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The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War (2024)
Burnard, T., Hart, E., & Houllemare, M. (Eds.). (2024). The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War. Oxford University Press.

This handbook contains 38 essays that provide up-to-date scholarship on all aspects of the globally important Seven Years' War (1756-1763). The volume carefully examines the three major areas of conflict in the war -- Europe, South Asia, and the Amer... Read More about The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years War.

From "Little Better than Slaves" to "Cowskin Heroes": Poor White People in Jamaica, 1655-1782 (2021)
Burnard, T. (2021). From "Little Better than Slaves" to "Cowskin Heroes": Poor White People in Jamaica, 1655-1782. EB-Verlag

The principal axes along which seventeenth and eighteenth-century Jamaica divided were those of colour and of freedom. By the late eighteenth century, it became axiomatic that all Protestant whites were free and that all blacks were either enslaved o... Read More about From "Little Better than Slaves" to "Cowskin Heroes": Poor White People in Jamaica, 1655-1782.

Jamaica in the Age of Revolution (2020)
Burnard, T. (2020). Jamaica in the Age of Revolution. University of Pennsylvania Press (Penn Press)

Between the start of the Seven Years' War in 1756 and the onset of the French Revolution in 1789, Jamaica was the richest and most important colony in British America. White Jamaican slaveowners presided over a highly productive economic system, a pr... Read More about Jamaica in the Age of Revolution.

The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica (2016)
Burnard, T., & Garrigus, J. (2016). The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica. University of Pennsylvania Press (Penn Press).

Jamaica and Saint-Domingue were especially brutal but conspicuously successful eighteenth-century slave societies and imperial colonies. These plantation regimes were, to adopt a metaphor of the era, complex "machines," finely tuned over time by plan... Read More about The Plantation Machine: Atlantic Capitalism in French Saint-Domingue and British Jamaica.