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All Outputs (138)

A randomized controlled trial to establish the impact of aquatic exercise training on functional capacity, balance, and perceptions of fatigue in female patients with multiple sclerosis (2017)
Journal Article
Kargarfard, M., Shariat, A., Ingle, L., Cleland, J. A., & Kargarfard, M. (2018). A randomized controlled trial to establish the impact of aquatic exercise training on functional capacity, balance, and perceptions of fatigue in female patients with multiple sclerosis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 99(2), 234-241.

Objective: To assess the effects of 8-weeks aquatic exercise training on functional capacity, balance, and perceptions of fatigue in women with multiple sclerosis (MS). Design: A randomized controlled design. Setting: Referral center of a multiple sc... Read More about A randomized controlled trial to establish the impact of aquatic exercise training on functional capacity, balance, and perceptions of fatigue in female patients with multiple sclerosis.

Exercise dose and all-cause mortality within extended cardiac rehabilitation: a cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Taylor, C., Tsakirides, C., Moxon, J., Moxon, J. W., Dudfield, M., Witte, K., Ingle, L., & Carroll, S. (2017). Exercise dose and all-cause mortality within extended cardiac rehabilitation: a cohort study. Open heart, 4(2), e000623.

Aims: To investigate the relationship between exercise participation, exercise ‘dose’ expressed as metabolic equivalent (MET) hours (h) per week, and prognosis in individuals attending an extended, community-based exercise rehabilitation programme. M... Read More about Exercise dose and all-cause mortality within extended cardiac rehabilitation: a cohort study.

Validity and reliability of the Apple Watch for measuring heart rate during exercise (2017)
Journal Article
Khushhal, A., Nichols, S., Evans, W., Gleadall-Siddall, D., Page, R., O'Doherty, A. F., Carroll, S., Ingle, L., & Abt, G. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Apple Watch for measuring heart rate during exercise. SMIO / Sports Medicine International Open, 1(6), E206-E211.

We examined the validity and reliability of the Apple Watch heart rate sensor during and in recovery from exercise. Twenty-one males completed treadmill exercise while wearing two Apple Watches (left and right wrists) and a Polar S810i monitor (crite... Read More about Validity and reliability of the Apple Watch for measuring heart rate during exercise.

Validity of telemetric-derived measures of heart rate variability: a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Board, E. M., Ispoglou, T., & Ingle, L. (2016). Validity of telemetric-derived measures of heart rate variability: a systematic review. Journal of exercise physiology online / American Society of Exercise Physiologists, 19(6), 64-84

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a widely accepted indirect measure of autonomic function with widespread application across many settings. Although traditionally measured from the 'gold standard' criterion electrocardiography (ECG), the development o... Read More about Validity of telemetric-derived measures of heart rate variability: a systematic review.

Characterization of the metabolically healthy phenotype in overweight and obese British men (2016)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Swainson, M., Brodie, D., & Sandercock, G. R. (2017). Characterization of the metabolically healthy phenotype in overweight and obese British men. Preventive Medicine, 94, 7-11.

We calculated the prevalence of the metabolically healthy but obese (MHO) phenotype in (n=9 177) British men (age 48.9±7.4 years) attending preventive health screening between 2000 and 2009. We examined differences in cardiorespiratory fitness (Fitne... Read More about Characterization of the metabolically healthy phenotype in overweight and obese British men.

High-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity steady-state training in UK cardiac rehabilitation programmes (HIIT or MISS UK): study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation (2016)
Journal Article
McGregor, G., Nichols, S., Hamborg, T., Bryning, L., Tudor-Edwards, R., Markland, D., Mercer, J., Birkett, S., Ennis, S., Powell, R., Begg, B., Haykowsky, M. J., Banerjee, P., Ingle, L., Shave, R., & Backx, K. (2016). High-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity steady-state training in UK cardiac rehabilitation programmes (HIIT or MISS UK): study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation. BMJ open, 6(11), e012843.

