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Aquatic Therapy for improving Lower Limbs Function in Post-stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Ghayour Najafabadi, M., Shariat, A., Dommerholt, J., Hakakzadeh, A., Nakhostin-Ansari, A., Selk-Ghaffari, M., Ingle, L., & Cleland, J. A. (in press). Aquatic Therapy for improving Lower Limbs Function in Post-stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 1-17.

Background: Lower limb disability is common in chronic stroke patients, and aquatic therapy is one of the modalities used for the rehabilitation of these patients. Objectives: To summarize the evidence of the effects of aquatic therapy on lower limb... Read More about Aquatic Therapy for improving Lower Limbs Function in Post-stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.

An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication. (2021)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Palmer, J., Tew, G., Ingle, L., Smith, G., Chetter, I., & Harwood, A. (2021). An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 74(6), 2076-2085.e20

Objectives: Supervised exercise programmes (SEP) are effective for improving walking distance in patients with intermittent claudication (IC) but provision and uptake rates are sub-optimal. Access to such programmes has also been halted by the Corona... Read More about An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication..

A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication: A focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions (2021)
Journal Article
Birkett, S., Harwood, A., Caldow, E., Ibeggazene, S., Ingle, L., & Pymer, S. (2021). A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication: A focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions. PLoS ONE, 16(5 May), Article e0249277.

A systematic review was conducted to identify the range of terminology used in studies to describe maximum walking distance and the exercise testing protocols, and testing modalities used to measure it in patients with intermittent claudication. A se... Read More about A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication: A focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions.

A double-blind randomized controlled trial for the effects of dry needling on upper limb dysfunction in patients with stroke (2021)
Journal Article
Tavakol, Z., Shariat, A., Ansari, N., Ghannadi, S., Honarpishe, R., Dommerholt, J., Noormohammadpour, P., & Ingle, L. (2021). A double-blind randomized controlled trial for the effects of dry needling on upper limb dysfunction in patients with stroke. Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research, 45(2-4), 115-124.

Spasticity is one of the main complications of a stroke. This double-blind, randomized controlled trial aimed to compare the result of three sessions of dry needling (DN) versus sham DN on the affected upper limbs in post-stroke survivors. We recruit... Read More about A double-blind randomized controlled trial for the effects of dry needling on upper limb dysfunction in patients with stroke.

Alternative exercise programmes for the treatment of intermittent claudication - from unsupervised home-based walking to supervised high-intensity interval cycling (2021)
Pymer, S. Alternative exercise programmes for the treatment of intermittent claudication - from unsupervised home-based walking to supervised high-intensity interval cycling. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Supervised exercise programmes (SEP) for intermittent claudication (IC) suffer from low provision and uptake rates. As such, alternative interventions should be explored, such as home-based exercise programmes (HEP) and high-intensity interval traini... Read More about Alternative exercise programmes for the treatment of intermittent claudication - from unsupervised home-based walking to supervised high-intensity interval cycling.

Sudden cardiac death in athletes: A mini-review (2020)
Journal Article
Soori, R., Gharehlo, A., Hashemi, N., Hashemi, N., & Ingle, L. (2020). Sudden cardiac death in athletes: A mini-review. World Heart Journal, 21(1), 71-76

Elite young athletes with clinically silent cardiovascular disorders are at risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in competitive sports activity. SCD is caused by a variety of conditions; in middle-aged/senior athletes, atherosclerotic coronary artery d... Read More about Sudden cardiac death in athletes: A mini-review.

Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication (2020)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Palmer, J., Smith, G. E., Carroll, S., Ingle, L., Harwood, A., & Chetter, I. C. (2021). Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 41(3), 188-193.

Considering the Feasibility, Tolerability and Safety of High-Intensity Interval Training as a Novel Treatment for Patients with Intermittent Claudication.

Structured Abstract
Purpose: This study assessed the feasibility, tolerability, safety and... Read More about Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication.

Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners (2020)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Pymer, S., Ingle, L., Doherty, P., Chetter, I. C., Parmenter, B., Askew, C., & Tew, G. (2020). Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6(1), Article e000897.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is caused by atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries supplying the lower limbs often resulting in intermittent claudication, evident as pain or cramping while walking. Supervised exercise training elicits clinically... Read More about Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners.

Normative reference values for estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in apparently healthy British men and women (2020)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Rigby, A., Brodie, D., & Sandercock, G. (2020). Normative reference values for estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in apparently healthy British men and women. PLoS ONE, 15(10), Article e0240099.

Copyright: © 2020 Ingle et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and sour... Read More about Normative reference values for estimated cardiorespiratory fitness in apparently healthy British men and women.

Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review) (2020)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G. E., Harwood, A., Ingle, L., Huang, C., & Chetter, I. C. (2020). Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review). The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2020(9), Article CD013407.

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a type of cardiovascular disease where the blood vessels that carry the blood to the legs are hardened and... Read More about Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review).

Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease. (2020)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G. E., Elizabeth Harwood, A., Ingle, L., Huang, C., & Chetter, I. C. (2020). Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Article CD013407.

Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a type of cardiovascular disease where the blood vessels that carry the blood to the legs are hardened and narrowed. The most severe manifestation of PAD is critical limb ischaemia (CLI). Th... Read More about Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease..

