by ultracentrifugation at a range of relative centrifugal forces, and the tissue factor (TF) protein and activity, mic... Read More about Characterization of physical properties of tissue factor-containing microvesicles and a comparison of ultracentrifuge-based recovery procedures.

Filamin-A is required for the incorporation of tissue factor into cell-derived microvesicles (2013)
Journal Article
Collier, M. E. W., Ettelaie, C., & Maraveyas, A. (2014). Filamin-A is required for the incorporation of tissue factor into cell-derived microvesicles. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 111(4), 647-655.

We previously reported that the incorporation of tissue factor (TF) into cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) is regulated by the phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of TF. Since the cytoskeletal protein filamin-A is known to bind to the cytoplasmi... Read More about Filamin-A is required for the incorporation of tissue factor into cell-derived microvesicles.

Microparticle-associated tissue factor is recycled by endothelial cells resulting in enhanced surface tissue factor activity (2013)
Journal Article
Collier, M. E. W., Mah, P.-M., Xiao, Y., Maraveyas, A., & Ettelaie, C. (2013). Microparticle-associated tissue factor is recycled by endothelial cells resulting in enhanced surface tissue factor activity. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 110(5), 966-976.

In this study the uptake of tissue factor (TF)-positive microparticles by endothelial cells and the recycling of the TF component were examined. Human dermal blood endothelial cells (HDBEC) were incubated with microparticles derived from cancer cell... Read More about Microparticle-associated tissue factor is recycled by endothelial cells resulting in enhanced surface tissue factor activity.

Enhanced binding of tissue factor-microparticles to collagen-IV and fibronectin leads to increased tissue factor activity in vitro (2012)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Collier, M. E. W., Mei, M. P., Xiao, Y. P., & Maraveyas, A. (2013). Enhanced binding of tissue factor-microparticles to collagen-IV and fibronectin leads to increased tissue factor activity in vitro. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 109(1), 61-71.

The role of tissue factor (TF)-containing microparticles in clot propagation has been established, but the ability of circulating microparticles to initiate coagulation has been disputed. However, TF-bearing microparticles, particularly endothelial-m... Read More about Enhanced binding of tissue factor-microparticles to collagen-IV and fibronectin leads to increased tissue factor activity in vitro.

Low molecular weight heparin downregulates tissue factor expression and activity by modulating growth factor receptor-mediated induction of nuclear factor-κB (2011)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Fountain, D., Collier, M. E. W., ElKeeb, A. M., Xiao, Y. P., & Maraveyas, A. (2011). Low molecular weight heparin downregulates tissue factor expression and activity by modulating growth factor receptor-mediated induction of nuclear factor-κB. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA): Molecular Basis of Disease, 1812(12), 1591-1600.

Treatment of cancer patients with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) appears to have beneficial effects. In this study, the influence of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) on tissue factor (TF) expression and activity in five cell lines from variou... Read More about Low molecular weight heparin downregulates tissue factor expression and activity by modulating growth factor receptor-mediated induction of nuclear factor-κB.

Low molecular weight heparin suppresses tissue factor-mediated cancer cell invasion and migration in vitro (2011)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Fountain, D., Collier, M. E. W., Beeby, E., Xiao, Y. P., & Maraveyas, A. (2011). Low molecular weight heparin suppresses tissue factor-mediated cancer cell invasion and migration in vitro. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2(2), 363-367.

Elevated expression of tissue factor (TF) has been associated with an increased risk of thrombosis in the majority of cancers. Moreover, treatment of cancer patients with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) appears to have beneficial effects that rea... Read More about Low molecular weight heparin suppresses tissue factor-mediated cancer cell invasion and migration in vitro.

Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways (2006)
Journal Article
Ettelaie, C., Li, C., Collier, M. E. W., Pradier, A., Frentzou, G. A., Wood, C. G., Chetter, I. C., McCollum, P. T., Bruckdorfer, K. R., & James, N. J. (2007). Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways. Atherosclerosis, 194(1), 88-101.

In this study we examined the ability of tissue factor (TF) alone, or in conjunction with factor VIIa, factor Xa and TFPI in activating a number of key signalling pathways associated with cellular growth, stress and differentiation responses in human... Read More about Differential functions of tissue factor in the trans-activation of cellular signalling pathways.