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All Outputs (40)

Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study (2018)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., Page, R., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Nation, F., Goodman, T., Clark, A. L., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2018). Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study. Sports Medicine - Open, 4(1),

© 2018, The Author(s). Background: Higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with lower morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). The mechanisms for this are not fully understood. A more favourable cardiometabo... Read More about Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study.

The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players (2018)
Journal Article
Akubat, I., Barrett, S., Sagarra, M. L., & Abt, G. (2018). The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players. Sports, 6(2), 44.

Purpose: To examine the relationship of external:internal training load ratios with fitness and assess the impact of fatigue. Method: Ten soccer players performed a lactate threshold test followed by two soccer simulations (BEAST90mod ) 48 h apart. R... Read More about The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players.

Exercise prehabilitation in elective intra-cavity surgery: A role within the ERAS pathway? A narrative review (2018)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Northgraves, M. J., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2018). Exercise prehabilitation in elective intra-cavity surgery: A role within the ERAS pathway? A narrative review. International journal of surgery, 56, 328-333.

The Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) model integrates several elements of perioperative care into a standardised clinical pathway for surgical patients. ERAS programmes aim to reduce the rate of complications, improve surgical recovery, and lim... Read More about Exercise prehabilitation in elective intra-cavity surgery: A role within the ERAS pathway? A narrative review.

The prevalence of pseudoscientific ideas and neuromyths among sports coaches (2018)
Journal Article
Bailey, R. P., Madigan, D. J., Cope, E., & Nicholls, A. R. (2018). The prevalence of pseudoscientific ideas and neuromyths among sports coaches. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(MAY), Article 641.

There has been an exponential growth in research examining the neurological basis of human cognition and learning. Little is known, however, about the extent to which sports coaches are aware of these advances. Consequently, the aim of the present st... Read More about The prevalence of pseudoscientific ideas and neuromyths among sports coaches.

A personalised exercise programme for individuals with lower limb amputation reduces falls and improves gait biomechanics: A block randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
Schafer, Z. A., Perry, J. L., & Vanicek, N. (2018). A personalised exercise programme for individuals with lower limb amputation reduces falls and improves gait biomechanics: A block randomised controlled trial. Gait and Posture, 63, 282-289.

Background: Lower limb amputees (LLAs) are at increased risk of falling due to the inherent asymmetry resulting from their limb loss, muscle weakness and other neuro-musculoskeletal limitations. Research question: The aim of this study was to evaluat... Read More about A personalised exercise programme for individuals with lower limb amputation reduces falls and improves gait biomechanics: A block randomised controlled trial.

When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside? (2018)
Journal Article
Towlson, C., Cobley, S., Parkin, G., & Lovell, R. (2018). When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside?. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28(8), 1946-1955.

The relationships between maturation and anthropometric and physical performance characteristics are dynamic and often asynchronous; confounding the capability to accurately evaluate performance during adolescence. This study aimed to (i) examine the... Read More about When does the influence of maturation on anthropometric and physical fitness characteristics increase and subside?.

Joint moment strategies during stair descent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication (2018)
Journal Article
King, S. L., Vanicek, N., & O'Brien, T. D. (2018). Joint moment strategies during stair descent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication. Gait and Posture, 62, 359-365.

To determine the lower limb joint kinetic strategies during stair descent in claudicants with peripheral arterial disease (PAD-IC).

Cross-sectional observation study.

University laboratory.

A total of 22 parti... Read More about Joint moment strategies during stair descent in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication.

Thinking aloud: an exploration of cognitions in professional snooker (2018)
Journal Article
Welsh, J. C., Dewhurst, S. A., & Perry, J. L. (2018). Thinking aloud: an exploration of cognitions in professional snooker. Psychology of sport and exercise, 36, 197-208.

Objectives: Presently, there is no exploration into the cognitive processes of super-elite and elite professional snooker players during real-time performance. Therefore, this study explored the cognitions of seven professional snooker players during... Read More about Thinking aloud: an exploration of cognitions in professional snooker.

Short-Term Training and Detraining Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Exercise in Aging Adults (2018)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2019). Short-Term Training and Detraining Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Exercise in Aging Adults. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 33(10), 2733-2742.

Orange, ST, Marshall, P, Madden, LA, and Vince, RV. Short-term training and detraining effects of supervised vs. unsupervised resistance exercise in aging adults. J Strength Cond Res 33(10): 2733-2742, 2019-This study compared the effects of a 4-week... Read More about Short-Term Training and Detraining Effects of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Resistance Exercise in Aging Adults.

The effect of accommodating resistance on the post-activation potentiation response in Rugby League players (2018)
Journal Article
Scott, D. J., Ditroilo, M., & Marshall, P. (2018). The effect of accommodating resistance on the post-activation potentiation response in Rugby League players. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 32(9), 2510-2520.