Characterising the application of the “progressive overload” principle of exercise training within cardiac rehabilitation: a United Kingdom-based community programme (2020)
Journal Article
Khushhal, A., Nichols, S., Carroll, S., Abt, G., & Ingle, L. (in press). Characterising the application of the “progressive overload” principle of exercise training within cardiac rehabilitation: a United Kingdom-based community programme. PLoS ONE, 15(8), Article e0237197.

BACKGROUND: Recent concerns have cast doubt over the effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation [CR] programmes for improving cardiorespiratory fitness [CRF] in patients with a history of cardiac disease in the United Kingdom [UK]. We aimed to character... Read More about Characterising the application of the “progressive overload” principle of exercise training within cardiac rehabilitation: a United Kingdom-based community programme.

Current insights into exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure (2020)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., McGregor, G., Breckon, J., & Ingle, L. (in press). Current insights into exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure. International journal of sports medicine,

Cardiac rehabilitation is a package of lifestyle secondary prevention strategies designed for patients with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure. A community-based cardiac rehabilitation programme provides patients with a structured exerc... Read More about Current insights into exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure.

high INtensity Interval Training In pATiEnts with intermittent claudication (INITIATE): protocol for a multi-centre, proof-of-concept, prospective interventional study (2020)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Harwood, A., Ibeggazene, S., McGregor, G., Huang, C., Twiddy, M., Nicholls, A. R., Ingle, L., Carroll, S., Long, J., Rooms, M., & Chetter, I. C. (2020). high INtensity Interval Training In pATiEnts with intermittent claudication (INITIATE): protocol for a multi-centre, proof-of-concept, prospective interventional study. BMJ open, 10(7), Article e038825.

Introduction: The first-line recommended treatment for patients with intermittent claudication (IC), is a supervised exercise programme (SEP), which includes a minimum of 2 hours exercise per week over a 12-week period. However, provision, uptake, an... Read More about high INtensity Interval Training In pATiEnts with intermittent claudication (INITIATE): protocol for a multi-centre, proof-of-concept, prospective interventional study.

The Effect of Dry Needling on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Poststroke Survivors (2020)
Journal Article
Ghannadi, S., Shariat, A., Ansari, N., Tavakol, Z., Honarpishe, R., Hakakzadeh, A., Dommerholt, J., Noormohammadpour, P., & Ingle, L. (2020). The Effect of Dry Needling on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Poststroke Survivors. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 29(6), Article 104814.

Background: Spasticity is one of the main complications in poststroke survivors leading to difficulties in walking and standing resulting in high levels of disability. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of deep dry needlin... Read More about The Effect of Dry Needling on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Poststroke Survivors.

Routine exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation does not increase aerobic fitness: A CARE CR study (2020)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., Goodman, T., Page, R., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Nation, F., Clark, A. L., Birkett, S. T., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2020). Routine exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation does not increase aerobic fitness: A CARE CR study. International journal of cardiology, 305, 25-34.

© 2020 The Authors Background: Recent evidence suggests that routine exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR) may not lead to a substantial increase in estimated peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak). This could reduce the potential benefits of CR and expl... Read More about Routine exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation does not increase aerobic fitness: A CARE CR study.

A comprehensive screening protocol to identify incidence of lower back pain in military office workers (2020)
Journal Article
Alizadeh, R., Shariat, A., Hakakzadeh, A., Selk-Ghaffari, M., Damavandi, P., Honarpishe, R., & Ingle, L. (2020). A comprehensive screening protocol to identify incidence of lower back pain in military office workers. Journal of Pain Management, 13(1), 35-40

Military workers experience different types of lower back pain (LBP), but there is little evidence concerning the incidence of LBP in this group, especially in Asian countries. One of the most common forms of LBP is discogenic low back pain (DLBP) wh... Read More about A comprehensive screening protocol to identify incidence of lower back pain in military office workers.

Test–retest repeatability of the NX-16: a three-dimensional (3D) body scanner in a male cohort (2019)
Journal Article
Turpin, R. L., Douglas, C. C., Gleadall-Siddall, D. O., Turpin, R., Douglas, C., Ingle, L., & Garrett, A. T. (2020). Test–retest repeatability of the NX-16: a three-dimensional (3D) body scanner in a male cohort. Sport Sciences for Health, 16(2), 337-346.

© 2019, The Author(s). Purpose: Whole-body three-dimensional scanning is a tool utilised for the collection of body girths, volume, and surface area measurements. Few studies have investigated the validity and repeatability of this technology. The ai... Read More about Test–retest repeatability of the NX-16: a three-dimensional (3D) body scanner in a male cohort.

Concurrent impact of bilateral multiple joint functional electrical stimulation and treadmill walking on gait and spasticity in post-stroke survivors: a pilot study (2019)
Journal Article
Hakakzadeh, A., Shariat, A., Honarpishe, R., Moradi, V., Ghannadi, S., Sangelaji, B., Nakhostin Ansari, N., Hasson, S., & Ingle, L. (in press). Concurrent impact of bilateral multiple joint functional electrical stimulation and treadmill walking on gait and spasticity in post-stroke survivors: a pilot study. Physiotherapy theory and practice,

Background: Stroke causes multi-joint gait deficits, so a major objective of post-stroke rehabilitation is to regain normal gait function. Design and Setting: A case series completed at a neuroscience institute. Aim: The aim of the study was to deter... Read More about Concurrent impact of bilateral multiple joint functional electrical stimulation and treadmill walking on gait and spasticity in post-stroke survivors: a pilot study.