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Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Paley, C. A., Boland, J. W., Santarelli, M., Murtagh, F. E., Ziegler, L., & Chapman, E. J. (2023). Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review. BMC Palliative Care, 22(1), Article 88.

BACKGROUND: Psychological distress is common in patients with cancer; interfering with physical and psychological wellbeing, and hindering management of physical symptoms. Our aim was to systematically review published evidence on non-pharmacological... Read More about Non-pharmacological interventions to manage psychological distress in patients living with cancer: a systematic review.

Improving asthma care through implementation of the SENTINEL programme: findings from the pilot site (2023)
Journal Article
Crooks, M. G., Crowther, L., Cummings, H., Cohen, J., Huang, C., Pitel, L., Pearson, M., Morice, A., Turgoose, J., Faruqi, S., Watt, M., Morris, T., & Xu, Y. (2023). Improving asthma care through implementation of the SENTINEL programme: findings from the pilot site. ERJ Open Research, 9(3), Article 00685-2022.

Aim: Short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) overuse adversely impacts asthma-related outcomes and the environment. The SABA rEductioN Through ImplemeNting Hull asthma guidELines (SENTINEL) programme aims to reduce SABA overuse through supported implementatio... Read More about Improving asthma care through implementation of the SENTINEL programme: findings from the pilot site.

Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial) (2023)
Journal Article
Sousa, M. S., Martin, P., Johnson, M. J., Lind, M., Maddocks, M., Bullock, A., Agar, M., Chang, S., Kochovska, S., Kinchin, I., Morgan, D., Fazekas, B., Razmovski-Naumovski, V., Lee, J. T., Itchins, M., Bray, V., & Currow, D. C. (2023). Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial). PLoS ONE, 18(5 May), Article e0285850.

Anorexia is experienced by most people with lung cancer during the course of their disease and treatment. Anorexia reduces response to chemotherapy and the ability of patients to cope with, and complete their treatment leading to greater morbidity, p... Read More about Phase II, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site study to evaluate the safety, feasibility and desirability of conducting a phase III study of anamorelin for anorexia in people with small cell lung cancer: A study protocol (LUANA trial).

Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Baldwin, Z.-A., Busby, S., Allsup, D., Cohen, J., & Bamidele, O. (2023). Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol. PLoS ONE, 18(3), Article e0282458.

Introduction Haematological malignancies are a heterogenous group of blood and lymphatic cancers. Survivorship care is a similarly diverse term concerning patients’ health and wellbeing from diagnosis to end of life. Survivorship care for patients wi... Read More about Provision and delivery of survivorship care for adult patients with haematological malignancies: A scoping review protocol.