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All Outputs (6)

Medley History: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth to Henry V (2010)
Book Chapter
Clare, J. (2010). Medley History: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth to Henry V. In P. Holland (Ed.), Shakespeare Survey 63 (102-113). The University of Hull.

More than any other playwright of the period, Shakespeare dramatized English history and in so doing experimented with different ways of representing the past. Within as well as between the tetralogies of pre-Tudor history, spanning at least a decade... Read More about Medley History: The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth to Henry V.

Spenser and Italian Literature (2010)
Book Chapter
Lawrence, J. (2010). Spenser and Italian Literature. In R. A. McCabe (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Edmund Spenser (602-619). Oxford University Press.

This article focuses on Spenser's relationship with Italian literature. Spenser's profound relationship with Italian literature is manifest from his earliest printed poetry, even if initially his engagement with it seems to have been mediated through... Read More about Spenser and Italian Literature.

Genealogical Rolls and Charts (2010)
Book Chapter
(2010). Genealogical Rolls and Charts. In Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle (672 - 677). Brill

co-author Professor Joan Holladay

A Short Essay about NeoMedievalism (2010)
Book Chapter
Coote, L. (2010). A Short Essay about NeoMedievalism. In Studies in Medievalism XIX. Defining Neomedievalism(s) (25 - 33). D.S. Brewer