Introduction: Current international guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation (CR) advocate moderate-intensity exercise training (MISS, moderate-intensity steady state). This recommendation predates significant advances in medical therapy for coronary he... Read More about High-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity steady-state training in UK cardiac rehabilitation programmes (HIIT or MISS UK): study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation.

Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and the metabolic syndrome in British men (2016)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Mellis, M., Brodie, D., & Sandercock, G. R. (2017). Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and the metabolic syndrome in British men. Heart, 103(7), 524-528.

Background: Age and body mass index (BMI) are positively associated with the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can attenuate BMI-related increases in prevalence of MetS, but the nature of this association a... Read More about Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and the metabolic syndrome in British men.

The repeatability of the abbreviated (4-h) Oral Fat Tolerance Test and influence of prior acute aerobic exercise (2016)
Journal Article
O’Doherty, A. F., Sathyapalan, T., Rigby, A. S., Ingle, L., & Carroll, S. (2018). The repeatability of the abbreviated (4-h) Oral Fat Tolerance Test and influence of prior acute aerobic exercise. European Journal of Nutrition, 57(1), 309-318.

© 2016 The Author(s) Purpose: The Oral Fat Tolerance Test (OFTT) is regarded as a repeatable measure used to assess postprandial triglyceride (TAG) levels, with higher levels observed in cardio-metabolic disorders. Acute aerobic exercise intervention... Read More about The repeatability of the abbreviated (4-h) Oral Fat Tolerance Test and influence of prior acute aerobic exercise.

Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on cardiorespiratory fitness: A meta-analysis of UK studies (2016)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Almodhy, M., & Sandercock, G. R. (2016). Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on cardiorespiratory fitness: A meta-analysis of UK studies. International journal of cardiology, 221, 644-651.

Background: Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation can promote meaningful improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness (fitness) but the magnitude of such improvements varies according to local characteristics of exercise programmes. We aimed to determin... Read More about Effects of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on cardiorespiratory fitness: A meta-analysis of UK studies.

Submaximal fitness and mortality risk reduction in coronary heart disease: A retrospective cohort study of community-based exercise rehabilitation (2016)
Journal Article
Taylor, C., Tsakirides, C., Moxon, J., Moxon, J. W., Dudfield, M., Witte, K. K., Ingle, L., & Carroll, S. (2016). Submaximal fitness and mortality risk reduction in coronary heart disease: A retrospective cohort study of community-based exercise rehabilitation. BMJ open, 6(6), Article e011125.

Objectives To examine the association between submaximal cardiorespiratory fitness (sCRF) and all-cause mortality in a cardiac rehabilitation (CR) cohort. Design Retrospective cohort study of participants entering CR between 26 May 1993 and 16 Octob... Read More about Submaximal fitness and mortality risk reduction in coronary heart disease: A retrospective cohort study of community-based exercise rehabilitation.

Physical activity profiles and selected muscular fitness variables in English schoolchildren: A north–south divide? (2016)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Stephenson, A., & Sandercock, G. R. (2016). Physical activity profiles and selected muscular fitness variables in English schoolchildren: A north–south divide?. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 16(8), 1187-1196.

Introduction: The aim of the study was to compare and contrast habitual physical activity profiles and muscular fitness in schoolchildren from northern and southern regions of England. Methods: Data were collected from two secondary schools in the No... Read More about Physical activity profiles and selected muscular fitness variables in English schoolchildren: A north–south divide?.

A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation (2015)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., & Ingle, L. (2015). A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation. British journal of hospital medicine, 76(5), 281-289.

Data obtained from cardiopulmonary exercise testing offer additional interpretive power over conventional exercise tolerance testing. When used correctly, these data allow improved clinical decision making in patients with cardiometabolic and respira... Read More about A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation.

A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 1: An introduction (2015)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., & Ingle, L. (2015). A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 1: An introduction. British journal of hospital medicine, 76(4), 192-195.

