Conceptualizing the exploitation of human trafficking
Book Chapter
Allain, J. (2018). Conceptualizing the exploitation of human trafficking. In The SAGE handbook of human trafficking and modern day slavery. SAGE Publications
All Outputs (11)
What is forced labour? A practical guide for humanities and social science research (2018)
Book Chapter
Allain, J. (2018). What is forced labour? A practical guide for humanities and social science research. In Researching forced labour in the global economy: methodological challenges and advances. Oxford University Press
Approaching contemporary slavery through an historic lens: an interdisciplinary perspective (2018)
Journal Article
Nelson, R., & Kidd, A. (2018). Approaching contemporary slavery through an historic lens: an interdisciplinary perspective. Journal of modern slavery, 4(2), 1-20This article uses an interdisciplinary approach combining social justice and history to address and offer a response to critiques that argue ‘slavery’ is not an appropriate term for present day cases of extreme exploitation. By analysing the means an... Read More about Approaching contemporary slavery through an historic lens: an interdisciplinary perspective.
Khadduri as gatekeeper of the Islamic Law of Nations? (2018)
Book Chapter
Allain, J. (2018). Khadduri as gatekeeper of the Islamic Law of Nations?. In International law and Islam: historical explorations (127-145). Brill Academic Publishers. chapter demonstrates the discrepancy between Majid Khadduri’s representation of Muhammad Shaybani and the Siyar – the Islamic Law of Nations – in his 1966 The Islamic Law of Nations, and that found in Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi’s 1998 translation of Sh... Read More about Khadduri as gatekeeper of the Islamic Law of Nations?.
Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s (2018)
Journal Article
Burnard, T., & Candlin, K. (2018). Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s. Journal of British Studies, 57(4), 760-782.© 2018 The North American Conference on British Studies. Sir John Gladstone made a fortune as a Demerara sugar-planter and a key supporter of the British policy of amelioration in which slavery would be improved by making it more humane. Unlike resid... Read More about Sir John Gladstone and the Debate over the Amelioration of Slavery in the British West Indies in the 1820s.
Living costs, real incomes and inequality in colonial Jamaica (2018)
Journal Article
Burnard, T., Panza, L., & Williamson, J. (2019). Living costs, real incomes and inequality in colonial Jamaica. Explorations in Economic History, 71, 55-71.© 2018 This paper provides the first quantitative assessment of colonial Jamaican real incomes and income inequality. We collect local prices to construct cost of living and purchasing power parity indicators. The latter lowers Jamaica's GDP per capi... Read More about Living costs, real incomes and inequality in colonial Jamaica.
Contemporary Slavery in Historical Perspective (2018)
Book Chapter
Richardson, D. (2018). Contemporary Slavery in Historical Perspective. In E. Swanson, & J. Brewer Stewart (Eds.), Human Bondage and Abolition: New Histories of Past and Present Slaveries (41-73). Cambridge University Press.
The Victim, the Villain and the Rescuer: the trafficking of women and contemporary abolition (2018)
Journal Article
Faulkner, E. A. (2018). The Victim, the Villain and the Rescuer: the trafficking of women and contemporary abolition. Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development, 1-14. term as morally and politically loaded as ‘modern day slave trade’ inevitably provokes strong and emotive responses. From the current Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) (António Guterres) to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (There... Read More about The Victim, the Villain and the Rescuer: the trafficking of women and contemporary abolition.
At the limits of cultural heritage rights? The Glasgow Bajuni Campaign and the UK immigration system: a case study (2018)
Journal Article
Hill, E. C., Craith, M. N., & Clopot, C. (2018). At the limits of cultural heritage rights? The Glasgow Bajuni Campaign and the UK immigration system: a case study. International Journal of Cultural Property, 25(1), 35-58. 2003, the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO ICH Convention) formalized provision for forms of heritage not solely rooted in the material world. This expanded the scope and accessibility of cultural heritage ri... Read More about At the limits of cultural heritage rights? The Glasgow Bajuni Campaign and the UK immigration system: a case study.
A voice for slaves: The office of the fiscal in berbice and the beginning of protection in the british empire, 1819–1834 (2018)
Journal Article
Burnard, T. (2018). A voice for slaves: The office of the fiscal in berbice and the beginning of protection in the british empire, 1819–1834. Pacific Historical Review, 87(1), 30-53.© 2018 by the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association. All rights reserved. This article examines the office of the Fiscal in Berbice (later British Guiana) between 1819 and 1834—a period encompassing amelioration and emancipation. It l... Read More about A voice for slaves: The office of the fiscal in berbice and the beginning of protection in the british empire, 1819–1834.
Never-married women and credit in early modern England (2018)
Book Chapter
Spicksley, J. M. (2018). Never-married women and credit in early modern England. In Women and credit in pre-industrial Europe (227-252). Brepols Publishers. article begins with a discussion of the credit activities of women in early modern England in general, before moving to look more specifically at those of never-married women, through examination of a sample of 323 never-married women's probate... Read More about Never-married women and credit in early modern England.