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Transforming primary education through restorative justice : insights from case studies (2019)
Sullivan, M. B. Transforming primary education through restorative justice : insights from case studies. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Restorative justice is an aspirational social movement with Indigenous roots. Around the world, an increasing number of schools are implementing restorative justice as a behaviour management mechanism and in some cases, as a means of transforming eve... Read More about Transforming primary education through restorative justice : insights from case studies.

Moving between what-is and what-might-be? Sustainable international partnership in higher education : perspectives from England and China (2018)
Ma, J. Moving between what-is and what-might-be? Sustainable international partnership in higher education : perspectives from England and China. (Thesis). University of Hull.

One of the ways in which universities relate to the world in the context of internationalisation is through partnership. However, many university partnerships either do not reflect institutional strategic planning, or do not make good use of the indi... Read More about Moving between what-is and what-might-be? Sustainable international partnership in higher education : perspectives from England and China.

An investigation of transnational higher education in Hong Kong : developing transnational intercultural communities of practice (2017)
Lau, T. E. An investigation of transnational higher education in Hong Kong : developing transnational intercultural communities of practice. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Driven by globalisation and neoliberal agendas (GATE, 2000; WTO, 2015), Transnational Higher Education (TNHE) has emerged to meet the educational demand of markets around the world, including those in Hong Kong (Lo, 2017; UK Higher Education Internat... Read More about An investigation of transnational higher education in Hong Kong : developing transnational intercultural communities of practice.

Being a Mongolian student in an ‘enclosed-wall’: an exploration of social identity construction of the Mongolian students in Minzu universities of China (2017)
Wang, L. Being a Mongolian student in an ‘enclosed-wall’: an exploration of social identity construction of the Mongolian students in Minzu universities of China. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Countries with domestic ethnic diversity confront many similar educational challenges: on one side, there is a need to address equalities in the public education system, thus ensuring that minority groups are able to access opportunities in education... Read More about Being a Mongolian student in an ‘enclosed-wall’: an exploration of social identity construction of the Mongolian students in Minzu universities of China.

A case study of the meanings and values of educational research for participants in a Shanghai primary school and a Yorkshire primary school (2017)
Gu, Y. A case study of the meanings and values of educational research for participants in a Shanghai primary school and a Yorkshire primary school. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This is a case study of teaching practitioners in two school settings, one in Shanghai and the other in the Yorkshire region of England. Its focus is on their views and values regarding the use of educational research in relation to their own practic... Read More about A case study of the meanings and values of educational research for participants in a Shanghai primary school and a Yorkshire primary school.

Challenges faced in the Identification of gifted and talented boys in primary schools in a selected region of Saudi Arabia (2017)
Alnwaimis, N. S. Challenges faced in the Identification of gifted and talented boys in primary schools in a selected region of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Saudi Arabia is one of a number of countries worldwide seeking to identify and develop gifted and talented children, as a resource for the country. Scholars in Saudi Arabia have been critical of the government project seeking to identify gifted and t... Read More about Challenges faced in the Identification of gifted and talented boys in primary schools in a selected region of Saudi Arabia.