New men in Trollope's novels: rewriting the Victorian male, by Margaret Markwick, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007
Journal Article
Sanders, V. (2008). New men in Trollope's novels: rewriting the Victorian male, by Margaret Markwick, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007. Journal of gender studies, 17(4), 389 - 390.
All Outputs (13)
Global discourses of democracy and an English city (2008)
Journal Article
Farrelly, M. (2008). Global discourses of democracy and an English city. Journal of Language and Politics, 7(3), 413-430. many contemporary polities, democracy is portrayed as a universal good, a democratic ideal appears to be spreading globally, its practice burgeoning; it seems to be appearing for the first time in some places and deepening in established democraci... Read More about Global discourses of democracy and an English city.
How apply you this? Conflict and consensus in Coriolanus (2008)
Journal Article
Kaegi, A. (2008). How apply you this? Conflict and consensus in Coriolanus. Shakespeare, 4(4), 362 - 378. tense political debates that dominate the first three acts of Shakespeare's Coriolanus shed valuable light on a little understood feature of early modern political discourse that is pivotal to the tragic action. In the increasingly heated exchang... Read More about How apply you this? Conflict and consensus in Coriolanus.
'An empire of itself': Arthur as icon of an English empire, 1509-1547 (2008)
Journal Article
Mottram, S. (2008). 'An empire of itself': Arthur as icon of an English empire, 1509-1547. Arthurian Literature, 25, 153 - 174. article responds to recent studies that have applied to early modern English literature the aims of the ‘new British history’, which seeks to bridge the divide between anglocentric and anglophobic approaches to Britain’s past. Critics have estab... Read More about 'An empire of itself': Arthur as icon of an English empire, 1509-1547.
Book review: The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. Ed by Joanne Shattock; Deirdre d'Albertis; Josie Billington; Linda Hughes; Linda Peterson; Elisabeth Jay; Charlotte Mitchell; Marion Shaw; Alan Shelston (2008)
Journal Article
Sanders, V. (2008). Book review: The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. Ed by Joanne Shattock; Deirdre d'Albertis; Josie Billington; Linda Hughes; Linda Peterson; Elisabeth Jay; Charlotte Mitchell; Marion Shaw; Alan Shelston. The Modern language review, 103(3), 835-838.
Relating a life : Alicia LeFanu's Memoirs of the life and writings of Mrs Frances Sheridan (2008)
Journal Article
Fitzer, A. M. (2008). Relating a life : Alicia LeFanu's Memoirs of the life and writings of Mrs Frances Sheridan. Women's Writing, 15(1), 32-54. its publication in 1824, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mrs Frances Sheridan has remained the only biography of one of the eighteenth century's most successful women writers. It has also endured as the most wellknown of the writings of its... Read More about Relating a life : Alicia LeFanu's Memoirs of the life and writings of Mrs Frances Sheridan.
Marriage, adultery and inheritance in Malory's 'Morte Darthur' by Karen Cherewatuk (2008)
Journal Article
Coote, L. (2008). Marriage, adultery and inheritance in Malory's 'Morte Darthur' by Karen Cherewatuk. The Modern language review, 103(2), 507 - 508
Arthurian Literature, Vol. XXIII by Keith Busby; Roger Dalrymple (2008)
Journal Article
Coote, L. (2008). Arthurian Literature, Vol. XXIII by Keith Busby; Roger Dalrymple. The Modern language review, 103(2), 492-493.
Book review: A bibliography of modern Arthuriana 1500-2000 by Ann F. Howey; Stephen R. Reimer (2008)
Journal Article
Coote, L. (2008). Book review: A bibliography of modern Arthuriana 1500-2000 by Ann F. Howey; Stephen R. Reimer. The Modern language review, 103(2), 493 - 494.
‘Motz el Son’: Pound’s musical modernism and the interpretation of medieval song (2008)
Journal Article
Mundye, C. (2008). ‘Motz el Son’: Pound’s musical modernism and the interpretation of medieval song. Cambridge Opera Journal, 20(1), 53. article explores an interdisciplinary conjunction of music, literature and modernism. I examine the relationship between aspects of early music scholarship and modernism, with specific reference to Ezra Pound's critical and editorial work on medi... Read More about ‘Motz el Son’: Pound’s musical modernism and the interpretation of medieval song.
Introduction : contemporary fiction (2008)
Journal Article
Cockin, K. (2008). Introduction : contemporary fiction. Critical Survey, 20(1), 1-2. fiction has to address all manner of uncertainties. Those brought about by scientific developments and related social changes are possibly most acute in novels which experiment with the new science of cloning and reproductive technologie... Read More about Introduction : contemporary fiction.
The Family Plot in Recent Novels by P.D. James and Reginald Hill (2008)
Journal Article
Vanacker, S. (2008). The Family Plot in Recent Novels by P.D. James and Reginald Hill. Critical Survey, 20(1), 17 - 28.
Traces of shame: Margaret Atwood's portrayal of childhood bullying and its consequences in Cat's Eye (2008)
Journal Article
Jones, B. (2008). Traces of shame: Margaret Atwood's portrayal of childhood bullying and its consequences in Cat's Eye. Critical Survey, 20(1), 29 - 42. article focuses on patterns of bullying and abuse in Atwood's portrayal of the 'friendship' between Elaine, Cordelia, Carol and Grace in this novel. It begins with a consideration of Elaine's background resulting in her susceptibility to this bu... Read More about Traces of shame: Margaret Atwood's portrayal of childhood bullying and its consequences in Cat's Eye.