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A life or “good death” situation? A worldwide ecological study of the national contexts of countries that have and have not implemented palliative care (2018)
Journal Article
Clark, J., Barnes, A., Campbell, M., & Gardiner, C. (2019). A life or “good death” situation? A worldwide ecological study of the national contexts of countries that have and have not implemented palliative care. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(4), 793-801.

Context: Palliative care advocates argue that service implementation is feasible in all settings. Yet, services have developed patchily in low- and middle-income settings. Beyond Human Development Index indicators, there has been limited engagement w... Read More about A life or “good death” situation? A worldwide ecological study of the national contexts of countries that have and have not implemented palliative care.

Finding a ‘new normal’ following acute illness: A qualitative study of influences on frail older people’s care preferences (2018)
Journal Article
Etkind, S. N., Lovell, N., Nicholson, C. J., Higginson, I. J., & Murtagh, F. E. (2019). Finding a ‘new normal’ following acute illness: A qualitative study of influences on frail older people’s care preferences. Palliative medicine, 33(3), 301-311.

Background: The frail older population is growing, and many frail older people have episodes of acute illness. Patient preferences are
increasingly considered important in the delivery of person-centred care and may change following acute illness.
Ai... Read More about Finding a ‘new normal’ following acute illness: A qualitative study of influences on frail older people’s care preferences.

Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Miller, J., Wells, L., Nwulu, U., Currow, D., Johnson, M. J., & Skipworth, R. J. (2018). Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 108(6), 1196-1208.

Background: There is great overlap between the presentation of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition. Distinguishing between these conditions would allow for better targeted treatment for patients. Objectives: The aim was to systematically review va... Read More about Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review.

Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial (2018)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Rees, S., Young, A., Maraveyas, A., Date, K., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial. Palliative medicine, 33(5), 510-517.

Background: Cancer patients have a four- to fivefold greater risk of thrombosis than the general population. Recommended treatment for cancer-associated thrombosis is 3–6 months of low-molecular-weight heparin. The ‘select-d’ trial is an open-label,... Read More about Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial.

Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study (2018)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Allgar, V., Boland, E. G., Kaasa, S., Hjermstad, M. J., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study. Palliative medicine, 33(2), 206-212.

Background: Performance status, a predictor of cancer survival, and ability to maintain independent living deteriorate in advanced disease. Understanding predictors of performance status trajectory could help identify those at risk of functional dete... Read More about Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study.

Symptoms and concerns among children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: A systematic review highlighting meaningful health outcomes (2018)
Journal Article
Namisango, E., Bristowe, K., Allsop, M. J., Murtagh, F. E., Abas, M., Higginson, I. J., Downing, J., & Harding, R. (2019). Symptoms and concerns among children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: A systematic review highlighting meaningful health outcomes. Patient, 12(1), 15-55.

The design and provision of quality pediatric palliative care should prioritize issues that matter to children and their families for optimal outcomes.

This review aims to identify symptoms, concerns and outcomes that matter to... Read More about Symptoms and concerns among children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: A systematic review highlighting meaningful health outcomes.

The conceptual models and mechanisms of action that underpin advance care planning for cancer patients: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials (2018)
Journal Article
Lin, C.-P., Evans, C. J., Koffman, J., Armes, J., Murtagh, F. E., & Harding, R. (2019). The conceptual models and mechanisms of action that underpin advance care planning for cancer patients: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Palliative medicine, 33(1), 5-23.

Background: No systematic review has focused on conceptual models underpinning advance care planning for patients with advanced
cancer, and the mechanisms of action in relation to the intended outcomes.
Aim: To appraise conceptual models and develop... Read More about The conceptual models and mechanisms of action that underpin advance care planning for cancer patients: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials.

Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, P., Johnson, M. J., & Dowding, D. W. (in press). Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study. BMJ supportive & palliative care,

Objectives To improve the ability of clinical staff to recognise end of life in hospital inpatients dying as a result of cancer and heart failure, and to generate new hypotheses for further research.

Methods This mixed-methods study used decision th... Read More about Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study.

Systematic literature review on the delays in the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cluster headache (2018)
Journal Article
Buture, A., Ahmed, F., Dikomitis, L., & Boland, J. W. (2018). Systematic literature review on the delays in the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cluster headache. Neurological Sciences, 40(1), 25–39.

Patients with cluster headache (CH), the most common trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia, often face delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis and mismanagement.

To identify, appraise and synthesise clinical studies on the delays in diagn... Read More about Systematic literature review on the delays in the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cluster headache.

Building programme theory to develop more adaptable and scalable complex interventions: Realist formative process evaluation prior to full trial (2018)
Journal Article
Brand, S. L., Quinn, C., Pearson, M., Lennox, C., Owens, C., Kirkpatrick, T., Callaghan, L., Stirzaker, A., Michie, S., Maguire, M., Shaw, J., & Byng, R. (2019). Building programme theory to develop more adaptable and scalable complex interventions: Realist formative process evaluation prior to full trial. Evaluation, 25(2), 149-170.

Medical Research Council guidelines recognise the need to optimise complex interventions prior to full trial through greater understanding of underlying theory and formative process evaluation, yet there are few examples. A realist approach to format... Read More about Building programme theory to develop more adaptable and scalable complex interventions: Realist formative process evaluation prior to full trial.

Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Pinto, C., Bristowe, K., Witt, J., Davies, J. M., de Wolf-Linder, S., Dawkins, M., Guo, P., Higginson, I. J., Daveson, B., & Murtagh, F. E. (2018). Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study. Annals of palliative medicine, 7(s3), S137-S150.

Background: Routine use of outcome measures in palliative care is recommended to demonstrate and improve quality of care. The use of outcome measures is relatively recent in UK specialist palliative care services and understanding their use in practi... Read More about Perspectives of patients, family caregivers and health professionals on the use of outcome measures in palliative care and lessons for implementation: a multi-method qualitative study.

The Palliative Radiotherapy and Inflammation Study (PRAIS) - protocol for a longitudinal observational multicenter study on patients with cancer induced bone pain (2018)
Journal Article
Habberstad, R., Frøseth, T. C. S., Aass, N., Abramova, T., Baas, T., Mørkeset, S. T., Caraceni, A., Laird, B., Boland, J. W., Rossi, R., Garcia-Alonso, E., Stensheim, H., Loge, J. H., Hjermstad, M. J., Bjerkeset, E., Bye, A., Lund, J.-Å., Solheim, T. S., Vagnildhaug, O. M., Brunelli, C., …Klepstad, P. (2018). The Palliative Radiotherapy and Inflammation Study (PRAIS) - protocol for a longitudinal observational multicenter study on patients with cancer induced bone pain. BMC Palliative Care, 17(1), Article 110.

Radiation therapy (RT) results in pain relief for about 6 of 10 patients with cancer induced bone pain (CIBP) caused by bone metastases. The high number of non-responders, the long median time from RT to pain response and the risk of adver... Read More about The Palliative Radiotherapy and Inflammation Study (PRAIS) - protocol for a longitudinal observational multicenter study on patients with cancer induced bone pain.

National comparative audit of red blood cell transfusion practice in hospices: Recommendations for palliative care practice (2018)
Journal Article
Neoh, K., Gray, R., Grant-Casey, J., Estcourt, L., Malia, C., Boland, J. W., & Bennett, M. I. (2019). National comparative audit of red blood cell transfusion practice in hospices: Recommendations for palliative care practice. Palliative medicine, 33(1), 102-108.

Red blood cell transfusions are commonly used in palliative care to treat anaemia or symptoms caused by anaemia. In patients with advanced disease, there is little evidence of benefit to guide treatment decisions in the face of increased... Read More about National comparative audit of red blood cell transfusion practice in hospices: Recommendations for palliative care practice.

Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis (2018)
Journal Article
Kernick, L., Hogg, K., Millerick, Y., Murtagh, F., Djahit, A., & Johnson, M. (2018). Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Palliative medicine, 32(10), 1539-1551.

BACKGROUND: People with advanced heart failure have repeated hospital admissions. Advance care planning can support patient preferences, but studies in people with heart failure have not been assessed.
AIM: To evaluate the literature regarding advan... Read More about Does advance care planning in addition to usual care reduce hospitalisation for patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.

What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review (2018)
Journal Article
Credland, N., Dyson, J., & Johnson, M. J. (2018). What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review. Applied nursing research : ANR, 44, 39-47.

© 2018 Elsevier Inc. Background: Early Warning Scores were introduced into acute hospitals in 2000. 99% of acute hospitals employ a EWS to monitor deteriorating patients with 97.9% of these linked to a referral protocol. Despite this high level of ad... Read More about What are the patterns of compliance with Early Warning Track and Trigger Tools: A narrative review.