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All Outputs (59)

The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Hayes, S. C., James Wilcox, C. R., Forbes White, H. S., & Vanicek, N. (2018). The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review. The journal of spinal cord medicine : JSCM, 41(5), 529-543.

Context: Robotic assisted gait training (RAGT) technology can be used as a rehabilitation tool or as an assistive device for spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals. Its impact on upright stepping characteristics of SCI individuals using treadmill or o... Read More about The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review.

A systematic review of muscle morphology and function in intermittent claudication (2017)
Journal Article
Harwood, A. E., King, S., Totty, J., Smith, G. E., Vanicek, N., & Chetter, I. C. (2017). A systematic review of muscle morphology and function in intermittent claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 66(4), 1241-1257.

Objective Intermittent claudication (IC) is frequently associated with deterioration in walking capacity and physical function, and it can often result in an impairment in balance. Whereas supervised exercise is recommended by the National Institute... Read More about A systematic review of muscle morphology and function in intermittent claudication.

Spatiotemporal and plantar pressure patterns of 1000 healthy individuals aged 3-101 years (2017)
Journal Article
McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Wojciechowski, E., Mudge, A., & Burns, J. (2017). Spatiotemporal and plantar pressure patterns of 1000 healthy individuals aged 3-101 years. Gait and Posture, 58, 78-87.

Objective The purpose of this study was to establish normative reference values for spatiotemporal and plantar pressure parameters, and to investigate the influence of demographic, anthropometric and physical characteristics. Methods In 1000 healthy... Read More about Spatiotemporal and plantar pressure patterns of 1000 healthy individuals aged 3-101 years.

Sagittal plane joint kinetics during stair ascent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (2017)
Journal Article
King, S. L., Vanicek, N., & O'Brien, T. D. (2017). Sagittal plane joint kinetics during stair ascent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication. Gait and Posture, 55, 81-86.

Stair negotiation poses a substantial physical demand on the musculoskeletal system and this challenging task can place individuals at risk of falls. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can cause intermittent claudication (IC) pain in the calf and resu... Read More about Sagittal plane joint kinetics during stair ascent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication.

Reference values for developing responsive functional outcome measures across the lifespan (2017)
Journal Article
McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Burns, J., & For the 1000 Norms Project Consortium. (2017). Reference values for developing responsive functional outcome measures across the lifespan. Neurology, 88(16), 1512-1519.

Objective: To generate a reference dataset of commonly performed functional outcome measures in 1,000 children and adults and investigate the influence of demographic, anthropometric, strength, and flexibility characteristics. Methods: Twelve functio... Read More about Reference values for developing responsive functional outcome measures across the lifespan.

Normative reference values for strength and flexibility of 1,000 children and adults (2016)
Journal Article
McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Burns, J., & For the 1000 Norms Project Consortium. (2017). Normative reference values for strength and flexibility of 1,000 children and adults. Neurology, 88(1), 36-43.

Objectives: To establish reference values for isometric strength of 12 muscle groups and flexibility of 13 joint movements in 1000 children and adults, and investigate the influence of demographic and anthropometric factors. Methods: A standardized r... Read More about Normative reference values for strength and flexibility of 1,000 children and adults.

Gastrocnemius muscle architecture and achilles tendon properties influence walking distance in claudicants with peripheral arterial disease (2016)
Journal Article
O'brien, T. D., King, S. L., & Vanicek, N. (2016). Gastrocnemius muscle architecture and achilles tendon properties influence walking distance in claudicants with peripheral arterial disease. Muscle & nerve, 53(5), 733-741.

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Introduction: The extent to which gastrocnemius muscle and Achilles tendon properties contribute to the impaired walking endurance of claudicants is not known. Methods: Ultrasound images quantified muscle architecture o... Read More about Gastrocnemius muscle architecture and achilles tendon properties influence walking distance in claudicants with peripheral arterial disease.

Biomechanical demands of the 2-step transitional gait cycles linking level gait and stair descent gait in older women (2015)
Journal Article
Alcock, L., O'Brien, T. D., & Vanicek, N. (2015). Biomechanical demands of the 2-step transitional gait cycles linking level gait and stair descent gait in older women. Journal of biomechanics, 48(16), 4191-4197.

Stair descent is an inherently complex form of locomotion posing a high falls risk for older adults, specifically when negotiating the transitional gait cycles linking level gait and descent. The aim of this study was to enhance our understanding of... Read More about Biomechanical demands of the 2-step transitional gait cycles linking level gait and stair descent gait in older women.

Defining health and disease: setting the boundaries for physiotherapy. Are we undertreating or overtreating? How can we tell? (2015)
Journal Article
Baldwin, J. N., McKay, M. J., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N., Vanicek, N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Refshauge, K., & Burns, J. (2015). Defining health and disease: setting the boundaries for physiotherapy. Are we undertreating or overtreating? How can we tell?. British journal of sports medicine, 49(19), 1225-1226.

Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance (2015)
Journal Article
King, S., Vanicek, N., & O'Brien, T. D. (2015). Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance. Journal of vascular surgery, 62(3), 689-697.

Objective Peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (PAD-IC) negatively affects physical activity and function. There is evidence for plantarflexor muscle dysfunction and weakness; however, the extent to which this dysfunction can be... Read More about Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance.

Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot (2015)
Journal Article
Vanicek, N., Halaki, M., & Strauts, J. (2016). Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot. Journal of sports sciences, 34(1), 75-87.

The aim of this study was to observe changes in the kinematics and muscle activities when barefoot running was initially adopted by six habitually shod, recreational rearfoot striking runners. Participants ran on a treadmill shod for 5 min, completed... Read More about Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot.

Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine (2015)
Journal Article
Baldwin, J. N., McKay, M. J., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N., Vanicek, N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Refshauge, K., & Burns, J. (2015). Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine. British journal of sports medicine, 49(19), 1226-1227.

Clinicians aim to identify abnormalities, and distinguish harmful from harmless abnormalities. In sports medicine, measures of physical function such as strength, balance and joint flexibility are used as diagnostic tools to identify causes of pain a... Read More about Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine.

1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation (2015)
Journal Article
McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N. A., Quinlan, K. G., Pourkazemi, F., Sman, A. D., Nicholson, L. L., Mousavi, S. J., Rose, K., Raymond, J., Mackey, M. G., Chard, A., Hübscher, M., Wegener, C., Fong Yan, A., …on behalf of the 1000 Norms Project Consortium. (2016). 1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation. Physiotherapy, 102(1), 50-56.

Background Clinical decision-making regarding diagnosis and management largely depends on comparison with healthy or ‘normal’ values. Physiotherapists and researchers therefore need access to robust patient-centred outcome measures and appropriate re... Read More about 1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation.

Age-related changes in physical functioning : correlates between objective and self-reported outcomes (2014)
Journal Article
Alcock, L., O'Brien, T. D., & Vanicek, N. (2015). Age-related changes in physical functioning : correlates between objective and self-reported outcomes. Physiotherapy, 101(2), 204-213.

Objectives To quantify the variance attributable to age and estimate annual decline in physical function and self-reported health using a battery of outcome measures in healthy older females. To determine whether self-reported functional losses are s... Read More about Age-related changes in physical functioning : correlates between objective and self-reported outcomes.

Longitudinal changes in transtibial amputee gait characteristics when negotiating a change in surface height during continuous gait (2014)
Journal Article
Barnett, C. T., Polman, R. C. J., & Vanicek, N. (2014). Longitudinal changes in transtibial amputee gait characteristics when negotiating a change in surface height during continuous gait. Clinical biomechanics, 29(7), 787-793.

Background Negotiating a raised surface during continuous gait is an important activity of daily living and is a potentially hazardous task with regards to trips, falls and fall-related injury. However, it is not known how recent transtibial amputees... Read More about Longitudinal changes in transtibial amputee gait characteristics when negotiating a change in surface height during continuous gait.

Kinematic differences exist between transtibial amputee fallers and non-fallers during downwards step transitioning (2014)
Journal Article
Vanicek, N., Strike, S. C., & Polman, R. (2015). Kinematic differences exist between transtibial amputee fallers and non-fallers during downwards step transitioning. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 39(4), 322-332.

Background: Stair negotiation is biomechanically more challenging than level gait. There are few biomechanical assessments of transtibial amputees descending stairs and none specifically related to falls. Stair descent may elicit more differences tha... Read More about Kinematic differences exist between transtibial amputee fallers and non-fallers during downwards step transitioning.

Effect of supervised exercise on physical function and balance in patients with intermittent claudication (2014)
Journal Article
Mockford, K. A., Gohil, R. A., Mazari, F., Khan, J. A., Vanicek, N., Coughlin, P. A., & Chetter, I. C. (2014). Effect of supervised exercise on physical function and balance in patients with intermittent claudication. British journal of surgery, 101(4), 356-362.

Background The aim of the study was to identify whether a standard supervised exercise programme (SEP) for patients with intermittent claudication improved specific measures of functional performance including balance. Methods A prospective observati... Read More about Effect of supervised exercise on physical function and balance in patients with intermittent claudication.

The effects of altered lower limb mechanics as a result of amputation on gait and posture and the implications for falls (2014)
Book Chapter
Vanicek, N. (2014). The effects of altered lower limb mechanics as a result of amputation on gait and posture and the implications for falls. In L. Li, & M. Holmes (Eds.), Gait Biometrics: Basic Patterns, Role of Neurological Disorders and Effects of Physical Activity (117-139). Nova Science Publishers

© 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Following the amputation of the lower limb, a prosthesis is typically prescribed to provide the structural support needed for walking. Inherently, lower limb amputees have modified locomotor s... Read More about The effects of altered lower limb mechanics as a result of amputation on gait and posture and the implications for falls.

Fear of falling in claudicants and its relationship to physical ability, balance, and quality of Life (2014)
Journal Article
Lane, R. A., Mazari, F., Mockford, K. A., Vanicek, N., Chetter, I. C., & Coughlin, P. A. (2014). Fear of falling in claudicants and its relationship to physical ability, balance, and quality of Life. Vascular and endovascular surgery, 48(4), 297-304.

Objectives: Intermittent claudication is associated with poor physical function, quality of life (QoL), and balance impairment. Fear of falling (FoF) is a recognized contributing factor to poor physical ability. Any link between claudication and FoF... Read More about Fear of falling in claudicants and its relationship to physical ability, balance, and quality of Life.

Computerized dynamic posturography for postural control assessment in patients with intermittent claudication. (2013)
Journal Article
Vanicek, N., King, S. A., Gohil, R., Chetter, I. C., & Coughlin, P. A. (2013). Computerized dynamic posturography for postural control assessment in patients with intermittent claudication. Journal of Visualized Experiments, Article e51077.

Computerized dynamic posturography with the EquiTest is an objective technique for measuring postural strategies under challenging static and dynamic conditions. As part of a diagnostic assessment, the early detection of postural deficits is importan... Read More about Computerized dynamic posturography for postural control assessment in patients with intermittent claudication..