Compared to standard exercise tolerance testing, cardiopulmonary exercise testing is a reliable and powerful tool that can be used for risk stratification, exercise prescription and clinical diagnosis.

Impact of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction on athletic performance and airway health in rugby union players (2014)
Journal Article
Dickinson, J., Ingle, L., Greenwell, J., & Spiteri, D. B. (2014). Impact of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction on athletic performance and airway health in rugby union players. International sportmed journal for FIMS ISMJ, 15(4), 333-342

All rights reserved. Background: There is emerging evidence that the prevalence of exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) is significantly under-reported in many sports. There is little known about the potential performance improvement that may exist wh... Read More about Impact of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction on athletic performance and airway health in rugby union players.

Cardiometabolic health benefits of a six-week high-intensity interval training intervention : a case study (2014)
Journal Article
Siddall-Gleadall, D., Gritt, J., Burke, R., O'Carroll, G., Bray, J., Ingle, L., & Garrett, A. (2014). Cardiometabolic health benefits of a six-week high-intensity interval training intervention : a case study. Journal of sports sciences, 32(Supplement 2), s28-s32.

Regular physical activity is recommended for patients diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and Type 2 Diabetes. However, "lack of time" is a common cited barrier in achieving the recommended weekly physical activity guidelines. High-intens... Read More about Cardiometabolic health benefits of a six-week high-intensity interval training intervention : a case study.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: an overview (2014)
Journal Article
McGregor, G., & Ingle, L. (2014). Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: an overview. British journal of cardiac nursing, 9(11), 541-543.

A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPEX or CPET) is an exercise tolerance test which combines the standard measures of electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure with ventilatory gas exchange data. Despite having been available for many years, CPEX h... Read More about Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: an overview.

Effectiveness of a six-week high-intensity interval training programme on cardiometabolic markers in sedentary males (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gleadall-Siddall, D., Burke, R., Gritt, J., O'Carroll, G., Bray, J., Ingle, L., & Garrett, A. Effectiveness of a six-week high-intensity interval training programme on cardiometabolic markers in sedentary males. Presented at BASES Conference 2014

High-intensity interval training (HIT) has been proposed as an effective, time efficient strategy to elicit similar cardiometabolic health benefits as traditional moderate-intensity endurance training. This is an important consideration as "lack of t... Read More about Effectiveness of a six-week high-intensity interval training programme on cardiometabolic markers in sedentary males.

Variability of automated carotid intima-media thickness measurements by novice operators (2014)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Milner, M., Meijer, R., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2016). Variability of automated carotid intima-media thickness measurements by novice operators. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 36(1), 25-32.

Carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT) measurements provide a non-invasive assessment of sub-clinical atherosclerosis. The aim of the study was to assess the inter- and intra-observer variability of automated C-IMT measurements undertaken by two novi... Read More about Variability of automated carotid intima-media thickness measurements by novice operators.

The relation between repeated 6-minute walk test performance and outcome in patients with chronic heart failure (2014)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2014). The relation between repeated 6-minute walk test performance and outcome in patients with chronic heart failure. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 57(4), 244-253.

Objective: To assess the prognostic implications of the 6-minute walk test (6-MWT) distance measured twice, one year apart, in a large sample of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) followed for an extended period ( > . 8. years from baseline).... Read More about The relation between repeated 6-minute walk test performance and outcome in patients with chronic heart failure.

The long-term prognostic significance of 6-minute walk test distance in patients with chronic heart failure (2014)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2014). The long-term prognostic significance of 6-minute walk test distance in patients with chronic heart failure. Biomed research international, 2014, 1-7.

Background. The 6-minute walk test (6-MWT) is used to assess patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). The prognostic significance of the 6-MWT distance during long-term followup ( > 5 years) is unclear. Methods. 1,667 patients (median [inter-quarti... Read More about The long-term prognostic significance of 6-minute walk test distance in patients with chronic heart failure.