Understanding and teaching Native American history: Methods and resources
Ray, K., & DeSanti, B. (Eds.). (2022). Understanding and teaching Native American history: Methods and resources. University of Wisconsin Press
All Outputs (2)
Beyond Trawlertown: Life and legacy in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery (2022)
Byrne, J. (2022). Beyond Trawlertown: Life and legacy in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery. Liverpool University PressBeyond Trawlertown takes a journey through the British distant-water fishery and its port-city connections in an era of disruption. In 1976, defeat in the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars saw the British trawling fleet excluded from their traditional hunting... Read More about Beyond Trawlertown: Life and legacy in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery.