Teenage pregnancy and parenthood: A descriptive mapping of research studies exploring the role of general practitioners, nurses, health visitors and midwives, young fathers, young men and peers.
Trivedi, D., Bunn, F., Graham, M., & Wentz, R. (2007). Teenage pregnancy and parenthood: A descriptive mapping of research studies exploring the role of general practitioners, nurses, health visitors and midwives, young fathers, young men and peers. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
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Update on review of reviews of teenage pregnancy and parenthood (2007)
Trivedi, D., Bunn, F., Graham, M., & Wentz, R. (2007). Update on review of reviews of teenage pregnancy and parenthood. National Institute for Health and Clinical ExcellenceThis review was commisioned by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and conducted by the Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC), University of Hertfordshire. It is an update of the original review cond... Read More about Update on review of reviews of teenage pregnancy and parenthood.