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The accession of James I: Historical and cultural consequences (2016)
Burgess, G., Wymer, R., & Lawrence, J. (2016). The accession of James I: Historical and cultural consequences. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book analyzes the consequences of the accession of James I in 1603 for English and British history, politics, literature and culture. Questioning the extent to which 1603 marked a radical break with the past, the book explores the Scottish, Wels... Read More about The accession of James I: Historical and cultural consequences.

England's wars of religion, revisited (2011)
Burgess, G., & Prior, C. W. A. (2011). C. Prior, & G. Burgess (Eds.), England's wars of religion, revisited. Routledge

The causes and nature of the civil wars that gripped the British Isles in the mid-seventeenth century remain one of the most studied yet least understood historical conundrums. Religion, politics, economics and affairs local, national and internation... Read More about England's wars of religion, revisited.