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All Outputs (23)

Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising (2009)
Book Chapter
Liu, W.-L. (2009). Chinese consumer's attitudes towards advertising. In H. Cheng, & K. K. Chan (Eds.), Advertising and Chinese Society: Impacts and Issues (67-84). Copenhagen Business School Press

Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies (2008)
Book Chapter
Freeman, M., Pearson, R., & Taylor, J. (2008). Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies. In A. Laurence, J. Maltby, & J. Rutterford (Eds.), Women and their money, 1700-1950: Essays on women and finance (95-114). Routledge.

As the pilgrims came to rest on the Enchanted Ground, Mr Stand-fast, in Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1684), told his friends of an encounter on the road.

‘As I was thus musing . . . there was one in very pleasant attire, but old, that presente... Read More about Between Madam Bubble and Kitty Lorimer: Women investors in British and Irish stock companies.

A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Grant, D., Nicholson, J., & A-Jalil, E. E. A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems. In Proceedings of the 19th international symposium on logistics (ISL) 2014

Paper presented at 19th ISL, 2014, Ho Chi Minh The essence of the problem with waste is that it is by definition something that is not wanted. We argue here that achieving a sustainable solution requires consideration of both regulatory responsibilit... Read More about A 'symbiosis effect' perspective to understand reverse logistics and household recycling waste systems.