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All Outputs (151)

The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse (2024)
Book Chapter
Green, S., & Heys, A. (2024). The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse. In M. Krambia Kapardis, C. Clark, A. Warria, & M. Dion (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery (359-380). Palgrave Macmillan.

Victims of modern slavery are poorly understood and badly counted. This is because modern slavery is a vague, contested and largely invisible crime. When it does reach the political and public conscience it is usually in the context of illegal migrat... Read More about The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse.

The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War (2024)
Burnard, T., Hart, E., & Houllemare, M. (Eds.). (2024). The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War. Oxford University Press.

This handbook contains 38 essays that provide up-to-date scholarship on all aspects of the globally important Seven Years' War (1756-1763). The volume carefully examines the three major areas of conflict in the war -- Europe, South Asia, and the Amer... Read More about The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War.

Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence (2024)
Journal Article
Heys, A., Veldhuizen Ochodničanová, E., Veldhuizen Ochodničanová, E. M., & Muraszkiewicz, J. (2024). Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence. Journal of Human Trafficking, Enslavement and Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, 5(1), 275-303.

This paper analyses the motivation behind military commanders’ perpetration, facilitation and tolerance of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), and considers the decision making behind the imposing of punitive measures.
It begins by investigati... Read More about Behind Battle Lines Analysing Commanders' Decisions Around Conflict-Related Sexual Violence And Exploitation And Their Penal Consequence.

Child Trafficking and the Complexities of Implementing the CRC in West Africa (2024)
Book Chapter
Ogunniyi, D. (2024). Child Trafficking and the Complexities of Implementing the CRC in West Africa. In S. S. F. Regilme Jr. (Ed.), Children's rights in crisis: Multidisciplinary, transnational, and comparative perspectives. Manchester University Press.

Although numerous studies have been conducted on trafficking in persons in recent years (Hodge 2014; Hoffman and Abidde 2021; Stoyanova 2017; Weitzer 2015), the global and institutional forces reinforcing child trafficking in West Afric... Read More about Child Trafficking and the Complexities of Implementing the CRC in West Africa.

Shifting the perspective on labor exploitation: Non-commercial organizations’ contribution toward supply chain governance (2024)
Journal Article
Shirgholami, Z., Cole, R., & Aitken, J. (in press). Shifting the perspective on labor exploitation: Non-commercial organizations’ contribution toward supply chain governance. Journal of Supply Chain Management,

Labor exploitation persists within global supply chains regardless of governmental legislation, private governance mechanisms, and increasing consumer demands. Notably, non-commercial organizations have been lauded as potential facilitators of improv... Read More about Shifting the perspective on labor exploitation: Non-commercial organizations’ contribution toward supply chain governance.

"Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom (2024)
Nghishitende, N. J. "Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis provides insights into the journeys of women who have left situations classified as modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) and are remodelling their lives in the UK. Employing critical methodologies, this thesis utilises narrative an... Read More about "Freedom is a constant struggle”: Women’s journeys after modern slavery in the United Kingdom.

Armed Conflict-induced Displacement and Human Trafficking in the Sahel: Organised crime, vulnerabilities, and the accountability of non-state armed groups (2024)
Journal Article
Ogunniyi, D. (2024). Armed Conflict-induced Displacement and Human Trafficking in the Sahel: Organised crime, vulnerabilities, and the accountability of non-state armed groups. Anti-Trafficking Review, 22, 74-90.

Although organised criminal networks and non-state armed groups (NSAGs) have historically exploited conflict situations to commit various crimes, the extent of human trafficking by these entities in the Sahel has barely been interrogated in academic... Read More about Armed Conflict-induced Displacement and Human Trafficking in the Sahel: Organised crime, vulnerabilities, and the accountability of non-state armed groups.

The investigation and representation of multi-perpetrator child sexual exploitation (CSE) in England and Wales (2024)
Colley, S. The investigation and representation of multi-perpetrator child sexual exploitation (CSE) in England and Wales. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores the challenges of investigating multi-perpetrator child sexual exploitation (CSE). There is a lack of overall knowledge of who the offenders are within this form of sexual offending against children. This research addresses this... Read More about The investigation and representation of multi-perpetrator child sexual exploitation (CSE) in England and Wales.

Settler Colonialism and early American History (2024)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T., & Delahaye, A. (2024). Settler Colonialism and early American History. In E. Peyrol-Kleiber, L. Roper, B. Van Ruymbeke, & A. Delahaye (Eds.), Agents of European Overseas Empires: Private Colonisers, 1450-1800 (153-178). Manchester University Press.

