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Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier (2007)
Ray, K. (2007). Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier. University of Tennessee Press

During its early years, the frontier region of Middle Tennessee developed from thinly settled outposts to a premier destination for thousands of land-hungry immigrants. The resulting population explosion led to a shift in political power from a small... Read More about Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier.

Place and Native American Indian history and culture (2007)
Porter, J. (2007). J. Porter (Ed.). Place and Native American Indian history and culture. Peer Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

«Place remains a native concept rich with political meaning for North American culture as a whole, and for the world as a whole. This volume undertakes a broad and deep exploration of what the sense of place has meant in specific Indian cultu... Read More about Place and Native American Indian history and culture.