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Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (2022)
Pearson, R. (in press). Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Thoresby Society

This book offers the first comprehensive account of all aspects of life in the industrial out-townships of Leeds, including their social, economic, political, religious, educational and cultural histories, during their period of transition from eight... Read More about Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd’s of London 1970 - 2002 (2022)
Pearson, R. (2022). Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd’s of London 1970 - 2002. Palgrave Macmillan.

Rapid structural change resulting from system collapse is less common in insurance than in the history of other financial institutions. One exception was the crisis at the Lloyd’s insurance market in the late twentieth century. Hitherto, explanations... Read More about Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd’s of London 1970 - 2002.

Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance (2015)
Pearson, R., & Yoneyama, T. (Eds.). (2015). Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance. Oxford University Press.

Throughout history humans have commonly organized to prevent or mitigate risks, or to compensate for losses caused by risk events. Given the infinite variety of risks that existed, it is unsurprising that insurance—the primary modern risk mitigation... Read More about Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance.

Insuring the industrial revolution: Fire insurance in Great Britain, 1700–1850 (2004)
Pearson, R. (Ed.). (2004). Insuring the industrial revolution: Fire insurance in Great Britain, 1700–1850. Routledge.

© Robin Pearson 2004. Fire had always been one of the greatest threats to an early modern British society that relied on the naked flame as the prime source of heating, lighting and cooking. Yet whilst the danger of fire had always been taken serious... Read More about Insuring the industrial revolution: Fire insurance in Great Britain, 1700–1850.