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All Outputs (3)

An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists (2024)
Naylor, J. An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Person-centred practice (PCP) constitutes an important, individualising approach that strives to confront a legacy of healthcare paternalism. The biomedical roots of physiotherapy, alongside context-specificity of PCP, hinder realisation of this huma... Read More about An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists.

Cool facial airflow speeds recovery from exertion induced breathlessness in people with chronic breathlessness (2024)
Burrell, T. Cool facial airflow speeds recovery from exertion induced breathlessness in people with chronic breathlessness. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Background: Evidence supports facial airflow from a handheld fan to reduce breathlessness in patients with chronic breathlessness. The thesis explored the effectiveness of different airflow speeds on recovery from exertion-induced breathlessness.
Me... Read More about Cool facial airflow speeds recovery from exertion induced breathlessness in people with chronic breathlessness.

Tele-rehabilitation following Covid-19: a sub analysis dependant on level of respiratory intervention during hospitalisation (2022)
Hyde, L. E. Tele-rehabilitation following Covid-19: a sub analysis dependant on level of respiratory intervention during hospitalisation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Introduction: Tele-rehabilitation has been shown to be effective in improving exercise capacity, quality of life, fatigue and mood in patients discharged from hospital following Covid-19 infection. It remains unknown however whether the level interve... Read More about Tele-rehabilitation following Covid-19: a sub analysis dependant on level of respiratory intervention during hospitalisation.