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All Outputs (38)

The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women (2018)
Journal Article
Montgomery, G., Abt, G., Dobson, C., Smith, T., Evans, W., & Ditroilo, M. (2019). The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 44, 124-131.

High impact exercise can reduce postmenopausal bone loss, however stimulus frequency (loading cycles per second) can affect osteogenesis. We aimed to examine the effect of stimulus frequency on the mechanical loading of four common osteoporosis preve... Read More about The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women.

Can sit-to-stand muscle power explain the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity? (2018)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Vince, R. V. (2019). Can sit-to-stand muscle power explain the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity?. Journal of sports sciences, 37(11), 1227-1234.

This study examined the relationship between sit-to-stand (STS) power and physical function in adults with severe obesity. Thirty-eight adults (age: 44 ± 12 years; body mass index [BMI]: 45.2 ± 7.8 kg/m2) completed evaluations of STS power, strength... Read More about Can sit-to-stand muscle power explain the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity?.

Home-based exercise programmes for individuals with intermittent claudication: A protocol for an updated systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Pymer, S. A., Tew, G. A., Palmer, J., Ingle, L., Smith, G. E., Chetter, I. C., & Harwood, A. E. (2018). Home-based exercise programmes for individuals with intermittent claudication: A protocol for an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. SAGE Open Medicine, 6,

Background: The aim of this updated review is to consider the evidence base for the effectiveness of home-based exercise programmes as a treatment option for improving walking distance in patients with intermittent claudication. Methods: The Medline,... Read More about Home-based exercise programmes for individuals with intermittent claudication: A protocol for an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

Treatable traits in the European U-BIOPRED adult asthma cohorts (2018)
Journal Article
Simpson, A. J., Hekking, P. P., Shaw, D. E., Fleming, L. J., Roberts, G., Riley, J. H., Bates, S., Sousa, A. R., Bansal, A. T., Pandis, I., Sun, K., Bakke, P. S., Caruso, M., Dahlén, B., Dahlén, S. E., Horvath, I., Krug, N., Montuschi, P., Sandstrom, T., Singer, F., …the U-BIOPRED Study Group. (2019). Treatable traits in the European U-BIOPRED adult asthma cohorts. Allergy, 74(2), 406-411.

Letter to the editor

Association between somatosensory, visual and vestibular contributions to postural control, reactive balance capacity and healthy ageing in older women (2018)
Journal Article
Alcock, L., O’Brien, T. D., & Vanicek, N. (2018). Association between somatosensory, visual and vestibular contributions to postural control, reactive balance capacity and healthy ageing in older women. Health care for women international, 39(12), 1366-1380.

We investigated the biological systems involved in maintaining equilibrium during unstable and perturbed conditions in 39 healthy older women and estimated the annual difference in performance across the older age spectrum using regression. The large... Read More about Association between somatosensory, visual and vestibular contributions to postural control, reactive balance capacity and healthy ageing in older women.

Environmental effects of ambient temperature and relative humidity on insulin pharmacodynamics in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Qaissi, A., Papageorgiou, M., Javed, Z., Heise, T., Rigby, A. S., Garrett, A. T., Hepburn, D., Kilpatrick, E. S., Atkin, S. L., & Sathyapalan, T. (2019). Environmental effects of ambient temperature and relative humidity on insulin pharmacodynamics in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 21(3), 569-574.

This study aimed to explore the effects of ambient temperature and relative humidity on insulin pharmacodynamics in adults with type 1 diabetes.

Research Design
A 3‐way, cross‐over, randomised study was performed in adults with type 1 diab... Read More about Environmental effects of ambient temperature and relative humidity on insulin pharmacodynamics in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS (2018)
Journal Article
Aye, M. M., Butler, A. E., Kilpatrick, E. S., Kirk, R., Vince, R., Rigby, A. S., Sandeman, D., & Atkin, S. L. (2018). Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS. Frontiers in endocrinology, 9(OCT), Article 592.

Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is the hallmark of PCOS and it is known that exercise may decrease it. What is unknown is whether exercise may mechanistically alter the underlying IR, attenuating the dynamic lipid induced IR in insulin resistant... Read More about Dynamic change in insulin resistance induced by free fatty acids is unchanged though insulin sensitivity improves following endurance exercise in PCOS.

The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination (2018)
Journal Article
Douglas, C., Yearsley, J., Scott, G. W., & Hubbard, K. E. (2018). The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 319-341.

Engaging in a final year project is required in most undergraduate degree programmes. However, the student research experience often differs from the academic experience due to a lack of opportunities for research dissemination. We present the Studen... Read More about The Student Thesis Conference as a model for authentic and inclusive student research dissemination.

Alternate stair descent strategies for reducing joint moment demands in older individuals (2018)
Journal Article
King, S. L., Underdown, T., Reeves, N. D., Baltzopoulos, V., & Maganaris, C. N. (2018). Alternate stair descent strategies for reducing joint moment demands in older individuals. Journal of biomechanics, 78, 126-133.