This study examined the post-activation potentiation (PAP) response of two conditioning activities (CA), the hexbar deadlift (HBD) and back squat (BS), combined with accommodating resistance; this adds a percentage of the total resistance during the... Read More about The effect of accommodating resistance on the post-activation potentiation response in Rugby League players.

Reduction of frontal plane knee load caused by lateral trunk lean depends on step width (2018)
Journal Article
Anderson, J., King, S., Przybyla, A., Ranganath, L., & Barton, G. (2018). Reduction of frontal plane knee load caused by lateral trunk lean depends on step width. Gait and Posture, 61, 483-487.

The internal knee abduction moment (KAM) in osteoarthritis is reduced by increased lateral trunk lean (TL). Mechanistically, this occurs as the Centre of Mass (COM) moves further over the stance leg. Since the size of the base of support constrains t... Read More about Reduction of frontal plane knee load caused by lateral trunk lean depends on step width.

The effect of a simulated commercial flight environment with hypoxia and low humidity on clotting, platelet, and endothelial function in participants with type 2 diabetes - A cross-over study (2018)
Journal Article
Konya, J., Spurgeon, B. E. J., Al Qaissi, A., Sathyapalan, T., Ajjan, R., Madden, L., Naseem, K. M., Garrett, A. T., Kilpatrick, E., & Atkin, S. L. (2018). The effect of a simulated commercial flight environment with hypoxia and low humidity on clotting, platelet, and endothelial function in participants with type 2 diabetes - A cross-over study. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9(FEB), Article 26.

© 2018 Konya, Al Qaissi, Sathyapalan, Ajjan, Madden, Naseem, Garrett, Kilpatrick and Atkin. Aims: To determine if clotting, platelet, and endothelial function were affected by simulated short-haul commercial air flight conditions (SF) in participants... Read More about The effect of a simulated commercial flight environment with hypoxia and low humidity on clotting, platelet, and endothelial function in participants with type 2 diabetes - A cross-over study.

Effect of spirometry on intra-thoracic pressures (2018)
Journal Article
Tiller, N. B., & Simpson, A. J. (2018). Effect of spirometry on intra-thoracic pressures. BMC research notes, 11(1), Article 110.


Due to the high intra-thoracic pressures associated with forced vital capacity manoeuvres, spirometry is contraindicated for vulnerable patients. However, the typical pressure response to spirometry has not been reported. Eight healthy, re... Read More about Effect of spirometry on intra-thoracic pressures.

The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Hayes, S. C., James Wilcox, C. R., Forbes White, H. S., & Vanicek, N. (2018). The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review. The journal of spinal cord medicine : JSCM, 41(5), 529-543.

Context: Robotic assisted gait training (RAGT) technology can be used as a rehabilitation tool or as an assistive device for spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals. Its impact on upright stepping characteristics of SCI individuals using treadmill or o... Read More about The effects of robot assisted gait training on temporal-spatial characteristics of people with spinal cord injuries: a systematic review.

Preferred exercise modalities in patients with intermittent claudication (2018)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Hitchman, L. H., Ingle, L., Doherty, P., & Chetter, I. C. (2018). Preferred exercise modalities in patients with intermittent claudication. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 36(2), 81-84.

Conventional supervised exercise programs (SEPs) for claudicants are traditionally based on time-constrained, group-based structured programs usually at a hospital site. Uptake of an SEP is poor, despite the high-level evidence demonstrating its clin... Read More about Preferred exercise modalities in patients with intermittent claudication.

The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, R. J., Sanders, D., Myers, T., Abt, G., Taylor, C. A., & Akubat, I. (2018). The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players. International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSPP, 13(2), 163-169.

© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. Purpose: To identify the dose-response relationship between measures of training load (TL) and changes in aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players. Method: Training data from 10 academy rugby union players were colle... Read More about The dose-response relationship between training load and aerobic fitness in academy rugby union players.

CARE CR-Cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Routine Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation: a study protocol for a community-based controlled study with criterion methods (2018)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Nation, F., Goodman, T., Clark, A. L., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2018). CARE CR-Cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Routine Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation: a study protocol for a community-based controlled study with criterion methods. BMJ open, 8(1), e019216.

Introduction Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Much of this improvement has been attributed to the beneficial effects of structured exercise training. However, UK... Read More about CARE CR-Cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Routine Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation: a study protocol for a community-based controlled study with criterion methods.

Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study (2018)
Journal Article
Abt, G., Bray, J., & Benson, A. C. (2018). Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study. JMIR Cardio, 2(1), e6.

Background: Moderate fitness levels and habitual exercise have a protective effect for cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality. The Apple Watch displays exercise completed at an intensity of a brisk walk or above usin... Read More about Measuring Moderate-Intensity Exercise with the Apple Watch: Validation Study.