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All Outputs (2)

An investigation of the uptake of estradiol in the bivalve Mytilus spp. corresponding biological implications and the effect of the addition of Sporopollenin on bioavailability (2019)
Harley, M. A. An investigation of the uptake of estradiol in the bivalve Mytilus spp. corresponding biological implications and the effect of the addition of Sporopollenin on bioavailability. (Thesis). University of Hull.

There has been concern over the past two decades over estrogenic hormones such as 17 α-ethinylestradiol and 17 β-estradiol (E2) in fresh water and marine ecosystems and the risk to aquatic organisms even with low exposure levels. This study is to acc... Read More about An investigation of the uptake of estradiol in the bivalve Mytilus spp. corresponding biological implications and the effect of the addition of Sporopollenin on bioavailability.

Development of a microfluidic device with a screen printed electrode for studies on phase II metabolism (2015)
Vasiliadou, R. Development of a microfluidic device with a screen printed electrode for studies on phase II metabolism. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Simulating human metabolism by electrochemistry (EC) and mass spectrometry (MS) provides an alternative approach to the existing in vitro and in vivo methodologies. Herein, screen printed electrodes (SPEs) were investigated as potent electrochemical... Read More about Development of a microfluidic device with a screen printed electrode for studies on phase II metabolism.