Defining health and disease: setting the boundaries for physiotherapy. Are we undertreating or overtreating? How can we tell?
Journal Article
Baldwin, J. N., McKay, M. J., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N., Vanicek, N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Refshauge, K., & Burns, J. (2015). Defining health and disease: setting the boundaries for physiotherapy. Are we undertreating or overtreating? How can we tell?. British journal of sports medicine, 49(19), 1225-1226.
All Outputs (35)
The Effect of Bio-Banding on the Anthropometric, Physical Fitness and Functional Movement Characteristics of Academy Soccer Players (2015)
McLaren-Towlson, C., Cumming, S., MacMaster, C., Parkin, G., & Portas, M. The Effect of Bio-Banding on the Anthropometric, Physical Fitness and Functional Movement Characteristics of Academy Soccer Players. [Data]
Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance (2015)
Journal Article
King, S., Vanicek, N., & O'Brien, T. D. (2015). Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance. Journal of vascular surgery, 62(3), 689-697. Peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (PAD-IC) negatively affects physical activity and function. There is evidence for plantarflexor muscle dysfunction and weakness; however, the extent to which this dysfunction can be... Read More about Dynamic muscle quality of the plantar flexors is impaired in claudicant patients with peripheral arterial disease and associated with poorer walking endurance.
A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation (2015)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., & Ingle, L. (2015). A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation. British journal of hospital medicine, 76(5), 281-289. obtained from cardiopulmonary exercise testing offer additional interpretive power over conventional exercise tolerance testing. When used correctly, these data allow improved clinical decision making in patients with cardiometabolic and respira... Read More about A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2: test interpretation.
A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of the process of kidney recipients' resolution of complex ambiguities within relationships with their living donors (2015)
Journal Article
Spiers, J., Smith, J. A., & Drage, M. (2016). A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of the process of kidney recipients' resolution of complex ambiguities within relationships with their living donors. Journal of health psychology, 21(11), 2600-2611. previous research into living kidney donation has focused on the decision-making of the donor, despite evidence suggesting this may be a more psychologically challenging time for the recipient. This longitudinal study explores the experiences of... Read More about A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of the process of kidney recipients' resolution of complex ambiguities within relationships with their living donors.
Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot (2015)
Journal Article
Vanicek, N., Halaki, M., & Strauts, J. (2016). Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot. Journal of sports sciences, 34(1), 75-87. aim of this study was to observe changes in the kinematics and muscle activities when barefoot running was initially adopted by six habitually shod, recreational rearfoot striking runners. Participants ran on a treadmill shod for 5 min, completed... Read More about Acute changes in kinematic and muscle activity patterns in habitually shod rearfoot strikers while running barefoot.
Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine (2015)
Journal Article
Baldwin, J. N., McKay, M. J., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N., Vanicek, N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Refshauge, K., & Burns, J. (2015). Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine. British journal of sports medicine, 49(19), 1226-1227. aim to identify abnormalities, and distinguish harmful from harmless abnormalities. In sports medicine, measures of physical function such as strength, balance and joint flexibility are used as diagnostic tools to identify causes of pain a... Read More about Forming norms: informing diagnosis and management in sports medicine.
A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 1: An introduction (2015)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., & Ingle, L. (2015). A clinician's guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing 1: An introduction. British journal of hospital medicine, 76(4), 192-195. to standard exercise tolerance testing, cardiopulmonary exercise testing is a reliable and powerful tool that can be used for risk stratification, exercise prescription and clinical diagnosis.
Age-related deviation of gait from normality in alkaptonuria (2015)
Journal Article
Barton, G. J., King, S. L., Robinson, M. A., Hawken, M. B., & Ranganath, L. R. (2015). Age-related deviation of gait from normality in alkaptonuria. JIMD Reports, 24, 39-44. is a rare metabolic disease leading to systemic changes including early and severe arthropathy which affects mobility. For unknown reasons, the onset of degenerative changes is delayed to around 30 years of age when both objective and su... Read More about Age-related deviation of gait from normality in alkaptonuria.
Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship (2015)
Journal Article
Earle, F., Hockey, B., Earle, K., & Clough, P. (2015). Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship. Motivation and emotion, 39(4), 467-476. study is reported on the effects of task load and task motivation on the relationship between effort and fatigue in a demanding life-support simulation, aimed to test the hypothesis that effort, rather than demands, was the direct cause of fatigue... Read More about Separating the effects of task load and task motivation on the effort–fatigue relationship.
Oxidized LDL activates blood platelets through CD36/NOX2–mediated inhibition of the cGMP/protein kinase G signaling cascade (2015)
Journal Article
Magwenzi, S., Woodward, C., Wraith, K. S., Aburima, A., Raslan, Z., Jones, H., McNeil, C., Wheatcroft, S., Yuldasheva, N., Febbriao, M., Kearney, M., & Naseem, K. M. (2015). Oxidized LDL activates blood platelets through CD36/NOX2–mediated inhibition of the cGMP/protein kinase G signaling cascade. Blood, 125(17), 2693-2703. low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) promotes unregulated platelet activation in dyslipidemic disorders. Although oxLDL stimulates activatory signaling, it is unclear how these events drive accelerated thrombosis. Here, we describe a mechanism fo... Read More about Oxidized LDL activates blood platelets through CD36/NOX2–mediated inhibition of the cGMP/protein kinase G signaling cascade.
Measuring time perspective in adolescents : can you get the right answer by asking the wrong questions? (2015)
Journal Article
Perry, J. L., McKay, M. T., Worrell, F. C., Živkovič, U., Mello, Z. R., & Musil, B. (2015). Measuring time perspective in adolescents : can you get the right answer by asking the wrong questions?. Personality and individual differences, 78, 53-57. perspective continues to evolve as a psychological construct. The extant literature suggests that higher future orientation and lower present orientation are associated with better developmental outcomes. However, the extant literature also sugg... Read More about Measuring time perspective in adolescents : can you get the right answer by asking the wrong questions?.
1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation (2015)
Journal Article
McKay, M. J., Baldwin, J. N., Ferreira, P., Simic, M., Vanicek, N., Hiller, C. E., Nightingale, E. J., Moloney, N. A., Quinlan, K. G., Pourkazemi, F., Sman, A. D., Nicholson, L. L., Mousavi, S. J., Rose, K., Raymond, J., Mackey, M. G., Chard, A., Hübscher, M., Wegener, C., Fong Yan, A., …on behalf of the 1000 Norms Project Consortium. (2016). 1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation. Physiotherapy, 102(1), 50-56. Clinical decision-making regarding diagnosis and management largely depends on comparison with healthy or ‘normal’ values. Physiotherapists and researchers therefore need access to robust patient-centred outcome measures and appropriate re... Read More about 1000 Norms Project: Protocol of a cross-sectional study cataloging human variation.
Assessing model fit: Caveats and recommendations for confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling (2015)
Journal Article
Perry, J. L., Nicholls, A. R., Clough, P. J., & Crust, L. (2015). Assessing model fit: Caveats and recommendations for confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling. Measurement in physical education and exercise science, 19(1), 12-21. factor analysis (CFA) is commonly used to assess measurement models in sport and exercise psychology. Frequently used as a yardstick for their adequacy, are specific cutoff values proposed by Hu and Bentler (1999). The purpose of this st... Read More about Assessing model fit: Caveats and recommendations for confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling.
On the functional overlap between complement and anti-microbial peptides (2015)
Journal Article
Stover, C. M., Hobkirk, J., Browning, M. J., Mohamed, F., & Zimmer, J. (2015). On the functional overlap between complement and anti-microbial peptides. Frontiers in immunology, 5(JAN), Article 689., activated complement and anti-microbial peptides share certain functionalities; lytic, phagocytic, and chemo-attractant activities and each may, in addition, exert cell instructive roles. Each has been shown to have distinct LPS detoxif... Read More about On the functional overlap between complement and anti-microbial peptides.