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All Outputs (69)

Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918 (2008)
Biskup, T., & Kohlrausch, M. (2008). Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918. Campus

Die Monarchie wurde 1918 in Deutschland abgeschafft. Aber erlosch damit auch ihre Wirkung? Was hinterließ sie jenseits leerer Throne und wie gingen die Deutschen damit um? In diesem Band wird erstmals untersucht, welche Spuren diese Institution in de... Read More about Das Erbe der Monarchie: Nachwirkungen einer deutschen Institution seit 1918.

Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath (2008)
Smith, S. C. (Ed.). (2008). Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath. Ashgate.

The nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 triggered one of the gravest international crises since the Second World War. The fiftieth anniversary of the Suez crisis in 2006 presented an ideal opportunity to re-visit and reassess this seminal episo... Read More about Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath.

Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier (2007)
Ray, K. (2007). Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier. University of Tennessee Press

During its early years, the frontier region of Middle Tennessee developed from thinly settled outposts to a premier destination for thousands of land-hungry immigrants. The resulting population explosion led to a shift in political power from a small... Read More about Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and popular democracy on the Southwestern Frontier.

Place and Native American Indian history and culture (2007)
Porter, J. (2007). J. Porter (Ed.). Place and Native American Indian history and culture. Peer Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

«Place remains a native concept rich with political meaning for North American culture as a whole, and for the world as a whole. This volume undertakes a broad and deep exploration of what the sense of place has meant in specific Indian cultu... Read More about Place and Native American Indian history and culture.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volume 3: 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811 (2006)
Ray, K., Looney, J., Perdue, S., Haggard, R., & Lautenschlager, J. (2006). The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volume 3: 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811. Princeton University Press.

Volume Three of the definitive edition of Thomas Jefferson's papers from the end of his presidency until his death presents 567 documents covering the period from 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811. Jefferson is now firmly ensconced in retirement at Mont... Read More about The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volume 3: 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811.

Defining the Jacobean Church: The politics of religious controversy, 1603-1625 (2005)
Prior, C. W. (2005). Defining the Jacobean Church: The politics of religious controversy, 1603-1625. Cambridge University Press.

© Charles W. A. Prior 2005 and Cambridge University Press, 2009. Proposing a new model for understanding religious debates in the churches of England and Scotland between 1603 and 1625, Charles Prior sets aside 'narrow' analyses of conflict over pred... Read More about Defining the Jacobean Church: The politics of religious controversy, 1603-1625.

The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature (2005)
Porter, J., & Roemer, K. M. (Eds.). (2005). The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature. Cambridge University Press.

© Cambridge University Press 2005 and 2006. This Companion provides an informative and wide-ranging overview of a relatively new field of literary-cultural studies: Literature of many genres in English by American Indians from the 1770s to the presen... Read More about The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature.

Reconsidering Gallipoli (2004)
Macleod, J. (2004). Reconsidering Gallipoli. Manchester University Press

The British cultural history of the Gallipoli campaign has been overlooked until now - this is a significant book as it offers the first real opportunity for this important campaign to be included in undergraduate courses on WWI. The commemoration of... Read More about Reconsidering Gallipoli.

Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71 (2004)
Smith, S. C. (2004). Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71. Routledge.

© 2004 Simon C. Smith. All rights reserved. Britain's relationship with the Gulf region remains one of the few unexplored episodes in the study of British decolonization. The decision, announced in 1968, to leave the Gulf within three years represent... Read More about Britain's revival and fall in the Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, 1950-71.

Uncovered fields : Perspectives in First World War Studies (2003)
(2003). J. MacLeod, & P. Purseigle (Eds.), Uncovered fields : Perspectives in First World War Studies. Brill Academic Publishers.

This volume presents original research on the military, social and cultural history of the First World War. Inspired by the reinvigoration of this subject area in the last decade, its chapters explore the stresses of waging a war, whose “totalizing l... Read More about Uncovered fields : Perspectives in First World War Studies.

To be Indian: the life of Iroquois-Seneca Arthur Caswell Parker (2001)
Porter, J. (2001). To be Indian: the life of Iroquois-Seneca Arthur Caswell Parker. University of Oklahoma Press

Born on the Seneca Indian Reservation in New York State, Arthur Caswell Parker (1881-1955) was a prominent intellectual leader both within and outside tribal circles. Of mixed Iroquois, Seneca, and Anglican descent, Parker was also a controversial fi... Read More about To be Indian: the life of Iroquois-Seneca Arthur Caswell Parker.

Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers, c.1700-1964 (1999)
Killingray, D., & Omissi, D. (Eds.). (1999). Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers, c.1700-1964. Manchester University Press.

For imperialists, the concept of guardian is specifically to the armed forces that kept watch on the frontiers and in the heartlands of imperial territories. Large parts of Asia and Africa, and the islands of the Pacific and the Caribbean were imperi... Read More about Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers, c.1700-1964.

Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers' Letters, 1914-1918 (1999)
Omissi, D. (1999). Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers' Letters, 1914-1918. Palgrave Macmillan.

Indian soldiers served in France from 1914 to 1918. This book is a selection of their letters. By turns poignant, funny, and almost unbearably moving, these documents vividly evoke the world of the Western Front - as seen through 'subaltern' Indian e... Read More about Indian Voices of the Great War: Soldiers' Letters, 1914-1918.

The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940 (1994)
Omissi, D. (1994). The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940. Palgrave Macmillan.

This is the first scholarly study of the subject for twenty years, and the only one based on extensive archival research. The Indian Army conquered India for the British, and protected the Raj against its enemies within and without. In this evocative... Read More about The Sepoy and the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940.