Seasonal changes in diversity and abundance of ostracods on four species of intertidal algae with differing structural complexity
Journal Article
Hull, S. (1997). Seasonal changes in diversity and abundance of ostracods on four species of intertidal algae with differing structural complexity. Marine ecology progress series, 161, 71-82.
All Outputs (310)
Diet of Barn Owls in the Vale of Pickering : seasonal variations (1997)
Journal Article
Roberts, J., Scott, G., & Hull, S. (1997). Diet of Barn Owls in the Vale of Pickering : seasonal variations. The naturalist, 122(1023), 137 - 144
Morphological divergence and evidence for reproductive isolation in Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) in northeast England (1996)
Journal Article
Hull, S., Grahame, J., & Mill, P. (1996). Morphological divergence and evidence for reproductive isolation in Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) in northeast England. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 62(1), 89-99. work at Old Peak (Ravenscar) on the northeast coast of England indicates that boulder-dwelling Lutonna saxatilis (Olvi) comprise at least two distinct forms, inhabiting high- and mid-shore boulders Using multivariate morphometrics we show tha... Read More about Morphological divergence and evidence for reproductive isolation in Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) in northeast England.
Littorina neglecta Bean: ecotype or species? (1995)
Journal Article
Grahame, J., Mill, P., Hull, S., & Caley, K. (1995). Littorina neglecta Bean: ecotype or species?. Journal of Natural History, 29(4), 887-899. taxonomic status of the littoral prosobranch Littorina neglecta has been investigated using animals from the northeast coast of England. Rough periwinkles were collected from barnacle-covered rock platforms near the northern (Ness Point) and sout... Read More about Littorina neglecta Bean: ecotype or species?.
Shape, size and enzymes: the problem of Littorina neglecta (1994)
Journal Article
Grahame, J. W., Hull, S., & Mill, P. (1994). Shape, size and enzymes: the problem of Littorina neglecta. Cahiers de biologie marine, 35(2), 246 - 247.
Aminotransferases in Littorina: is there a functional story? (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hull, S. Aminotransferases in Littorina: is there a functional story?
Intertidal fauna of the industrialized Forth estuary (1976)
Journal Article
McLusky, D., Bryant, D., Elliott, M., Teare, M., & Moffat, G. (1976). Intertidal fauna of the industrialized Forth estuary. Marine pollution bulletin, 7(3), 48-52. estuarine Firth of Forth on the East Coast of Scotland receives a considerable volume of industrial and domestic effluent. This report summarizes the present status of intertidal invertebrates and their bird predators. © 1976.
Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harding, H. R., Voellmy, I., Simpson, S. D., Radford, A. N., Breithaupt, T., Elliott, M., Roberts, L., Simpson, S., Bruintjes, R., Harding, H., Radford, A., & Voellmy, I. K. Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-drivingActivities directly interacting with the seabed, such as pile-driving, can produce vibrations that have the potential to impact benthic invertebrates within their vicinity. This stimuli may interfere with crucial behaviors such as foraging and predat... Read More about Exposure of benthic invertebrates to sediment vibration: From laboratory experiments to outdoor simulated pile-driving.
Data for 'Laboratory-based NMR metabolomics calls into question the validity of laboratory bioassays measuring environmental stress'
Elliott, M., Charlton, A., & Donarski, J. Data for 'Laboratory-based NMR metabolomics calls into question the validity of laboratory bioassays measuring environmental stress'. [Data]Dataset from metabolomics evaluation of lab-based experiments using the ragworm, Hediste diversicolor
A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports
Book Chapter
Elliott, M., & Grant, D. A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports. In European decision sciences institute (EDSI2016), 7th annual conferencePaper presented at European Decision Sciences Institute (ED2016), 7th Annual Conference, 24th to 27th May 2016, Helsinki. Abstract The cumulative and in-combination effects of ocean shipping and port operations need addressing via a detailed, rigorou... Read More about A proposed framework for managing environmental causes and consequences of ocean traffic and ports.