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Constitutional institutions are splendid things : an analysis of the Conservative Party's constitutional positions From 1832 To 2020 (2022)
Pitt, D. Constitutional institutions are splendid things : an analysis of the Conservative Party's constitutional positions From 1832 To 2020. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The Conservative Party is the most electorally successful party in British policies. It has been the party of Government more than its political rivals. This is an important fact for the study of the British constitution or the policies of any Britis... Read More about Constitutional institutions are splendid things : an analysis of the Conservative Party's constitutional positions From 1832 To 2020.

The crown (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The crown. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (374-397). (10th ed.). Routledge.

The crown is the symbol of all executive authority. In Anglo-Saxon and Norman times, the formal power that the crown conferred – executive, legislative and judicial – was exercised personally by the monarch. The monarchy predates by several centuries... Read More about The crown.

Ministers, departments and civil servants (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). Ministers, departments and civil servants. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (504-526). (10th ed.). Routledge.

Departments form the building blocks of British government. The capacity for ministers to determine policy has been increasingly constrained by external pressures, but ministers remain significant players in policy-making. The number of civil servant... Read More about Ministers, departments and civil servants.

The house of commons under pressure (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The house of commons under pressure. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (434-448). (10th ed.). Routledge.

The House of Commons fulfils a range of functions, but its capacity to do so effectively has been the subject of controversy. Members of Parliament (MPs) are called on to carry out the functions of the House of Commons. The increase in demands on MPs... Read More about The house of commons under pressure.

The judiciary (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The judiciary. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (560-583). (10th ed.). Routledge.

The power of judicial review thus provides the judiciary with a potentially significant role in the policy cycle. There has been a growth in judicial activism, preceding significant constitutional changes that have generated a new role for the judici... Read More about The judiciary.

The changing constitution (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The changing constitution. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (348-373). Routledge.

Demands for reform of the constitution grew. Many of those demands were met by the Labour Government elected in May 1997, with major changes being made to the constitutional framework of the country. Less expectedly, more constitutional change took p... Read More about The changing constitution.

The core executive: The Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The core executive: The Prime Minister and Cabinet. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (484-503). (10th ed.). Routledge.

The Prime Minister and Cabinet came to form the heart of government – the core executive – in the United Kingdom. The emergence of a powerful Prime Minister and Cabinet was marked in the nineteenth century. In the eighteenth century the person holdin... Read More about The core executive: The Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The house of commons at work (2021)
Book Chapter
Norton, P. (2021). The house of commons at work. In B. Jones, P. Norton, & I. Hertner (Eds.), Politics UK (398-432). (10th ed.). Routledge.

The House of Commons has its origins in the thirteenth century. At various times, it has played a powerful role in the affairs of the nation. Its most consistent activity has been to check the executive power. For the House of Commons, though, the de... Read More about The house of commons at work.

The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies (2020)
Norton, P. (Ed.). (2020). The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies. Routledge

The Impact of Legislatures brings together key articles and path-breaking scholarship published in The Journal of Legislative Studies during its first 25 years of publication, enabling the reader to make sense of the impact of legislatures in the mod... Read More about The Impact of Legislatures : A Quarter-Century of The Journal of Legislative Studies.

The Parliament (No.2) Bill : victim of the Labour Party's constitutional conservatism? (2019)
Green, L. D. The Parliament (No.2) Bill : victim of the Labour Party's constitutional conservatism?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis assesses the failure of the UK House of Commons to pass an item of legislation: the Parliament (No. 2) Bill 1968. The Bill was an attempt by the Labour Government 1964-70 at wholesale reform of the House of Lords. Government bills would n... Read More about The Parliament (No.2) Bill : victim of the Labour Party's constitutional conservatism?.

Politics UK (2018)
Jones, B., Hertner, I., & Norton, P. (2018). B. Jones, P. Norton, & O. Daddow (Eds.). Politics UK. Routledge.

This revised and updated tenth edition of the bestselling textbook Politics UK is an indispensable introduction to British politics. It provides a thorough and accessible overview of the institutions and processes of British government, an excellent... Read More about Politics UK.

Does the National People's Congress matter? : executive-legislative relations in the Chinese legislative process (2015)
Chen, W. Does the National People's Congress matter? : executive-legislative relations in the Chinese legislative process. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research focuses on executive-legislative relations in China. By exploring the evolution of executive-legislative relations in China, the mechanism and factors that shape executive-legislative relations are critically analysed from the perspecti... Read More about Does the National People's Congress matter? : executive-legislative relations in the Chinese legislative process.

The vertical and horizontal accountability in the Malawi parliamentary democracy (2015)
Kameme, W. S. The vertical and horizontal accountability in the Malawi parliamentary democracy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

…the future is that; I think we have hit rock bottom and that the only way we can go now is not down but up. I have hope. I have told Malawians that we need to look into the future with hope and I know that we shall be fine. What I am implying here i... Read More about The vertical and horizontal accountability in the Malawi parliamentary democracy.

Does parliamentary development assistance matter? : an examination of the aid effectiveness in parliamentary oversight (2014)
Kabir, A. H. M. Does parliamentary development assistance matter? : an examination of the aid effectiveness in parliamentary oversight. (Thesis). University of Hull.

As the central institution of democracy, parliaments embody the will of the people in government, and carry all their expectations that democracy will be truly responsive to their needs and help solve the most pressing problems that confront them in... Read More about Does parliamentary development assistance matter? : an examination of the aid effectiveness in parliamentary oversight.

Institutional development of the Chinese National People's Congress (1978-89) : intellectual perspectives (2013)
Yan, X. Institutional development of the Chinese National People's Congress (1978-89) : intellectual perspectives. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research focuses on the institutional development of the National People’s Congress (NPC) in the period 1978-89, which was approximately the initial decade of the Post-Mao period of Chinese politics. For the NPC, this period saw the sharpest ins... Read More about Institutional development of the Chinese National People's Congress (1978-89) : intellectual perspectives.

Do committees make a difference? : an examination of the viscosity of legislative committees in the British House of Commons (2013)
Thompson, L. Do committees make a difference? : an examination of the viscosity of legislative committees in the British House of Commons. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Public bill committees in the British House of Commons play a crucial role in the scrutiny of government legislation. The reform of the bill committee system in 2006 and the introduction of oral evidence taking as a standard procedure significantly r... Read More about Do committees make a difference? : an examination of the viscosity of legislative committees in the British House of Commons.

Introduction (2012)
Book Chapter
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2012). Introduction. In P. Norton (Ed.), Eminent parliamentarians: the Speaker's lectures (1-11). Biteback Publishing

The introduction chapter explains why genre study provides a compelling theoretical and methodological framework for studying East Asian and transnational cinemas. It presents an overview of the development of genre study and identifies three interre... Read More about Introduction.

A century of constitutional reform (2011)
Norton, P. (2011). P. Norton (Ed.). A century of constitutional reform. Wiley

A Century of Constitutional Reform is a detailed study of the introduction, passage and consequences of major constitutional legislation in the United Kingdom. The book covers legislation enacted since the passage of the Parliament Act 1911, with con... Read More about A century of constitutional reform.