Anglo-American relations and the end of empire in the Far East and the Persian Gulf, 1948-1971
Book Chapter
Smith, S. (2010). Anglo-American relations and the end of empire in the Far East and the Persian Gulf, 1948-1971. In Challenging retrenchment: the United States, Great Britain and Middle East, 1950-1980 (14855). Tapir Academic Press
All Outputs (8)
Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962) (2010)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2010). Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962). In D. L. Madsen (Ed.), Native authenticity: Transnational perspectives on Native American literary studies (103-122). State University of New York PressDue to his Indian ancestry, the Canadian poet Frank James Prewett was nicknamed "Toronto" by the illustrious literary friends he met while recovering in England following his service in World War I. Those friends included Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sa... Read More about Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962).
A Curtain of Silence: Asia's Fauna in the Cold War (2010)
Book Chapter
Bankoff, G. (2010). A Curtain of Silence: Asia's Fauna in the Cold War. In Environmental Histories of the Cold War (203 - 226). Cambridge University Press
Baronial Paranoia in King John's reign (2010)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2010). Baronial Paranoia in King John's reign. In Magna Carta and the England of King John (45 - 62). Boydell
The Complaint of King John against William de Briouze (c.September 1210). The Black Book of the Exchequer Text (2010)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2010). The Complaint of King John against William de Briouze (c.September 1210). The Black Book of the Exchequer Text. In Magna Carta and the England of King John (168 - 179). BoydellA Latin edition and English translation of King John's pamphlet, by which he justified his treatment of the baron, William de Briouze, whom he broke and drove into exile
A Strike for Racial Justice? Transatlantic Shipping and the Jewish Diaspora, 1882-1939 (2010)
Book Chapter
Evans, N. (2010). A Strike for Racial Justice? Transatlantic Shipping and the Jewish Diaspora, 1882-1939. In Jewish journeys: from Philo to hip hop (25 - 46). Vallentine Mitchell
Keeping Kosher: Policies deployed by British and German shipping companies to develop the transatlantic Jewish passenger business (2010)
Book Chapter
Evans, N. (2010). Keeping Kosher: Policies deployed by British and German shipping companies to develop the transatlantic Jewish passenger business.This article considers the specific religious and cultural needs of Jewish transoceanic travellers between the period from the introduction of the May Laws in Russia in 1882 to the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. It begins by surveying the... Read More about Keeping Kosher: Policies deployed by British and German shipping companies to develop the transatlantic Jewish passenger business.
Oceans past: an environmental approach to maritime history (2010)
Book Chapter
Barnard, M., & Starkey, D. (2010). Oceans past: an environmental approach to maritime history. In Merihistorian Rajapintoja: Nautica Fennica 2009-2010 (44409). Suomen Merimuseo