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd Descending stairs requires elevated joint moment-generating capability in the lower limbs, making it a challenging daily activity, particularly for older individuals. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of three... Read More about Alternate stair descent strategies for reducing joint moment demands in older individuals.

Low skeletal muscle mass is associated with low aerobic capacity and increased mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease - a CARE CR study (2018)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., O'Doherty, A. F., Taylor, C., Clark, A. L., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2019). Low skeletal muscle mass is associated with low aerobic capacity and increased mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease - a CARE CR study. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 39(1), 93-102.

In patients with chronic heart failure, there is a positive linear relationship between skeletal muscle mass (SMM) and peak oxygen consumption (V˙O2peak ); an independent predictor of all-cause mortality. We investigated the association b... Read More about Low skeletal muscle mass is associated with low aerobic capacity and increased mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease - a CARE CR study.

The prevalence and influence of psychosocial factors on technical refinement amongst highly-skilled tennis players (2018)
Journal Article
Toner, J., Carson, H. J., Collins, D., & Nicholls, A. (2020). The prevalence and influence of psychosocial factors on technical refinement amongst highly-skilled tennis players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 18(2), 201-217.

The present study investigated the prevalence and influence of psychosocial factors amongst a sample of highly-skilled athletes who had previously attempted to refine their technique. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with eight t... Read More about The prevalence and influence of psychosocial factors on technical refinement amongst highly-skilled tennis players.

Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat (2018)
Journal Article
Aldous, J. W. F., Chrismas, B. C. R., Akubat, I., Stringer, C. A., Abt, G., & Taylor, L. (2019). Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 19(2), 156-165.

This investigation examined the effects of three pre-match and half-time cooling manoeuvres on physical performance and associated physiological and perceptual responses in eight University soccer players during a non-motorised treadmill based indivi... Read More about Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat.

Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports (2018)
Journal Article
Malone, J. J., Harper, L. D., Jones, B., Perry, J., Barnes, C., & Towlson, C. (2019). Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports. European journal of sport science : the official journal of the European College of Sport Science, 19(2), 147-155.

The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of both academics and practitioners in relation to forming applied collaborative sport science research within team sports. Ninety-three participants who had previously engaged in collaborative... Read More about Perspectives of applied collaborative sport science research within professional team sports.

Test-Retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the Back Squat and Bench Press (2018)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Metcalfe, J. W., Vince, R. V., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., & Liefeith, A. (2020). Test-Retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the Back Squat and Bench Press. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 34(3), 728-737.

This study examined the test-retest reliability of the GymAware PowerTool (GYM) to measure velocity and power in the free-weight back squat and bench press. Twenty-nine academy rugby league players (age: 17.6 ± 1.0 years; body mass: 87.3 ± 20.8 kg) c... Read More about Test-Retest reliability of a commercial linear position transducer (GymAware PowerTool) to measure velocity and power in the Back Squat and Bench Press.

Relationships between walking speed, T-score and age with gait parameters in older post-menopausal women with low bone mineral density (2018)
Journal Article
Dostanpor, A., Dobson, C. A., & Vanicek, N. (2018). Relationships between walking speed, T-score and age with gait parameters in older post-menopausal women with low bone mineral density. Gait and Posture, 64, 230-237.

Background: The gait patterns of women with low bone mineral density (BMD) or osteoporosis have not been thoroughly explored, and when examined, often studied in relation to falls and kyphosis. Research question: The aim of this study was to investig... Read More about Relationships between walking speed, T-score and age with gait parameters in older post-menopausal women with low bone mineral density.

Do predictive relationships exist between postural control and falls efficacy in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users? (2018)
Journal Article
Barnett, C. T., Vanicek, N., & Rusaw, D. F. (2018). Do predictive relationships exist between postural control and falls efficacy in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users?. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 99(11), 2271-2278.

Objective: To assess whether variables from a postural control test relate to and predict falls efficacy in prosthesis users.

Design: Twelve-month within and between subjects repeated measures design. Participants performed the Limits of Stability... Read More about Do predictive relationships exist between postural control and falls efficacy in unilateral transtibial prosthesis users?.

Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press (2018)
Journal Article
Orange, S. T., Metcalfe, J. W., Liefeith, A., Marshall, P., Madden, L. A., Fewster, C. R., & Vince, R. V. (2019). Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 33(9), 2398-2408.

Orange, ST, Metcalfe, JW, Liefeith, A, Marshall, P, Madden, LA, Fewster, CR, and Vince, RV. Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press. J Strength Cond Res 33(9): 2398-2408,... Read More about Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press.

Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study (2018)
Journal Article
Nichols, S., Taylor, C., Page, R., Kallvikbacka-Bennett, A., Nation, F., Goodman, T., Clark, A. L., Carroll, S., & Ingle, L. (2018). Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study. Sports Medicine - Open, 4(1),

© 2018, The Author(s). Background: Higher cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with lower morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). The mechanisms for this are not fully understood. A more favourable cardiometabo... Read More about Is cardiorespiratory fitness related to cardiometabolic health and all-cause mortality risk in patients with coronary heart disease? A CARE CR study.