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Sustainable livelihoods of forest fringe communities: forests, trees and household livelihood strategies in southern Ghana (2003)
Acheampong, E. Sustainable livelihoods of forest fringe communities: forests, trees and household livelihood strategies in southern Ghana. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Forests play fundamental roles in supporting rural livelihoods in Ghana. They form an integral part of the rural economy, providing subsistence goods and services as well as items of trade. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) contribute in many ways t... Read More about Sustainable livelihoods of forest fringe communities: forests, trees and household livelihood strategies in southern Ghana.

Water resources management in the eastern Caribbean : a study of the two small island developing states, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados (2003)
McMillan, S. A. Water resources management in the eastern Caribbean : a study of the two small island developing states, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Water resource management is currently an issue of major significance at a global level both in terms of policy-making and academia. Small island states represent a special group, with Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados, even more particular cases. Dev... Read More about Water resources management in the eastern Caribbean : a study of the two small island developing states, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados.