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All Outputs (22)

Perceptions of Chinese top-up students transitioning through a regional UK university : a longitudinal study using portrait methodology (2020)
O'Dea, X. Perceptions of Chinese top-up students transitioning through a regional UK university : a longitudinal study using portrait methodology. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis seeks to gain a good understanding of the academic and social experiences of a group of Chinese top-up students when they are studying their top-up programme in a UK institution. It adopts the U curve model and Bottery’s variation of port... Read More about Perceptions of Chinese top-up students transitioning through a regional UK university : a longitudinal study using portrait methodology.

The wicked problem of prison education : what are the perceptions of two key stakeholder groups on the impact of tame and wicked approaches to prison education? (2017)
Wilkinson, S. F. The wicked problem of prison education : what are the perceptions of two key stakeholder groups on the impact of tame and wicked approaches to prison education?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Today’s prison system in England and Wales has been developed as one solution to the issue of how society should deal with offenders, and part of this approach is to provide an education service that contributes towards the rehabilitation of offender... Read More about The wicked problem of prison education : what are the perceptions of two key stakeholder groups on the impact of tame and wicked approaches to prison education?.

To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions (2016)
Lowes, T. D. To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) holds a government remit to inspect all schools in England under the 2005 Education Act. Ofsted is required to inspect schools on a regular cycle, with the aim of providing information to parents as well... Read More about To what extent do Ofsted inspectors' values influence the inspection process (2005-2012)? : an examination of Ofsted inspectors' perceptions.

The nature of informed bereavement support and death education in selected English primary schools (2015)
James, S. (. O. E. The nature of informed bereavement support and death education in selected English primary schools. (Thesis). University of Hull.

School-based bereavement support provision in England is considered to be improving, but remains problematic (Child Bereavement United Kingdom [CBUK], 2013; Potts, 2013; Holland & McLennan, 2015; Holland & Wilkinson, 2015). Representing an aspect of... Read More about The nature of informed bereavement support and death education in selected English primary schools.

Preliminary factors necessary for effective implementation of cooperative learning, and their prevalence in cooperative learning practice in Saudi Arabia (2015)
Albuhairi, S. S. A. Preliminary factors necessary for effective implementation of cooperative learning, and their prevalence in cooperative learning practice in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

For a number of years, educationalists in Saudi Arabia have criticized the education system, blaming outdated teaching methods for unsatisfactory pupil outcomes. Government rhetoric on education reform advocates a move to new approaches, particularly... Read More about Preliminary factors necessary for effective implementation of cooperative learning, and their prevalence in cooperative learning practice in Saudi Arabia.

Stakeholders’ views of Key areas for Citizenship Education in Libya post-Gaddafi (2014)
Faitur, G. F. Stakeholders’ views of Key areas for Citizenship Education in Libya post-Gaddafi. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates the views of stakeholders on citizenship education in Libya post- Gaddafi. It is the first study on this topic in the Libyan context.
Under Gaddafi, citizenship education was substituted with what was variously called El- Wa... Read More about Stakeholders’ views of Key areas for Citizenship Education in Libya post-Gaddafi.

What kind of space does Sheffield International College provide for its students and principal stakeholders? (2014)
Smith, K. R. What kind of space does Sheffield International College provide for its students and principal stakeholders?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is concerned with one example of the recent phenomenon of International Pathway Colleges, Sheffield International College. It is a case study designed to answer initial questions and identify areas for future research, which uses the lens... Read More about What kind of space does Sheffield International College provide for its students and principal stakeholders?.

To what extent does content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a language-based project approach promote pupil motivation in the teaching of MFL in three secondary schools in England? (2013)
Bower, K. S. To what extent does content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a language-based project approach promote pupil motivation in the teaching of MFL in three secondary schools in England?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research was undertaken at a critical time for language learning in England. From the government’s decision in 2004 to make languages optional in KS4, numbers studying modern foreign languages both in this key stage and within key stage 3 reduce... Read More about To what extent does content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a language-based project approach promote pupil motivation in the teaching of MFL in three secondary schools in England?.

