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All Outputs (6)

The biological and physical controls on phytoplankton blooms off the north-east coast of the UK (2024)
Hill, D. The biological and physical controls on phytoplankton blooms off the north-east coast of the UK. (Thesis). The University of Hull.

The North Sea is a highly productive temperate coastal shelf sea which contains important fisheries that provides protein to the global market. This study investigated the biological and physical controls on the different spring bloom events in North... Read More about The biological and physical controls on phytoplankton blooms off the north-east coast of the UK.

The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island (2023)
Buckingham, J. The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Microplastic is a marine pollutant of global concern which has managed to penetrate remote regions. This thesis describes the first comprehensive assessment of microplastics in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, an island in the s... Read More about The ecological fate of microplastic in the nearshore environment of South Georgia, a sub-Antarctic island.

Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation (2023)
Mander, L. Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Intertidal habitats and terrestrial habitats connected to estuaries are subject to multiple anthropogenic pressures including the indirect effect of climate change (i.e., sea-level rise). To build sustainable coastal defences and create intertidal ha... Read More about Understanding space and habitat use of the Near Threatened Eurasian Curlew to inform the value of habitat restoration schemes for the species' conservation.

Human Factors in the Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms (2022)
Uzuegbunam, T. D. Human Factors in the Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Current maintenance planning strategies and decision support tools used in the operations and maintenance of offshore wind farms rarely account for the welfare of technicians and their ability to do work upon arrival. This create... Read More about Human Factors in the Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms.

Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development (2019)
Roach, M. Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Globally the offshore wind energy sector has seen an increase in the number of and spatial scale of offshore wind farms in the last decade. Offshore wind farms can be seen as many EU member states answer to meeting their energy demands from renewable... Read More about Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development.

External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation (2011)
Hopkins, C. External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation. (Thesis). Imperial College London.

Wildlife trade threatens many exploited populations with unsustainable levels of extraction. The shark fin trade is perceived as a primary driver in the decline of many shark populations. The targeting of sharks by local fisheries to feed the demand... Read More about External actors, high value resources and threatened species: shark fin commodity chains of Northern Madagascar, interception for conservation.