Agents of European overseas empires involves contributors who specialise on often overlooked aspects of imperial endeavour: 'private' European interests, companies, merchants or courtiers, who conducted their own activities both with and without the... Read More about Settler Colonialism and early American History.

Climate Change and the Modern Slavery Conundrum in Africa: Reimagining the Relevance of Human Rights Law (2024)
Journal Article
Ogunniyi, D. (2024). Climate Change and the Modern Slavery Conundrum in Africa: Reimagining the Relevance of Human Rights Law. Human Rights Law Review, 24(1), Article ngad043.

Although climate change is among the main ecological crisis the world is grappling with today, relevant discourses on the subject often focus exclusively on the existential threats it presents ignoring other associated risks, including how it exacerb... Read More about Climate Change and the Modern Slavery Conundrum in Africa: Reimagining the Relevance of Human Rights Law.

Slave Registers and British Guiana: Life and Resistance on Slave Plantations (2023)
Journal Article
Burnard, T., & Coffey, J. (2023). Slave Registers and British Guiana: Life and Resistance on Slave Plantations. Histories of People and Place, 18(1-2), 43-65.

Slave registers are a major source for the study of British colonial slavery in its final two decades, yet they have been little used by historians. The article employs two case studies to show how these records allow us to reconstruct a collective p... Read More about Slave Registers and British Guiana: Life and Resistance on Slave Plantations.

Reconciling British child deportation to Australia 1913-1970: apologies, memorials, and family reunions (2023)
Baker, J. Reconciling British child deportation to Australia 1913-1970: apologies, memorials, and family reunions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In 1986, Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, received a letter from a former child migrant called Mary, who had been deported to Australia at the age of six. Mary pleaded with Humphreys to help her be reunited with her birth family.... Read More about Reconciling British child deportation to Australia 1913-1970: apologies, memorials, and family reunions.

'Not quickly cleansed' Bids for Freedom by Former Slaves in Mombasa and the Coastal Strip of Kenya (2023)
Farah, F. 'Not quickly cleansed' Bids for Freedom by Former Slaves in Mombasa and the Coastal Strip of Kenya. (Thesis). University of Hull.

My research deals with slavery and its legacies in Mombasa, Kenya. The ethnic tensions that exist today in Mombasa have their roots in two historical legacies, slavery and colonialism. Seeds of inequalities planted during those two periods still dict... Read More about 'Not quickly cleansed' Bids for Freedom by Former Slaves in Mombasa and the Coastal Strip of Kenya.

The Other British Colonies (2023)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2023). The Other British Colonies. In W. Klooster (Ed.), The Enlightenment and the British Colonies (248-68). Cambridge University Press.

Britain had a substantial Atlantic empire during the era of the Atlantic Revolutions. Only some of their Atlantic colonies joined in the colonial rebellion that led to the creation of the United States. The end of the American Revolution signaled a n... Read More about The Other British Colonies.

Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement, by Andrea Nicholson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, xix, 233 pp., £75 (Hardback), ISBN 9781316510803 (2023)
Journal Article
Heys, A. (online). Bearing Witness: Contemporary Slave Narratives and the Global Antislavery Movement, by Andrea Nicholson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, xix, 233 pp., £75 (Hardback), ISBN 9781316510803. Slavery & Abolition, 44(3), 577-579.

Evaluation of Humberside Serious & Organised Crime Community Coordinator (SOC CC) (2023)
Santorso, S., Laverick, W., Kidd, A., & Dal Santo, L. P. Evaluation of Humberside Serious & Organised Crime Community Coordinator (SOC CC). Home Office

The principal purpose of this project was to evaluate the Serious and Organised Crime Community Coordinator (SOC CC) in Grimsby and Hull. The Home Office’s SOC CC project has aimed to bring together all the existing support of the stat... Read More about Evaluation of Humberside Serious & Organised Crime Community Coordinator (SOC CC).

The UK's statutory defence for victims of modern slavery and its narrow understanding of victimhood (2023)
Journal Article
Heys, A. (online). The UK's statutory defence for victims of modern slavery and its narrow understanding of victimhood. Journal of Criminal Law,

The Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings stipulates a ‘non-punishment principle’ which provides for the possibility of not imposing penalties on victims for crimes they were compelled to commit. This paper invest... Read More about The UK's statutory defence for victims of modern slavery and its narrow understanding of victimhood.