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All Outputs (5)

Interpreting the peace: peace operations, conflict and language in Bosnia-Herzegovina (2012)
Kelly, M., & Baker, C. (2012). Interpreting the peace: peace operations, conflict and language in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Palgrave Macmillan

Interpreting the Peace is the first full-length study of language support in multinational peace operations. Building peace depends on being able to communicate with belligerents, civilians and forces from other countries. This depends on effective a... Read More about Interpreting the peace: peace operations, conflict and language in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Land and Spirit in Native America (2012)
Porter, J. (2012). Land and Spirit in Native America. Bloomsbury Publishing

This book accurately depicts Native American approaches to land and spirituality through an interdisciplinary examination of Indian philosophy, history, and literature.

Indian approaches to land and spirituality are neither simple nor monolithic,... Read More about Land and Spirit in Native America.

Roles of the sea in medieval England (2012)
Gorski, R. (2012). R. Gorski (Ed.). Roles of the sea in medieval England. Boydell & Brewer

England's relationship with the sea in the later middle ages has been unjustly neglected, a gap which this volume seeks to fill. The physical fact of the kingdom's insularity made the seas around England fundamentally important to its development wit... Read More about Roles of the sea in medieval England.

A Confusion of Tongues: Britain's Wars of Reformation, 1625-1642 (2012)
Prior, C. W. (2012). A Confusion of Tongues: Britain's Wars of Reformation, 1625-1642. The University of Hull.

A Confusion of Tongues examines the complex interaction of religion, history, and law in the period before the outbreak of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. It questions interpretations of that conflict that emphasise either the purely doctrinal roots... Read More about A Confusion of Tongues: Britain's Wars of Reformation, 1625-1642.

Ending Empire in the Middle East: Britain, the United States and Post-war decolonization, 1945-1973 (2012)
Smith, S. C. (2012). Ending Empire in the Middle East: Britain, the United States and Post-war decolonization, 1945-1973. Routledge.

This book is a major and wide-ranging re-assessment of Anglo-American relations in the Middle Eastern context. It analyses the process of ending of empire in the Middle East from 1945 to the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Based on original research into bot... Read More about Ending Empire in the Middle East: Britain, the United States and Post-war decolonization, 1945-1973.