Beauty and the agreeable: a critique of experimental aesthetics
Book Chapter
Zangwill, N. (2018). Beauty and the agreeable: a critique of experimental aesthetics. In F. Cova, & S. Réhault (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics (289-307). Bloomsbury Publishing
All Outputs (2)
The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence (2018)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. (2018). The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence. In K. Galvin (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Well-Being (133-140). Routledge.“Probably there is no better guarantee of a really unhealthy life than perfect health.” This paradoxical, and somewhat melancholic, assessment of our prospects for clinical well-being is given by J. H. van den Berg in The Psychology of the Sickbed. T... Read More about The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence.