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All Outputs (77)

Shakespeare's Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre (2014)
Clare, J. (2014). Shakespeare's Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre. Cambridge University Press.

Shakespeare's unique status has made critics reluctant to acknowledge the extent to which some of his plays are the outcome of adaptation. In Shakespeare's Stage Traffic Janet Clare re-situates Shakespeare's dramaturgy within the flourishing and comp... Read More about Shakespeare's Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre.

The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part III Volume 14: Essays on European Literature and Culture (2013)
(2013). V. Sanders, & J. Wilkes (Eds.), The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part III Volume 14: Essays on European Literature and Culture. Routledge.

Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographies and historic guides to European cities, and mor... Read More about The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part III Volume 14: Essays on European Literature and Culture.

Chameleon poet: R.S. Thomas and the literary tradition (2013)
Perry, S. (2013). Chameleon poet: R.S. Thomas and the literary tradition. Oxford University Press.

For many decades, R.S. Thomas has been portrayed according to terms that he himself helped to define. Drawing on the poet's status as a passionate defender of the Welsh nation, scholars have followed his lead in emphasising the Welsh credentials and... Read More about Chameleon poet: R.S. Thomas and the literary tradition.

Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale (2013)
Kennedy, D. G., & Kennedy, C. (2013). Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale. Liverpool University Press

The introduction to the recent anthology Infinite Difference: Other poetries by UK women poets noted ‘the still dismissive and gendered critical language often used to describe women's poetry'. This is certainly true in the case of British women's ex... Read More about Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale.

The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part II Volume 5: Literary Criticism 1887-97 (2012)
(2012). V. Sanders, J. Shattock, & J. Wilkes (Eds.), The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part II Volume 5: Literary Criticism 1887-97. Routledge.

Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographies and historic guides to European cities, and mor... Read More about The Selected Works of Margaret Oliphant, Part II Volume 5: Literary Criticism 1887-97.

Records of Girlhood, Volume Two: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Women's Childhoods (2012)
Sanders, V. (2012). Records of Girlhood, Volume Two: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Women's Childhoods. Routledge

In this sequel to her 2000 anthology, Sanders again brings together autobiographical accounts of childhood that show women making sense of the children they were and the women they have become. The collection includes children's authors (Frances Hodg... Read More about Records of Girlhood, Volume Two: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Women's Childhoods.

Writing Wales, from the Renaissance to Romanticism (2012)
Mottram, S., & Prescott, S. (2012). S. Prescott, & S. Mottram (Eds.), Writing Wales, from the Renaissance to Romanticism. Routledge

Writing Wales explores representations of Wales in English and Welsh literatures written across a broad sweep of history, from the union of Wales with England in 1536 to the beginnings of its industrialization at the turn of the nineteenth century. T... Read More about Writing Wales, from the Renaissance to Romanticism.

Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction (2012)
Wynne, C. (2012). C. Wynne (Ed.). Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction. The University of Hull

Though best known as the author of Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker had a successful career in the theatre. This collection brings together all Stoker’s theatrical reviews from Dublin’s Evening Mail, his published essays and interviews on the theatre, sele... Read More about Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction.

Keidrych Rhys: The van pool: Collected poems (2012)
Mundye, C. (2012). Keidrych Rhys: The van pool: Collected poems. Seren Books

This is a scholarly edition of the collected poems of Keidrych Rhys, the Anglo-Welsh modernist poet. It includes an Introduction by Charles Mundye of 8860 words and scholarly apparatus of 8,000 words.

The literary North (2012)
(Ed.). (2012). The literary North. Palgrave

According to George Orwell, the North was 'a strange country'. In a grim, industrial landscape, its working-class inhabitants seem to inhabit a bleak world permanently caught in the piercing gaze of 1930s realism. Stereotypes of the North have been t... Read More about The literary North.

The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere (2012)
Kennedy, D. (2012). The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere. Routledge

Examining a wide range of ekphrastic poems, David Kennedy argues that contemporary British poets writing out of both mainstream and avant-garde traditions challenge established critical models of ekphrasis with work that is more complex than represen... Read More about The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere.

Memoirs of Women Writers, Part I, Volume 2: William Roberts, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Hannah More (1839) (2011)
Fitzer, A. M., & Walker, G. L. (Eds.). (2011). Memoirs of Women Writers, Part I, Volume 2: William Roberts, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Hannah More (1839). Routledge

This book is about Mrs. Hannah More, who had acted as a controversial patron to Ann Yearsley, and had used her own reputation as a poet in support of the abolitionist cause. It is the collaborative effort of Roberts, Bickersteth and Seeley that testi... Read More about Memoirs of Women Writers, Part I, Volume 2: William Roberts, Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Hannah More (1839).