Swimming against the tide : the implementation of philosophy for children in the primary classroom (2013)
O'Riordan, N. Swimming against the tide : the implementation of philosophy for children in the primary classroom. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Philosophy for Children is a cognitive enhancement programme that utilises Socratic questioning and a dialogic pedagogy to develop the reasoning, creativity, social skills and ethical understanding of children. An abundance of research has establishe... Read More about Swimming against the tide : the implementation of philosophy for children in the primary classroom.

The challenges and resolutions of moving middle curriculum managers on to principalship (2012)
Lambert, S. The challenges and resolutions of moving middle curriculum managers on to principalship. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Frearson (2003), Clancy (2005) and Colinson and Colinson (2006) all argue that there is a chronic shortage of suitably experienced candidates pursuing principalship, a situation which is being made worse by an ageing workforce amongst currently servi... Read More about The challenges and resolutions of moving middle curriculum managers on to principalship.

The development of the academies policy, 2000 – 2010 : the influence of democratic values and constitutional practice (2011)
Stevens, R. The development of the academies policy, 2000 – 2010 : the influence of democratic values and constitutional practice. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Understanding the causes and consequences of the speed and the radical nature of secondary school reform in England is the prompt for this PhD inquiry. The hypothesis is that there has been a shift in constitutional practice and a realignment of demo... Read More about The development of the academies policy, 2000 – 2010 : the influence of democratic values and constitutional practice.

English language education at Guangxi University, China:challenges, responses and recommendations (2011)
Liang, W. Y. English language education at Guangxi University, China:challenges, responses and recommendations. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study is concerned with the growing expectation of the quality of English language education in China’s universities under the pressure of globalization as well as a developing Chinese society. Since the 1980s, four national curricula for Englis... Read More about English language education at Guangxi University, China:challenges, responses and recommendations.

The application of phronesis to teaching and quality management : a case study in further education (2011)
Barr, G. (. A. The application of phronesis to teaching and quality management : a case study in further education. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Over the last twenty years Further Education colleges in England have expanded their Higher Education provision significantly. Higher Education in Further Education is a major force accounting for approximately ten percent of Higher Education student... Read More about The application of phronesis to teaching and quality management : a case study in further education.

Developing Greek Cypriot philological teachers' professionalism in the light of existing contextual realities and future educational reforms (2010)
Dieronitou, I. Developing Greek Cypriot philological teachers' professionalism in the light of existing contextual realities and future educational reforms. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines the views of a number of educational actors about the impact of a broad range of educational reforms upon philological Greek Cypriot teachers' professionalism. The empirical component of the study gathers evidence from a variety... Read More about Developing Greek Cypriot philological teachers' professionalism in the light of existing contextual realities and future educational reforms.

Prospects and politics of professional power in England: an exploration of the state of teaching as a profession following the birth of the General Teaching Council for England (2010)
Wilkinson, G. P. Prospects and politics of professional power in England: an exploration of the state of teaching as a profession following the birth of the General Teaching Council for England. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines the status of teaching as a profession following the establishment of the General Teaching Council for England in 2000. After developing a theoretical framework for analysing the concept of profession, and addressing some of the... Read More about Prospects and politics of professional power in England: an exploration of the state of teaching as a profession following the birth of the General Teaching Council for England.

The implementation of cooperative learning: a case study of cooperative learning in a networked learning community (2010)
Jolliffe, W. The implementation of cooperative learning: a case study of cooperative learning in a networked learning community. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis presents a case study of the implementation of cooperative learning in a networked learning community of two secondary schools and eight primary schools in the north of England. How this came about in a context of national educational pre... Read More about The implementation of cooperative learning: a case study of cooperative learning in a networked learning community.

eLearning and the crisis of mission in British universities (2007)
Williams, 1948 December 2, P. eLearning and the crisis of mission in British universities. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In the first decade of the twenty-first century Higher Education in Britain faces an uncertain future, in what, as will be discussed, some commentators have referred to as a ‘crisis of mission’. The period of relative homogeneity and state-funded pro... Read More about eLearning and the crisis of mission in British universities.